Data handling Google Sheets and charts - google-sheets

I got a Google Form that are pushing data into my Google Spreadsheet. It's very simple and consist of 3 cols named:
A -> Date
B -> Type
C -> Data
There is three different types, which all have same data but different values (3 types data per day). I want to use these data in a bar chart, where X is the date represented per day basis, and the Y axis is the data value. But the series should be based on type, which in the end should lead to three bars per day.
This is probably fairly simple, but since I'm quiet new to G-Sheets, I have no clue of what to look for.
Dataset looks like the following example:
04-06-2016 house 140
04-06-2016 car 185049
04-06-2016 rental 14267

Please, look at my Bar Chart Sample.
The result looks like this:
Suppose, Data is stored in range A:C. I suggest select free cell (E1) and paste there the formula:
=QUERY({A:C},"select Col1, sum(Col3) where Col2 <> '' group by Col1 pivot Col2")
It will convert Data, pivot it. Then select range wich you got with formula (E1:H8) and paste new chart, select bar type.


Google Sheets Query with Variables in the data section

I am trying to create a health related spreadsheet that has a lot of data - a lot of which isn't relevant to this question so I've simplified it. There is a column for each type of pain where you write on a scale of 0-10 how intense your pain was, and another column for any relevant notes. The data is broken up into named ranges to make it easier to display on different tabs (HeadData = Head Pain, ChestData = Chest Pain, etc. - 15 named ranges in total.)
One of the tabs I'm working on has a table where you are viewing only the specific named range, in this case HeadData.
=query({HeadData}, " Select * where Col1 is not null ",1)
This works perfectly, but I want to replace {HeadData} with a reference cell to a drop menu so you can select the specific pain area column you want to be displayed.
If I put the reference cell in G1 with a drop down list of the named ranges and select ChestData and try to do
=query({&G1&}, " Select * where Col1 is not null ",1)
It is only picking up G1 (ChestData) as a string and not the actual named range.
So my question is, is there a way to make a drop menu containing named ranges that turn into actual sets of data and not strings when placed in the data section of the query?
Here is my spreadsheet, any help is appreciated. Thanks!
You can use INDIRECT for this.
Returns a cell reference specified by a string.
Change your formula to
=query({INDIRECT(G1)}, " Select * where Col1 is not null ",1)
The INDIRECT function will convert the string in G1 to a cell reference and then the rest of your formula will query the relevant named range.

How to SUMIF identical data spread out on multiple columns

I using excel to organize my cut list for a panel board. I have a table created like so, and i need help creating a formula that adds the number of pieces of panels of identical dimension and material, regardless of which panel it belongs
I have done formulas before where the datas where in a single column and there was only 1 criteria to check using UNIQUE and SUMIF formulas. I can already extract all the unique dimensions using
but that all that i got for now.
={"Material", "Dimension", "Pcs";
QUERY({A2:C9; A2:A9, D2:E9; A2:A9, F2:G9},
"select Col1,Col2,sum(Col3) where Col1 is not null
group by Col1,Col2 label sum(Col3)''", 0)}

Query particular row + remove X columns + and sum the rest in one formula?

I have a CSV file that I'm pulling from a database. It's in an awkward layout so I need to reorganise it and display the result in a separate sheet.
Here is a dummy example of the data structure I get.
It looks like that. The database grows every day by date and sometimes countries so I need to account to that in my formula.
I need to pull data per each country and display it by date.
I don't need data from Column A, C and D. And when there are multiple states I need to sum them up in one column.
It should look like this and keep growing downwards. I'm gonna use this table for a graph chart
What I've tried so far
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("url_to_a_separate_sheet_where_I_importing_a_row_csv_file", "CSV-source-sheet!A1:500"), "SELECT * WHERE Col2='Germany'"))
This works, kinda. But pulls in unnecessary columns and I can't figure out how to sum countries with multiple states. When I add select sum(*) it gives me a big and long error. I assume it might be because of unnecessary columns that the formula cant sum up and I don't know how to omit them. I'm stuck
I tried offset and skipping no luck. Any ideas?
"select Col1,"&TEXTJOIN(",", 1,
where Col1 is not null
group by Col1
label Col1'Date'", 1)))
spreadsheet demo

How do I create a multiple sheets that use a google sheet named TOTAL as the data source?

How do I create multiple sheets that use a Google sheet named TOTAL as the data source? Each sheet must contain the same three columns from TOTAL and other specific data, for instance, FLUX will have six columns, three from TOTAL and three custom columns added manually.
I used a query function to import the data from TOTAL to FLUX so that updating data in TOTAL will update it also in FLUX
The data in TOTAL are not fixed. It will change adding rows, which might change the order of the list. For instance, adding the row 13 in TOTAL will shift down the data in column A:C in FLUX, but not columns D:F
Is that a way to keep the reference out of the QUERY part?
Here an example: Click me
you would need to create ID system and then you would be able to match your query with rest of the static columns. in sheet SALES remove that query and put IDs in A column. then your query will be:
=QUERY(TOTAL!A1:D, "SELECT A, B, C, D WHERE C is not null", 1)
where column A contains IDs and then you create new sheet SHEET3 and paste this query in A1
and this formula in E1:
I have the same problem and I can't understand few steps from the answer.
Firstly, the A columns of both sheets (TOTAL and SALES) must have IDs?
Secondly, I can't really understand how the Sheets SALES should look like. Should it be like, Col A = IDs, ColB to C query from TOTAL and Col E to G static data?
In this case is it still correct creating a query in Sheet3 reading data from TOTAL?

Google Sheets: Query function can't copy data

I attached a sample Google Sheet data (Link).
It contains 2 sheets. The Response sheet contains the response of the Google Form. Since the Google form has a lot of repeating questions, I have to transform the data using the Query function (sheet Transformed cell B2). The query command is
"select * where Col1 <> '' Order By Col6"
However when you look at the sheet Transformed, some data in Col F (Corresponding to Response sheet Col B) didn't get transferred. How could this problem be fixed?
Thanks in advance
It is often noted that users are tempted to mix data types within a column. The query() function will give undesirable output. If a column is intended for numeric values then only numerical values must reside in that column. Date columns must only contain dates and text columns only contain text values.
This does not mean that numbers cannot appear in a text column as long as they are in a text format.
Generally, the query() function will assume the greater number of cell types in a column to be that data type. For example, if there are 100 numbers and 20 text values in the same column then a numeric value will be assumed for that column. There is a good chance the text values will just be ignored. A slight change in your formula will convert all values to text.
See if this helps
Response!DA2:DD,Response!B2:D}),"select * where Col1 <> '' Order By Col6"))
