Add Multiple Workspace Cleanup for Jenkins - jenkins

Can I have multiple Delete workspace when build is done executions in a single job?
failure status: clear all workspace
success status: clear only distribution package directories (**/target/dist)
We break our builds into compilation and test jobs with build-stalker plugin providing the link between the two. Compilation job doesn't clean up after itself as test job will do so but we don't run a test job for each compilation job (only the latest in a 4 hour period) leaving orphaned workspaces.
I'd like a way to have the orphaned workspaces have less impact and a selective status based cleanup is one way to do this.

I'm not aware of a Jenkins plugin that supplies such a feature.
I'd establish the following:
Let each compile build write a line with its workspace path, e.g.:
.../jenkins/workspace/<...compile job...>/
by using a script in a language of your choice (bash, Groovy, cmd, ...) to a file like:
Create a job that runs a script in a language of your choice periodically that:
reads the file
deletes the workspaces mentioned therein except the last
removes all lines therein except the last
Let each compile build write a line with its job name.
See Wipe out workspaces of all jobs for how to wipe out workspaces by job name.


I have Job A and B in Jenkins. How can I always execute a file in the most recent build of A in the build steps in job B

I have these Jenkins jobs A and B. Job A Builds a bunch of Files for my project. In Job B i wanna execute a command to run a file in the most recent build of job A.
My execution even works fine, but only because I have hard coded the build number and I am picking that from the files stored by Jenkins in my C:JenkinsData Directory, I would wanna have that called from the Workspace instead
See image for clarification.
Jenkins build steps illustration
For e.g my last build right now is 70 I want to know how I can be always executing those same files but in the most recent Build
Or if its even way better Can I execute those same file from Job A since the built files are in the Workspace.
You could get the last build index using this API and "number" property:
This could help:
Jenkins - Get last completed build status

Subsequent build job in Jenkins does not find workspace file

I have separated my build tasks in several jobs. The following is a simplified structure.
The basic jobs are:
Additional jobs are:
Each job is configured to accept a workspace parameter to allow all jobs to be executed on the same code (workspace). This is passed from any calling job. Besides, all jobs are running on a slave node.
Job full-tests is configured to bundle the "full tests". Therefore it uses the build step Trigger/call builds on other projects with projects full-tests-part-1, full-tests-part-2.
Job full-build is configured to bundle the build pipeline. Therefore it uses the build step Trigger/call builds on other projects with projects compile, full-tests.
Job compile checks out the Git repository and compiles the code. Afterwards it starts the quick tests. Therfore it uses the post build action Trigger parametrized build on other projects with project quick-tests.
All compilation and test runs are triggered by Ant scripts.
When I trigger the full-build job, the following job sequence results:
compile (triggers quick-tests)
The problem is, that the "full tests" are failing, whereas compile and quick-tests succeed. Both, the full and the quick tests, use the same build.xml in the same workspace, but the "full tests" complains.
Quick tests:
Buildfile: J:\jenkins-slave\workspace\full-build\272\project-path\build.xml
Full tests:
ERROR: Unable to find build script at J:\jenkins-slave\workspace\full-build\272\project-path\build.xml
Does anyone know whether there is a difference in "seeing" the workspace files depending on whether the job is part of the build (triggered as build step) or not (triggered as post build action).
If anything is unclear, please let me know.

Previous Build Number in Jenkins

I have a batch Job (not the pipeline Job) in Jenkins where I am using a plugin called "Naginator" which will check if the current build is failed/unstable - If the current build is failed/unstable it will run immediately the next build to confirm the error is genuine. If the error is not genuine then the run is successful and it will periodically set the next build to run. Along with this, I use some CMD commands to move my data into another folder with the Build number as my folder name.
Now here is the issue, if the previous build was unstable and Naginator runs the next build and that build is stable then what I need to do is delete the previous unstable build data from the folder manually. Is it possible to fetch the previous build number in Jenkins so that I can delete the file in an automated way - lets say in CMD Commands .BAT file.
Jenkins has it's own global variables. You can check whem in your pipeline job -> Pipeline Syntax -> Global Variables Reference.
Additionally check http://jenkins_url:port/env-vars.html/
For your purpose BUILD_NUMBER exist.
Just create new env var like this:
Excuse me if this piece of code will not work, I'm not good about scripting) Just for example.
also you can find in mentioned reference a list of variables:

