iOS HIG for Editing From TableView - ios

I have a TableView, "events" that segues to another TableView, "attendees". Each has a + (new) button and that works fine. But I'm using a disclosure triangle to indicate that there is more. In the case of "attendees", it's details about the attendee. In the case of "events" it's the list of attendees.
My question is, what is the Apple-recommended (or you-recommended) way of editing an entry in the "events" table, given that touch segues to attendees. I considered using detail-disclosure, but that seemed a bit clunky.
Does anything come to mind or is there a good place for further reading about multi-level hierarchies like this? Note: swipe-left to edit is not enough of a hint for my users. They just won't find it reliably.

I think the that the scope of the second table could logically be expanded to "Event details" instead of just "Attendees." In that model, I would envision two sections: one for the event info and one for the attendees. Here I'm using "sections" loosely--you could use two sections of the same UITableView, or two tables, or even some other arrangement of UI elements for the event info positioned above your existing attendees table.
If you want to allow editing of the event details, you can add a segue to an "edit event" view controller or even edit in place (say, with UITextFields). Any existing functionality of viewing/editing/adding attendees can be kept in place.
This is definitely a case where there's more than one "right" way to do it, so find a way that looks good and makes sense in the context of your particular app.

In this situation I would refer you to the way Safari allows you to both edit and follow bookmarks. The paradigm that your users are being taught by Apple is to expect to see a single edit button for an entire list. Now whether or not your users are figuring that out is uncertain as people have felt the need to make YouTube videos explaining how it works. Nothing you do is going to satisfy everyone. But, you are pretty much cleared of any wrongdoing when you can say "I did it exactly the way Apple did it in their ... app."
You can see the bookmarks/edit here.


Google Sheets - Make a tab change not visible to other users

I am trying to work on a google sheet where one Tab will be an entry form and another will be a database. I need the form to be used by multiple users. Currently the Form tab displays all changes to other users so multiple users cannot use it at the same time.
Is there a way to allow 1 user to see their own entries and a 2nd user to see different entries. When they press my button it should record their individual entries on the database tab.
I cannot use Google Forms for this project due to the complexity of the form and the need for cascading drop-down lists and dynamically available information on the form.
After researching extensively, the answer to my question is that there does not seem to be a good way of doing this.
My final approach was to create a tab for each user with the calculations, cascading dropdowns, and buttons/scripts that affected their specific sheet and recorded data on the database tab based on their specific sheet.
Hopefully, this helps the next guy who is searching for this answer. If anyone has found a way to solve this, let me know so I can test and give you credit for solving what I could not.

Using md-select and md-autocomplete together

I'm trying to allow the users of my app to choose a single item in a big select (~2500 possibilities). So, as I already implemented md-chips with md-autocomplete in another app, I thought that all I had to do was to the same with a md-select. To my surprise, I didn't find a way to do that.
So basically I have 3 choices :
use md-chips but I can't limit them to one chip, I can show an error if two or more are chosen, but that's a rather weird UX to let the user choose two things and then alert them they can't.
use md-select, but from what I gathered, I can't use md-autocomplete, so choosing between 2500 objects is tedious
use md-autocomplete, but (not sure :) there's no ng-model, and worst my user can write about anything while I just want them to select one item
I'm sure I missed something in the docs, I just can't find a way to allow my users to select one and only one item with autocomplete.
Anyone ?

