iOS Sharing Extension works on Device but not in Simulator - ios

I had to delete the Sharing Extension I had in my project and start it over from scratch - its working just fine on my iPhone6 now, but its not showing up in the Simulator - which is very weird.
The Photos App in the Simulator for example is unable to see my App. Same goes for the Settings App: its not seeing my App (there's no on/off switch there to enable it.)
I know I did everything right - cause its working fine on the iPhone - but its still a drag cause testing it on my iPhone just takes longer than it would on the Simulator.
I'm thinking there's some tiny little setting - some little checkbox I need to check somewhere to get it working in the Simulator again - any ideas?


App working fine on simulator but shows multiple parse,semantic and arc errors on ipad

I am trying to run my app on ipad. I have already ran it on simulator and it works absolutely fine on on simulator with no error.But when I try to run it on ipad ,it shows multiple parse,arc and semantic errors and I am sure nothing is wrong in code as it used to work fine on devices too earlier but suddenly has started showing error.I have done the following things to resolve it but nothing worked:
1)quit xcode and start again
2)reboot ipad (clicking power button and home button together until apple icon appears)
Is there any other way to fix it.Kindly give your suggestions.Thanks in advance.

App freezes/behaves strangely when opening FROM App Store

We have an app on the App Store that is experiencing problems.
The app works fine through XCode, the app works fine when launched from the iPhone/iPad/iPod "dock" (the screens with all the apps, not sure what the official name is). However when trying to open the app straight from the App Store by pressing the "Open"-button, the app behaves strangely. The behaviour is also different on different devices.
We have 3 devices we can test on, an iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 10.3.1 (also tested on 10.2.1), an iPad Air 2 running 10.2.1 and an iPod Touch Gen 5 running 9.3.
iPhone behaviour: App opens then gets stuck at a black screen with an empty title bar.
iPad behaviour: App opens, skips the entire first tutorial view and continues to work as it should.
iPod behaviour: App works as it should.
The iPhone 7 Plus running 10.2.1 behaved exactly the same as when it's running 10.3.1.
I have tried finding more information about this problem but have so far been unable to. Have there been any other cases like this, and if so, is there a fix?
My problem ended up being the following. I pass the launchOptions from this function
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
to another function and then check whether it is nil or not. However when it launched from the App Store it wasn't nil, specifically the following key:
[[launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsSourceApplicationKey] isEqual: #""]
It was trying to run code for when the launchOptions aren't nil, when in fact they were, except for that key.

Objects showing in iPhone Sim but not iPad sim

Full disclosure: I'm very new to iOS development.
Using Xcode Version 7.2.1, Swift programming language, targeting 9.0
I have a very simple app. Universal. When running in simulator mode it works fine for any iphone chosen in the simulator. Everything shows up where it's supposed to etc.
When running it in iPad simulators, any of them, the only thing showing up is the navigation bar. All objects that are supposed to show up on the screen, are gone.
When debugging, the objects seem to get created alright.
Maybe there's something to be done in AppDelegate?
As I imagine this is a really noob problem I again like to emphasise that I'm grateful for any suggestions you may have.

iOS simulator change devices not working

So I'm working through the BNR iOS objective c book, and I want to run a project on the iPad simulator. according to the book, I change the deployment device in the general settings for the project target as "universal," which I did.
However when I run and switch to any iPad on the simulator I get drawn back to the main method of my project. The iPad does appear after a delay, but without the app I built. I've set all the views in my xibs to "inferred" but I still can't run my project on iPad.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
This is probably because the app is crashing. it's possible if you created the app without setting it to universal it is missing a storyboard for iPad which would cause a crash and take you to that area. You should look at the console logs and see what is happening. There should be good information in there as to what is missing or why it's crashing right away.

Xcode 4 iPad simulator - changes not showing

When I run a basic HelloWorld app using iPad simulator, none of my GUI changes are showing up. For example, I added a label and a text field, and when I run using the iPhone 4.3 simulator, I see these changes. However, when I run using the iPad 4.3 simulator, I see the original "My Universal App on IPad" text that was part of the boiler plate xib that XCode generated when I created the project.
What am I doing wrong?
Sometimes there are issues with syncing resources - if you either delete the app from within the simulator, or just do a reset on the simulator all should be well.
If that (or possible a clean and re-build) doesn't sort it, then I suspect the problem lies within the resource handling code itself.
I tried using a different project type and it seemed to work ok on the iPad simulator. Not sure why though.