Calling a Scriptler script within another Scriptler script

I'm using the Scriptler plugin for Jenkins, and am having a hard time finding any information on how to share the scriptler scripts I'm writing between scripts. I've tried using the ScriptHelper from the Scriptler API, but have run into issues when passing in arguments to the script.
Anyone else come across this and solve it? Is there a standard way to do this (without calling the Jenkins REST API) to execute a script?
More Details
We have a full build MultiJob that contains many phase jobs, each with their own artifacts, with a 3 day time to live on them. When a this full build job is promoted, a scriptler runs against it, pulling each of the phase jobs artifacts into the full build job. By doing so, we can keep the full build alive forever, without changing the lifetime on the artifacts for each phase job (essentially 'keep this build forever' on the full build, ignoring the lifetimes set in the phase jobs.
We also want to pull these artifacts into a deploy job. The idea is that we can point a deploy job to a full build, and it will pull out the artifacts we specify. If the full build is promoted, this script will pull the artifacts directly from the full build job, otherwise, it will pull them from the internal phase jobs. Since we have 2 scripts that work with MultiJobs, I would like to be able to share this code between them.
The script would take a MultiJob name and build number, and return the individual phase job's build numbers, build statuses, and artifact information.
This is possible using Groovy capabilities, though I don't know if Scripler supports it directly. If you are running on the master node, you can use Groovy evaluate. Scriptler scripts are stored as Groovy files on the file system of the master node in the $JENKINS_HOME/scriptler/scripts directory. The Scripter ID is the function name within that directory.
Here is a very simple example. It uses two files. The first is the parameterized function, findByScm.groovy, which finds jobs using a give source control type. The second script, findByGitScm.groovy will evaluate the first function for Git SCMs and print the results.
import jenkins.model.*
jenkins = Jenkins.instance;
// Notice that myScmType is not defined in this function
scmJobs = jenkins.items
.findAll { job -> job.scm != null && job.scm.type == myScmType }
// This is supplying the argument to findByScm.groovy
myScmType = 'hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM'
// Now we are evaluating the script
evaluate(new File("${System.getProperty('JENKINS_HOME')}/scriptler/scripts/findByScm.groovy"))
// scmJobs is a variable which was introduced in findByScm.groovy
scmJobs.each { println it }

Copying artifacts from multiple upstream jobs at join in Jenkins

Is it possible to have a Jenkins Job with has been triggered by the Join plugin copy artifacts from multiple upstream jobs?
I'm trying to set-up a Jenkins configuration with a "diamond" of jobs: my-trigger runs and spawns two jobs, my-fork1 and my-fork2, that can run concurrently and take varying amounts of time, and the Join plugin sets off the job my-join once both forks have completed.
Each of my-trigger, my-fork1 and my-fork2 creates and fingerprints artifacts (say, text files).
I want to copy the artifacts from each of the upstream jobs in my-join using the "Copy artifacts from another project" tool, with the "Which build" parameter set to "Upstream build that triggered this job". However, I see output like this in the console of my-join:
Building remotely on build-machine in workspace /path/to/workspace/my-join
Copied 1 artifact from "my-trigger" build number 63
Copied 1 artifact from "my-fork1" build number 63
Unable to find a build for artifact copy from: my-fork2
and the job fails. In this case, my-fork2 finished first, so my-fork1 triggered the join step. I believe that that means that my-join only has record of my-fork1 and my-trigger as being upstream. If my-fork1 finishes first, then my-fork2 kicks off the join, and the job fails when trying to copy from my-fork1.
If I change the configuration to copy the artifact from the build "Latest successful build" then the build succeeds, but my-trigger may run many times in succession so there would be no guarantee that my-join is joining related artifacts.
How can I get the join step to copy artifacts from multiple forks upstream?
Note: the second point of this question seems to be asking the same thing, but the only answer there doesn't address it, and has been accepted.
If your builds are parameterized with a unique parameter for each run of the join-diamond, you can use that parameter in the CopyArtifact plugin to determine which build to copy from. You would want to specify "Latest successful build" and qualify it with the parameter and value.
We have a similar situation where I work; multiple simultaneous runs of a join-diamond. The parameter in the build allows the downstream jobs to get the correct artifacts from the upstream jobs.
Step by Step settings of the provided solution from Jason Swager:
Project dependencies:
Project "fork":
String parameter "UNIQUE_ID" (only dummy not used inside)
(Creates an artifcat and Archive the artifacts)
Project "diamond_ready"
String parameter: UNIQUE_ID
Copy artifacts from another project
Project name: fork
Parameter filters: UNIQUE_ID=${UNIQUE_ID}
Project "diamond":
Trigger parameterized build on other project
Projects to build: fork
Predefinded parameters: UNIQUE_ID=${BUILD_TAG}
Join Trigger:
Post-Join Actions:
Trigger parameterized build on other projects
Projects to build: diamond_ready
Predefined Generator parameters: UNIQUE_ID=${BUILD_TAG}
