Unable to save a query as a view table - google-sheets

I have a query that runs and can see the results. But while trying to save the query as a view table, I get error message saying
Failed to save view. No suitable credentials found to access Google
Drive. Contact the table owner for assistance.
I think the problem is caused by a table used in the query. The table is uploaded from a google sheet (with source URI), own by me. I have tried to enable Google Drive API from the project but no luck. Not sure how I can give BigQuery access to Google Drive.

I suspect the problem you are hitting is one of OAuth Scopes. In order to talk to the Google Drive API to read data, you need to use credentials that were granted access to that API.
If you are using the BigQuery web UI and have not explicitly granted access to Drive, it won't work. For example, the first time I tried to "Save to Google Sheets", the BigQuery UI popped up an OAuth prompt asking me to grant access to my Google Drive. After this it could save the results. Try doing this to make sure your credentials have the Drive scope and then "Save View" again.
If you are using your own code to do this, you should request scope 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive' in addition to the 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery' scope you are already using to talk to BigQuery.
If you are using the bq client, it has been updated to request this scope, but you may need to re-initialize your authentication credentials. You can do this with bq init --delete_credentials to remove the credentials, then your next action we re-request credentials.

Using Google App Script this worked for me:
function saveQueryToTable() {
var projectId = '...yourprojectid goes here...';
var datasetId = '...yourdatesetid goes here...';
var sourceTable = '...your table or view goes here...';
var destTable = '...destination table goes here...';
var myQuery;
//just a random call to activate the Drive API scope
var test = Drive.Properties.list('...drive file id goes here...')
//list all tables for the particular dataset
var tableList = BigQuery.Tables.list(projectId, datasetId).getTables();
//if the table exist, delete it
for (var i = 0; i < tableList.length; i++) {
if (tableList[i].tableReference.tableId == destTable) {
BigQuery.Tables.remove(projectId, datasetId, destTable);
Logger.log("DELETED: " + destTable);
var job = {
configuration: {
query: {
query: myQuery,
destinationTable: {
projectId: projectId,
datasetId: datasetId,
tableId: destTable
var queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.insert(job, projectId);
The 'trick' was a random call to the Drive API to ensure both the BigQuery and Drive scopes are included.
Google Apps Script Project Properties


Get Data from Odata service with Logged in User

I have one Odata service , which is providing me the data and I am able to display this data on table. We are going to deploy this application to Launchpad. Now we have this requirement in which logged in user must get the data according to his/her login ID. So If my user ID is XXXXX , I should get the records only for XXXXX. I am unable to understand the process flow. Shall we implement the logic in Odata itself or should I get all the data and filter the model on UI, before displaying it.
In oData itself you can access login user by sy-uname. using that user you can filter your data.
In front end you can access login user by below code
var vUrl = "proxy/sap/bc/ui2/start_up";
var oxmlHttp = null;
oxmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
oxmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (oxmlHttp.readyState == 4 && oxmlHttp.status == 200) {
var oUserData = JSON.parse(oxmlHttp.responseText);
vUser = oUserData.id;
oxmlHttp.open( "GET", vUrl, false );
You have to handle this in Odata only. Get User id from UI using
var storename = sap.ushell.Container.getService("UserInfo").getId();
and set it to Odata to filter and send back the results.
You should handle such requirements in the Service level (OData level), not in the UI.
In DPC_EXT class variable SY-UNAME gives you the logged in user. So you should filter your records by deriving more information from that.

Use Google Sheet Authentication for application, not for end user

I am trying to use Google Sheet in my application. This google sheet is not related to end user but will be under my own account. As per some tutorial on Google Sheets API I have created project on developer console but during OAuth 2.0 authentication, Google display login dialog to end user. As said before, this sheet is not related to end user so how can I fix my own Google credentials in code so that it just work with sheet, without asking user for his credentials?
Here is my code snippet
var clientSecret = new Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.ClientSecrets() { ClientId = "*******.apps.googleusercontent.com", ClientSecret = "*******" };
var credential = Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(clientSecret,
var service = new Google.Apis.Sheets.v4.SheetsService(new Google.Apis.Services.BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ApplicationName,
Are you looking to publish the article publicly?
You can use this method, then embed the sheet in an iframe on your site
It looks there are no such ways yet. So finally I decided to use local database and then export content to Excel using ClosedXML library.

Multiple Twitter accounts using Google App Script

I'm experimenting with Google Apps Script and Twitter, and I'd like to be able to access multiple Twitter accounts through one spreadsheet. At the moment I've attempted the approach below (a unique OAuthService name for each Twitter account), and this kind-of works but it clunky because I have to randomly authorize one account (and not more than one) each time the script is run, and the popup dialog doesn't tell me which account (i.e. id) I'm authenticating for.
Ideally, I'd like to force each user to give Twitter permission on first use, then store that token for later use - is this possible withe Google App Script?
function oAuth(id) {
var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService(NS_TWITTER + id);
and then
var options =
"method": "GET",
"oAuthServiceName":NS_TWITTER + id,
try {
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(feed, options);
Yes, is possible.
To store the token values use userProperties (Docs here) or CacheService wich remains for 20 minutes in cache (Docs here).
Example storing token using UserProperties
UserProperties.setProperty('token', 'value');
var token = UserProperties.getProperty('token');
Example storing token using CachService
// Gets a cache that is private to the current user
var cache = CacheService.getPrivateCache();
cache.put('token', 'value');
var token = cache.get('token');
After building you cache solution you need to check if the token is valid with twitter API. If it's invalid you should require the auth again.

whar is the oauth service name for the google apps reseller api

I tried to use the google apps reseller api with google apps script. To use oauth I need the AuthServiceName. what is the right name? "apps" does not work.
AuthServiceName is defined in your application, its not dependent on the API that you are connecting to, i would suspect that you may not have completed all the steps necessary or that your oauth call is not properly structured.
Here is an example of a call that retrieves the details of domains.
function getCustomer() {
//set up oauth for Google Reseller API
var oAuthConfig1 = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("doesNotMatter");
var options1 = {oAuthServiceName:"doesNotMatter", oAuthUseToken:"always",
method:"GET", headers:{"GData-Version":"3.0"}, contentType:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"};
//set up user profiles url
var theUrl = "https://www.googleapis.com/apps/reseller/v1/customers/somedomain.com";
//urlFetch for customer list
var customerInfo = "";
try {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(theUrl,options1);
customerInfo = response.getContentText();
} catch(problem) {
This will work if
You have a reseller account (I guess i.e. I did not test on my non reseller account)
You have create a project in the API console, and enabled the Reseller API
You know your SECRET and KEY lifted form the console
I have use a read.only scope which is safe, if not you need to set up your tests in the sand box
Let me know if you need any more clarifications

How do I find Client ID in Google Adwords Scripts

Question 1: -
I am using the script below which works fine, but cant seem to get the Client ID (eg Bobs Bakers) I have many clients and want to run this from within google adwords scripts. (Not the API).
Question 2:
Is there a way to run this across all clients, giving me all campaigns they have? Or do I have to run this script from within each client?
function main() {
var campaignsIterator = AdWordsApp.campaigns()
.withCondition("Status = ENABLED");
var csv = 'CampaignName, Impressions,Clicks,AveragePosition,AverageCpc,ConversionRate,Conversions,Ctr,Cost';
while (campaignsIterator.hasNext())
var campaign = campaignsIterator.next();
var stats = campaign.getStatsFor("TODAY");
var row = [
csv += '\n' + row.join(',');
can't find the customer name, but here's a way to see the account id:
running the same script across accounts isn't possible as of yet. You'll have to run the script from within each client.
