Change relationship of NSManagedObject to different context - ios

This is a follow up to an earlier question: Core Data: change delete rule programmatically.
I'd like to rephrase my question, and will do that here.
Briefly, my app allows updating entries from a 3rd party database, but I'd like to keep user annotations. So my workflow is:
iterate over all entities
download external xml and parse it into a new entity
if user annotations, change their relationship from old entity to new entity
delete old entity
During the import, the old entity is in the main context, the new entity is in a temporary import context.
Number 3 gives me problems, if I just change the relationship, then they don't show if I update my UI. If I use the objectID to get the annotation and then change the relationship as follows:
NSManagedObjectID *objectId = oldAnnotation.objectID;
Annotation *newAnnotation = [importContext objectWithID: objectId];
[newEntry addAnnotationObject: newAnnotation];
It's still not working - it's not showing up.
EDIT: if I change the context in the second line to newEntry.managedObjectContext, I get an Illegal attempt to establish a relationship 'foo' between objects in different contexts error.
What am I missing?
UPDATE: After some late-night hair-pulling debugging, I found that I when I was fetching the newEntry, I was actually fetching the oldEntry, therefore none of the changes would show up. The answer below by #Mundi pointed me in the right direction.
Copying the old annotations worked using my code above, followed by copying the attributes. For some user input with relationships in itself, I had to do a "Deep Copy", which I found here: How can I duplicate, or copy a Core Data Managed Object?.

I think creating a new entity and deleting the old one is a problematic strategy. You should try to properly update the existing entities and only create new ones if they do not yet exist.
Whenever I need an object from a different context, I fetch it. That being said, your object id code should work. However, there could be all sorts of other glitches, that you should check:
Did you save the importContext?
Did you save its parent context, presumably the main context?
Was the modified object graph saved to the persistent store?
Are you checking the results after you have saved?


Fix uneccessary copy of NSManagedObject

I'm sorry the title may mislead you, since I'm not so good at English. Let me describe my problem as below (You may skip to the TL;DR version at the bottom of this question).
In Coredata, I design a Product entity. In app, I download products from a server. It return JSON string, I defragment it then save to CoreData.
After sometimes has passed, I search a product from that server again, having some interaction with server. Now, I call the online product XProduct. This product may not exist in CoreData, and I also don't want to save it to CoreData since it may not belong to this system (it come from other warehouse, not my current warehouse).
Assume this XProduct has the same properties as Product, but not belong to CoreData, the developer from before has designed another Object, the XProduct, and copy everything (the code) from Product. Wow. The another difference between these two is, XProduct has some method to interact with server, like: - (void)updateStock:(NSInteger)qty;
Now, I want to upgrade the Product properties, I'll have to update the XProduct also. And I have to use these two separately, like:
id product = anArrayContainsProducts[indexPath.row];
if ([product isKindOfClass:[XProduct class]] {
// Some stuff with the xproduct
else {
// Probably the same display to the cell.
Basically, I want to create a scenario like this:
Get data from server.
Check existed in CoreData.
2 == true => add to array (also may update some data from server).
2 == false => create object (contains same structure as NSManagedObject from JSON dictionary => add to array.
The object created in step 4 will never exist in CoreData.
How can I create an NSManagedObject without having it add to NSMangedObjectContext and make sure the app would run fine?
If 1 is not encouragement, please suggest me a better approach to this. I really don't like to duplicate so many codes like that.
I was thinking about inheritance (XProduct : Product) but it still make XProduct the subclass of NSManagedObject, so I don't think that is a good approach.
There are a couple of possibilities that might work.
One is just to create the managed objects but not insert them into a context. When you create a managed object, the context argument is allowed to be nil. For example, calling insertNewObjectForEntityForName(_:inManagedObjectContext:) with no context. That gives you an instance of the managed object that's not going to be saved. They have the same lifetime as any other object.
Another is to use a second Core Data stack for these objects, with an in-memory persistent store. If you use NSInMemoryStoreType when adding the persistent store (instead of NSSQLiteStoreType), you get a complete, working Core Data stack. Except that when you save changes, they only get saved in memory. It's not really persistent, since it disappears when the app exits, but aside from that it's exactly the same as any other Core Data stack.
I'd probably use the second approach, especially if these objects have any relationships, but either should work.

How to implement the new Core Data model builder 'unique' property in iOS 9.0 Beta

In the WWDC15 video session, 'What's New in Core Data' at 10:45 mins (into the presentation) the Apple engineer describes a new feature of the model builder that allows you to specify unique properties. Once you set the those unique properties, Core Data will not create a duplicate object with that property. This is suppose to eliminate the need to check if an identical object before you create a new object.
I have been experimenting with this but have no luck preventing the creation of new objects with identical 'unique' properties (duplicate objects). Other than the 5 minute video explanation, I have not found any other information describing how to use this feature.
Does anyone have any experience implementing the 'unique' property attribute in the Core Data Model?
Short answer:
You'll need to add this line to your Core Data stack setup code:
managedObjectContext.mergePolicy = NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy
Long answer: I struggled with this for some time, but I think I have figured it out now:
Unique Constraints (UC) do not prevent creating duplicates in a context. Only when you try to save that context, Core Data checks for the uniqueness of the UCs.
If it finds more than one object with the same value for a UC, the default behaviour is to throw an error because the default merge policy for conflicts is NSErrorMergePolicyType. The error contains the conflicting objects in its userInfo.conflictList, so you could manually resolve the conflict.
But most of the time you probably want to use one of the other merge policies instead and let Core Data merge the conflicts automatically. These merge policies did exist before, they are used for conflicts between objects in different contexts. Maybe that's why they were not mentioned in the context of the UC feature at WWDC Session 220. Usually the right choice is NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy. It basically says "new data trumps old data", which is what you want in the common scenario when you import new data from external sources.
(Tip: First I had problems verifying this behaviour, because the duplicate objects seem to remain in the context until the save operation is finished - which in my case happened asynchronously in a background queue. So if you fetch/count your objects right after hitting the save button, you might still see the duplicates.)
I don't know the right answer, as this is a beta version, but after playing with it for a minute I found a way to make it work:
Tell the model which attributes form the unique constraint, exactly as shown in the image you have in your question.
Add a new record:
let newTag = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName("Tag", inManagedObjectContext: context) as! Tag
Assign the values to the attribues.
Save your changes:
do {
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
The key is in the catch block. If an error happens, reset the context to the previous state. As the save operation failed, the duplicate records won't be there.
Please notice that you should check the error to see if it was caused by a duplicated record.
I hope this helps.

NSManagedObject cannot change attribute

I am running into an issue with CoreData (using MagicalRecord) trying to change an attribute. I think this is the result of the object having relationships to two parent entities.
The object is a manual, this has a to-many relationship to both a car and library. The library contains all manual objects. A car has 1-3 manual items.
Every manual has a UID and the same object is shared between the car and library.
For some reason, once the object is set into the relationship for both, I cannot change the title (NSString) attribute of the manual.
I checked to make sure I am in the same context. Not sure what the issue is.
This is what I am logging:
NSLog(#"Manual Title: %#",manual.title);
//prints Old Manual
manual.title = #"New Manual"
NSLog(#"Manual Title: %#",manual.title);
//prints New Manual
I'm saving this inside a MagicalRecord saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlockAndWait other unrelated NSManagedObjects in the same method are being saved.
When the app loads the data into the UI, it still reads "Old Manual"
Any suggestions?
Thank you for your time.
It turns out the issue was two-fold with the MagicalRecord methods I was using:
1) Instead of saveUsingCurrentThreadContextWithBlockAndWait I should have used saveWithBlockAndWait
2) When I was fetching the manual object, I wasn't passing the context, so I changed MR_findFirstWithPredicate to MR_findFirstWithPredicate:inContext
Hopefully this will save someone else some time

What does NSManagedObjectContext save do in terms of SQLite?

I'm porting some iOS persistence functionality to Android and trying to understand save(), in order to replicate the functionality in Android (pure SQLite).
Documentation says:
Attempts to commit unsaved changes to registered objects to the receiver’s parent store.
Doesn't help a lot.
I know that iOS uses SQLite so this has to translate to SQLite somehow.
Looks like save is an upsert - will insert the data if not there yet, and otherwise update.
If this is true (also if not, if the question is still valid) - how is determined which row to update? I don't see how to add unique in xcode, so if I have e.g:
id | name | price
1 | apple | 2.0
2 | lemon | 1.0
with "id" being the internal row id,
and I get new model data "lemon" -> 3.0, when I update the moc, how does the database know that it has to update this row?:
2 | lemon | 1.0
In SQlite I would add a unique on the name, but I don't know how it's implemented in iOS.
I'm not an iOS dev, sorry for possibly super -ignorant or -strange question.
It is really difficult to discuss Core Data in terms of databases because it is not a database. It uses one to persist data but that is just about it.
Looks like save is an upsert - will insert the data if not there yet, and otherwise update.
An NSManagedObjectContext is the current state of not just one object (or row in database terms) but multiple. So when you ask the NSManagedObjectContext to 'save' it is saving the state of all the objects in the context. If an object is new, it will be the equivalent of an insert. If the object already exists, it will be the equivalent of an update. However, if at some point an object is deleted, the 'save' method will also remove the object from the SQLite database. The 'save' method specifically saves the state of the NSManagedObjectContext.
If this is true (also if not, if the question is still valid) - how is
determined which row to update? I don't see how to add unique in xcode
That is because Core Data handles the unique identity of objects. There is no default 'id' column to place a unique identifier. However, you can create an attribute (i.e. column/field) to hold a unique identifier if the database will be persisted across many devices, which I personally had to do at one time since the 'objectID' is not practical to use. In Android, you will have to maintain the unique identity of each row yourself unless you opt to use auto incrementation.
when I update the moc, how does the database know that it has to
update this row?
At one point or another, you ask the NSManagedObjectContext to insert a new "Entity" (i.e. table):
NSManagedObject *managedObject = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"EntityName" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
To update an entity, you could retrieve it by using:
NSManagedObject *managedObject = [managedObjectContext objectWithID:managedObject.objectID];
Make any adjustments and then 'save' the NSManagedObjectContext. The objectID is its unique identifier that was automatically assigned when inserted. Core Data handles the boiler plate code of inserting and updating rows so you end up with an abstract version as seen in the examples. If you save a few NSManagedObjects and open the SQLite file, you will find that it is very similar to any other database, other than a few Core Data specific fields that is uses for management.
I would suggest creating a new Master Detail Application project, run it in the simulator, save a couple entries, and open the SQLite file. You can find it in
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/<iOS Version>/Applications/<Application UDID>/Documents/
Opening the SQLite file will show you that the database Core Data maintains is very similar to any other SQLite database and may help out with understanding the processes.
I don't know the following to be true, but I think I'm not far off.
An NSManagedObjectContext has a reference to objects (NSManagedObject) that are composed using the data from the SQLite database. These objects all have the objectID property, which is a unique identifier to the row in the SQLite database allowing you to uniquely, even between contexts, identify an object/row. When you change an object's property, this doesn't actually change anything in the database. The context knows about the changes, and when you call save:, it will go to the database and update all the records.
This is always an UPDATE, as you have to call -[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:InManagedObjectContext] to get a reference to an object. At that point, a record is already inserted and it is given an objectID.
NSManagedObjectContext is kind of a representation of the data model. It is from the framework called CoreData. By using CoreData, we do not manipulate the SQLite database directly. Which means we do not write any SQL queries, we just do all the update, insert or delete on NSManagedObjectContext. And when we call save(), NSManagedObjectContext will tell the database which row was updated, which row was deleted or which row was inserted. And here is another question which might help you to understand more about NSManagedObjectContext.

What's the point of self.managedObjectContext == nil in NSManagedObject prepareForDeletion?

I have a Reminder entity that needs to update its date property whenever a certain entity B is deleted. I've spent some days coding thinking I could do some useful things in my managed object subclass on deletion time. I tried
- (void)willSave
if (self.isDeleted)
// use self.managedObjectContext
The context was nil. Relationships were also torn down there. Fair enough.
So... I started writing cumbersome code for prepareForDeletion to circumvent the fact that the object hadn't been deleted yet, but then Core Data throws self.managedObjectContext == nil in my face. The documentation says that this is where I do stuff "before relationships are torn down". So what is the point in self.managedObjectContext == nil if self.relationshipA.managedObjectContext is accessible (as the docs suggest)? And more importantly, why does my not yet deleted object not have its context?
I read a comment here regarding that problem
its not 'fault' as much as it is a 'disown', the context has disowned your object (he was deleted and save was committed to the database) and so your object was disowned. don't save in methods that are changing and object as the save should probably be committed/saved after the operation anyway. – Dan Shelly May 21 at 19:05
My code was:
[moc deleteObject:obj]
[moc save:NULL]
When I removed the save operation my self.managedObjectContext existed in prepareForDeletion. That is, until auto-save, when it was nil again. Probably because the parent context also deleted it, followed by a save by the UIManagedDocument.
I'm starting to think that my only options are to make a custom delete method (that works until Core Data cascades a deletion, in which case it won't be called), or make a new class that listens to NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification.
The user wants to keep in touch with a person, and wants to be reminded after a certain interval (stored in ContactWish) if no contact has been made. What I'm trying to accomplish is that when the latest ContactOccasion for a certain person is deleted, the corresponding occasion->person->wish->reminder gets updated (using the interval).
Since this is a learning experience for me I wanted to find out the right way (one that works with cascade deletion etc.) and not just call for an update manually from every place in my code where I do [MOContext deleteObject:occasion]. Suggestions are welcome.
(the reminder entity has also been prepared for more manual use)
Would it not be much more logical to have the Reminder entity manage its date property? It could "listen" (maybe via changedValues:) to its relationship entities being deleted and perform the update.
This seems more consistent, as the B entity should not really be concerned with the logic of the Reminder entity updates.
Pursuant to the discussion below and based on my opinion that you cannot load up the database cascade delete model too much with update logic:
Rather than react to a deletion you can introduce an attribute that you set and listen to in order to do the changes.
I really do not see how relying on core data delete mechanisms is easier or more elegant than just writing your own "deleteOccasion" method that handles this logic.