Rails - manipulating data in popup

I'm new in Rails, I have a Meal model which has many Products. Meals are assign to User (maybe this is important for a concept). In meals/new.html.erb I want to create new Meal as follow:
Click the button "Display Products"
On the same page (meals/new.html.erb) open modal (pop-up) with all products assigned to current user ( I have help method for current-user). It should be displayad like a list or grid with checboxes for example.
Then user can check few products and click "Confirm".
After that in meals/new.html should be appeared list of chosen products with additional input to fill their quantity.
So I have two problem here.
How should I display modal? Is needed any Ajax (I'm not so familiar with this technology)
How can I pass products between view and modal?
Could you help me a little to achieve these goals?
Regarding your first problem, displaying the modal is fairly straight forward. Essentially you will create a div with the proper bootstrap classes to be hidden when the page is loaded, and then create a button that makes it visible. I would recommend either reading over the W3Schools entry on modals, or from the appropriate part of the bootstrap javascript documentation.
Regarding your second question, this depends on exactly what you mean. The modal is part of the view, so if you're only trying to put information that is currently on the modal back onto the "page" behind it, you can do so fairly simply with javascript (copying content out of one element into another, or updating states of inputs). If, on the other hand, you're trying to use the modal to retrieve information from the server (for instance if you wanted to show a list of possible options, and then display detailed information about the selected items from the database) that would require Ajax.
If you have any snippets of code that aren't functioning as you expect, feel free to add your View to the question. In cases like this, usually the best way for us to provide help is for you to take an early crack at this, post the relevant code, and then seek answers for the things that behave unexpectedly.
I hope that helps.

Rails Drag And Drop For Create/Edit Associations

I have tried to search for an answer for this, but nothing seems to be exactly what I'm looking for.
I'm using Rails 4 and I have an Exercise model and a Routine model that have a has_many through relationship via Exercise_Routine. The users have associated with them a list of routines and a list of exercises. The goal is to let a user make up the associations of what exercises belong in routines by being able to drag them from their list of exercises to a list of exercises associated with the routine they're editing.
So it would involve two lists. One being the list of exercises a user has and the other being the list of exercises associated with the current routine. I want to make it so they can drag and drop from either list to edit this or even for the initial creation.
I can get the drag and drop between lists to work. What confuses me is how to do the updating of the database with the changes. Would rails realize that the user just removed one thing from the list and that it should delete that record? Would it try and recreate all the associations in the list every time resulting in an error?
I would also have this happen as part of the edit action inside the routine controller since that is where it logically would make sense to do it. Also would it be better to do an AJAX call that does the update each time they make a change or wait for all the changes and a submit button press to do the actual update?
I can see how I want this to work in my head, but the how is eluding me. Any help is appreciated.
Rails cannot do drag and drop by itself: you need to use some kind of Javascript library like jQuery.
There is a railscast on this topic:

Keeping track of refinements made to page using ASPX (Breadcrumb trail)?

I have done stuff like this before, but I want to figure out the most efficient way of doing this. There is my scenario:
A user can search our site. Depending on that search they have a number of refinements they can make to the data. There are categories for different refinements. Each refinement is represented by a checkbox. The refinements might look like this:
Each refinement has its own ID. The checkboxes are not ASPX controls. The HTML for the boxes is being built server side. I may want to change that, but not sure if it is going to matter.
When the page is posted back to, I am building the breadcrumbs for it and preselecting (checking) the refinements that were checked. The breadcrumbs are not clickable. However, I need to keep track of what may have been previously checked. So the breadcrumbs should look like this:
Washer, Dryer > Bedroom > Microwave
Each ">" represents a new refinement search. The user can unselect a refinement a remove the item from the breadcrumb list. So let's say they uncheck Dryer and Bedroom:
Washer > Microwave
I need some suggestions on how I should keep track of the refinements and building / rebuilding of the crumbs. TIA!
I don't think breadcrumbs are the right metaphor for this application. Breadcrumbs are a navigational aid, to show the path someone took to get where they are, such as:
Home -> My Account -> Profile -> Edit Preferences -> Change Address
Meaning that the user entered the site via the home page, clicked the My Account link, etc. etc. etc.
This user should be able to get back to the Profile page by clicking "Profile" in the breadcrumb trail.
I think what you really want for this application is a Shopping Basket metaphor, where all refinements are added to a list, and then the list can be displayed at the top of the page in a "My Refinements" area. Bonus points for making the items in the list selectable via CheckBoxes for an add/remove functionality.
Generally, once there's an established metaphor, you shouldn't use it for something else, as users get used to a standard way of doing things. ( I recall coming across sliders being used for a list selector and it was very confusing. Dev. should have stuck with the tried and true Dropdownlist)
I'm making this Community Wiki as I haven't actually answered the question.
Well, i ended up using some hidden input controls to keep track of checkbox states.
