Using md-select and md-autocomplete together - angular-material

I'm trying to allow the users of my app to choose a single item in a big select (~2500 possibilities). So, as I already implemented md-chips with md-autocomplete in another app, I thought that all I had to do was to the same with a md-select. To my surprise, I didn't find a way to do that.
So basically I have 3 choices :
use md-chips but I can't limit them to one chip, I can show an error if two or more are chosen, but that's a rather weird UX to let the user choose two things and then alert them they can't.
use md-select, but from what I gathered, I can't use md-autocomplete, so choosing between 2500 objects is tedious
use md-autocomplete, but (not sure :) there's no ng-model, and worst my user can write about anything while I just want them to select one item
I'm sure I missed something in the docs, I just can't find a way to allow my users to select one and only one item with autocomplete.
Anyone ?


Text selection / personalisation for different users

I have the following scenario:
There are a list of headings:
Best Holiday Destination for you
Choose us for your next vacation
Don't miss out on this offer
What I want to achieve is, display the best heading for the right user through a ML model?
One approach is to show all these headings to different users through maybe an A/B/C test and see the statistics and feed the data into the model and optimise it for a certain goal? e.g click through rate, etc
Is there any other way to do something like this?
Do you want to use your own code, or is it fine for you to use an external tool?
If it's fine, I can suggest twik personalization tool.
If you want to use your own code, you need to start with the A/B/C testing, but you need to collect more info about each user (i.e., age group, location, interests & socioeconomic status), not only the text click-through rate. This way, your code will be able to know better to which audience presents each variant. - disabling option based on the first one selected in Rails

I have a form in which user can select two players from a list (two separate select fields). I managed to do it using options_for_select helper, but
user shouldn’t be allowed to select the same player twice - it obviously can't be something like player1 vs player1. I was experimenting with ‘disabled’ option, but without success, because list of available users should change dynamically after selecting first user, which probably can't be done in Rails?
This is a very broad question, with little details, hence my answer will be generic to cover the majority of cases.
You'll have to use JavaScript to hide the same options from the other list. Rails works server-side, therefore you should reload the page if you want Rails to re-render the list without the selected option. But this is a terrible user experience.
However, you should also perform a server-side check. Even if you add the JS in place, it will still be possible to send a crafted request where the players are the same. This is something that must ultimately be verified at server-side level, in your Rails controller or wherever you have the logic to handle the comparison.

iOS HIG for Editing From TableView

I have a TableView, "events" that segues to another TableView, "attendees". Each has a + (new) button and that works fine. But I'm using a disclosure triangle to indicate that there is more. In the case of "attendees", it's details about the attendee. In the case of "events" it's the list of attendees.
My question is, what is the Apple-recommended (or you-recommended) way of editing an entry in the "events" table, given that touch segues to attendees. I considered using detail-disclosure, but that seemed a bit clunky.
Does anything come to mind or is there a good place for further reading about multi-level hierarchies like this? Note: swipe-left to edit is not enough of a hint for my users. They just won't find it reliably.
I think the that the scope of the second table could logically be expanded to "Event details" instead of just "Attendees." In that model, I would envision two sections: one for the event info and one for the attendees. Here I'm using "sections" loosely--you could use two sections of the same UITableView, or two tables, or even some other arrangement of UI elements for the event info positioned above your existing attendees table.
If you want to allow editing of the event details, you can add a segue to an "edit event" view controller or even edit in place (say, with UITextFields). Any existing functionality of viewing/editing/adding attendees can be kept in place.
This is definitely a case where there's more than one "right" way to do it, so find a way that looks good and makes sense in the context of your particular app.
In this situation I would refer you to the way Safari allows you to both edit and follow bookmarks. The paradigm that your users are being taught by Apple is to expect to see a single edit button for an entire list. Now whether or not your users are figuring that out is uncertain as people have felt the need to make YouTube videos explaining how it works. Nothing you do is going to satisfy everyone. But, you are pretty much cleared of any wrongdoing when you can say "I did it exactly the way Apple did it in their ... app."
You can see the bookmarks/edit here.

iOS: Most suitable control for selecting from two options

I am developing an iOS app in which I need a UIControl that allows the user to select between 2 options and 2 options only.
For example, assume I am displaying a form in my app in which the user fills up his personal information like Name, gender, hobbies etc. Here, gender is a possible field for which there are only 2 options (other options are possible, but let's say we don't want it in our app).
I thought it will be nice to use a customized version of the UISwitch for such a case.
But then, I am beginning to think that the UISwitch is applicable only in the context where something is enabled or disabled. Can it also be used in the context where user selects one of 2 choices? Does this go against Apple's design guidelines? If yes, then what other UIControl could I use for this? (I want to use something other than a plain dropdown)
UISegmentedControl is your choice.
You can feel free to use other controls (with customized look & feel) in your app, as long as it does not confuse users.
I'd suggest a UISegmentedControl, which has the behavior you require.

gui with multiple interfaces?

I am trying to create a GUI using jquery and html to allow users to enter information into a system. The problem is, I don't know how to create a GUI that will show different interfaces for each step.
For example, I want to have users enter in their personal information in step 1. When they click next, they can choose a photo from a set of photos that appear, and so on.
I suppose I can name different html divs and make them show and hide at certain times as desired. But is there a cleaner technique for doing something like this?
You could use one of the JQuery Form Wizard extensions.
For example:
