Dart number_format.dart suddenly won't compile - dart

I made a small change in my server code not related to formatting numbers and now the dart library number_format.dart won't compile giving me 12 errors and two warnings. number_format is in intl as noted in the comments and the first error is at line 106. Some or most of the other errors appear to cascade from a first error.
Does anyone know how I may resolve this? I presume I need to edit something in my yaml file.
If I choose Tools-> Pub Upgrade then I get the pre-build Problems below This weekend I could choose Tools->Pub Build - Debug but at the moment this does not work. Deleting .pub and following Günter Zöchbauer's suggestion allowed me to do a build Sunday - I hope is still does.
Pre-build Problems output:
Line 106: Expected an identifier
Line 106: Expected to find ':'
Line 106: Unexpected token '?'
Line 131: Unexpected token '?'
Line 132: Expected an identifier
Line 132: Expected to find ':'
Line 233: Expected an identifier
Line 233: Expected to find ':'
Line 233: Unexpected token '?'
Line 545: Expected an identifier
Line 545: Expected to find ':'
Line 545: Unexpected token '?'
Line 106: Conditions must have a static type of 'bool'
Line 545: Conditions must have a static type of 'bool'
Line 425: When compiled to JS, this test might return true when the left hand side is an int


Garry's Mod Lua: Errors that request symbols that shouldn't be there?

I've been attempting to make a GMod gamemode, and as usual, lua is being annoying. It's requesting symbols that (as far as I know) shouldn't be there.
The errors:
gamemodes/gmdm/gamemode/init.lua:7: '(' expected near 'player_manager'
Code in question
function GM:PlayerSpawn
player_manager:SetPlayerClass( ply, "player_custom" )
gamemodes/gmdm/gamemode/player_class/player_custom.lua:4: '=' expected near 'player_manager'
1. unknown - gamemodes/gmdm/gamemode/player_class/player_default.lua:4
2. include - [C]:-1
3. unknown - gamemodes/gmdm/gamemode/shared.lua:1
4. include - [C]:-1
5. unknown - gamemodes/gmdm/gamemode/cl_init.lua:1
player_manager:SetPlayerClass( ply, "player_custom", )
(the other file lines it's referring to are the line include ("player_custom.lua") as well as shared.lua in cl_init.lua for some reason?)
gamemodes/gmdm/gamemode/shared.lua:10: attempt to call field 'Class' (a nil value)
1. unknown - gamemodes/gmdm/gamemode/shared.lua:10
player.Class( "player_default" )
player.Class( "player_custom" )
(it complains regardless of if it's Class or CLASS)
I have tried adding the symbols requested around the code but then it complains an unexpected symbol (presumably the ) ) is near the :
This one kind of confused me, as far as I know there's no reason there should be an = there.
As I said, I changed the capitalization, which didn't help.
I've been following the code from https://wiki.facepunch.com/gmod/Player_Classes as guide if using it as reference helps debug
Thank you very much for your time.

F# FSI "Unexpected compiler generated literal in interaction" with "#I __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__"

If I create a new F# file 'Test.fsx' in VSCode with the line
attempting to run the code in FSI generates the error
Test.fsx(2,4): error FS0010: Unexpected compiler generated literal in interaction. Expected incomplete structured construct at or before this point, ';', ';;' or other token.
Any idea what might be going wrong?
It is a known issue in VS2019, which has been fixed in VS2022.
You may replace the code with
#I "."

Determining ANTLR version to use, or converting between?

I want to take the .g files from Apache Hive and build a parser (targeting JavaScript) -- initially, as just a way to validate user-input Hive queries. The files I'm using come from apache-hive-1.0.0-src\ql\src\java\org\apache\hadoop\hive\ql\parse from the Hive tgz: HiveLexer.g, HiveParser.g, FromClauseParser.g, IdentifiersParser.g, SelectClauseParser.g.
I see no indication within the grammar files which version of ANTLR to use, so I've tried running antlr (from apt-get pccts), antlr3 and antlr4. they all throw errors of some sort, so I have no clue which one to run or if I can (or need to) convert the .g files between versions.
The errors I'm getting are as follows:
antlr -Dlanguage=JavaScript HiveParser.g (looks like it doesn't support JS anyway):
warning: invalid option: '-Dlanguage=JavaScript'
HiveParser.g, line 17: syntax error at "grammar" missing { QuotedTerm PassAction ! \< \> : }
HiveParser.g, line 17: syntax error at "HiveParser" missing { QuotedTerm PassAction ! \< \> : }
HiveParser.g, line 17: syntax error at ";" missing Eof
HiveParser.g, line 28: lexical error: invalid token (text was ',')
antlr3 -Dlanguage=JavaScript HiveParser.g:
error(10): internal error: Exception FromClauseParser.g:302:85: unexpected char: '-'#org.antlr.grammar.v2.ANTLRLexer.nextToken(ANTLRLexer.java:347): unexpected stream error from parsing FromClauseParser.g
error(150): grammar file FromClauseParser.g has no rules
error(100): FromClauseParser.g:0:0: syntax error: assign.types: <AST>:299:68: unexpected AST node: ->
error(100): FromClauseParser.g:0:0: syntax error: define: <AST>:299:68: unexpected AST node: ->
error(106): SelectClauseParser.g:151:18: reference to undefined rule: tableAllColumns
antlr4 -Dlanguage=JavaScript HiveParser.g:
warning(202): HiveParser.g:30:0: tokens {A; B;} syntax is now tokens {A, B} in ANTLR 4
error(50): HiveParser.g:636:34: syntax error: '->' came as a complete surprise to me while looking for rule element
error(50): HiveParser.g:636:37: syntax error: '^' came as a complete surprise to me
error(50): HiveParser.g:638:50: syntax error: '->' came as a complete surprise to me while looking for rule element
error(50): HiveParser.g:638:53: syntax error: '^' came as a complete surprise to me
The antlr3 error referencing #org.antlr.grammar.v2.ANTLRLexer.nextToken seems suspect. Is it using the v2 lexer instead of v3? If so, maybe v3 is what I should target, but it's somehow not hitting it?
Or is this not an issue with versioning and instead with invocation? Or is Hive built in a way that provides additional files needed?
According to Hive source code, they use ANTLR 3.4. But before you start remove the last string from FromClauseParser.g

Lua Compiling Error 'do' expected near '['

I have a Lua file that I decompiled using unluac. When I try to recompile the files without any changes I get the following error:
lua: main.lua:647: 'do' expected near '['
I really do not know the problem here, as the while do statement follows the correct format.
The error is on line 647 as stated above.
Source is here:
Full Pastebin Source
Expressions like while {}[1] do and if {}[1].parentFolderName then are invalid because of {}[1] reference. It needs to be ({})[1]. It's probably a result of some sort of automated processing, but you should be able to fix it manually.

DParser: Unresolved Ambiguity

I have a large grammar written for DParser format and using the Python binding. When I parse a code using this grammar, I get the following exception but with different symbols depending on what code I pass to it. But the ambiguous symbols are always the same non_terminal. How do I find out what the ambiguity is?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "parser.py", line 2030, in ambiguity
raise dparser.AmbiguityException("\n\nUnresolved ambiguity! Symbols:\n " + '\n'.join([node.symbol for node in nodes]))
Unresolved ambiguity! Symbols:
Any hints or ideas would be appreciated.
