Use powershell to get group membership for all users in an OU? - powershell-2.0

I am all new to powershell but I hope there is a way to get group membership for all users in a specified OU.
For example, if I want to know which groups all users in OU "Users", are member of, without typing their sames. Is it possible? It would also be great if I could get it presentated in a list.

Take a look at Get-ADUser in the ActiveDirectory module.
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'CN=Users,DC=Contoso,DC=com' -Properties MemberOf
You can then format the output however you want.
Note that if you want a recursive group membership -- i.e., all groups that a user is a member of and all groups those groups are members of -- then the logic changes, and you have to do a lookup for each user:
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'CN=Users,DC=Contoso,DC=com' -Properties MemberOf, DistinguishedName;
$Users | ForEach-Object {
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter ("(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={0})" -f $_.DistinguishedName);
Obviously, you'd have to do some manipulation to keep the user and and groups together, but I'll leave that as an exercise for you.


SendBird: Search personal chat along with group chat

SendBird treats every channel as their GroupChannel. The 1:1 chat too is technically a GroupChannel with only two users (with isDistinct = true so it would return the personal chat when you attempt to create it again).
My question is, how do I search GroupChannels by their name those include group AND 1:1 chat? The group chat would have a common name that would be shown to all the users in the group. But for 1:1 chat, the GroupChannel won't have a name, and if it has, that won't be shown to the users as for 1:1 chat, we always show the other person's name (like almost all the chat systems work).
Typically the main UI list contains mixture of the group chat and 1:1 chats (all the GroupChannels).
| Search Chat TextField |
|1 John (1:1) |
|2 John's Birthday Plan (group) |
|3 Johnney Eve (1:1) |
|4 Johansson Fans (group) |
| ... |
All the items are technically GroupChannel. Note that all the 1:1 chats don't have actual name as shown in the list. The name shown in the list is the other person's nickname.
Now, if the user searches something like "joh", then it should return all the group chats whose name contains "joh" OR all the 1:1 chats where the other person's name contains "joh". (Basically all the items shown in the above example.)
My Attempt:
My initial solution to achieve this is to keep the 1:1 channel name as <user1 nickname> & <user2 nickname>, so when the user searches for the other user by their name, the 1:1 channel would appear just like a group channel.
Example Code:
query = SBDGroupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery()
query?.order = .latestLastMessage
query?.limit = 30
query?.channelNameContainsFilter = "joh"
The Problem:
The problem with this are:
If the user searches for their own name (or just the separator character & or just a whitespace), then too all the personal chat would be visible, which is irrelevant.
My system allows user to change their nickname, so every time a user changes their nickname, then all the 1:1 channel names have to be updated (which is painful).
Typically when you retrieve a list of group channels for a user, it retrieves all channels that the user is potentially a part of (Depending on the memberStateFilter).
If you were explicitly looking to search, rather than providing an ongoing list of channels the user is part of, you may be able to filter channels by userIds. You'd have to filter for a channel that consists of the searching user, and the desired user.
Lets look at an example, assuming your userId is John and you're looking for your chat with Jay:
let listQuery = SBDGroupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery()
listQuery?.userIdsExactFilter = ["John", "Jay"]
listQuery?.loadNextPage(completionHandler: { (groupChannels, error) in
guard error == nil else {
// Handle error.
// Only channelA is returned in a result list through the "list" parameter of the callback method.
If you wanted to explicitly use nicknames:
let listQuery = SBDGroupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery()
listQuery?.nicknameContainsFilter = ["John", "Jay"]
listQuery?.loadNextPage(completionHandler: { (groupChannels, error) in
guard error == nil else {
// Handle error.
// Only channelA is returned in a result list through the "list" parameter of the callback method.
You mention that you allow users to change their nicknames, and thus rooms have to be updated. It may be worth giving your group channels (even 1:1) generic names, and then dynamically generate the display name of each chat.
Since each channel returns the list of members, you could look at the array of members, filter out the user that is logged in, and then pull the nickname of the remaining user from the array. This would ensure that no matter what the user changes their nickname to, its always accurate, and you don't have to update every channel when the user updates their nickname.
************ Updated 02/10 ************
Thanks for providing an example of what you're looking to achieve. It looks like you're essentially trying to search both channelNameContainsFilter and nicknameContainsFilter using the OR operator. This is not something we (Sendbird), currently support within the iOS SDK. So the question is, what could you do to achieve this?
One option would be to utilize the Platform API to obtain this information. The List my group channels has the search_query and search_fields parameters which would allow you to utilize that OR operator to find both channel names and nicknames that match your value.
Alternatively, since the SDK does return all of the necessary data that would be required to filter for these results, you could create a front-end filter that would only display the items that match your filter results. So the SDK returns the complete channel list, you store that list, and then when the user searches, you filter through the list to find channels that match your needs and display only those.
As a side note, Stackoverflow may not be the best place for this type of discussion as there is a lot of back and forth. Please feel free to join us in our community for more support.

Build relationships in NEO4J

I'm going to preface this that I am a total database pleb. I have 0 experience with any form of databases so I know that I'm in way over my head.
Background: I do Active Directory consulting for my company so I routinely look at client's group membership of their active directory accounts. Currently, I have a PowerShell script that will run my analytics, however, I'm finding that it takes way too long in larger organizations. I'm thinking "There has to be a better way" so I have jumped into looking at databases. NEO4J seems to be a good possible solution as I should be able to to link a user account or group as a member of another group. However, after browsing documentation and forums, I have no idea how to create those links.
I have two CSVs that I have successfully imported with the following information:
Users = DistinguishedName, SAMACCOUNTNAME, MemberOf
Groups = DistinguishedName, SAMACCOUNTNAME, MemberOf, Members
What I want to do is match a string from all users and groups (DistinguishedName) to a string in the group node's property of members. Members is a concatenated string of all DistinguishedName's (whether user or group). So if a node with a DistinguishedName matches part of a string in a group's "members" property, I want to build a one way relationship like so:
user -[memberof] - > group
The best I could rack my brain on this is the following code but I have no idea if I'm even close:
Match(u:user) WHERE n.Members CONTAINS u.DN
Create (u)-[MS:Memberof]->((match)})
In PowerShell, I know how I would accomplish this (loosely translated to relate to the NEO4J world):
$groups = (all-groups)
$AllUsersAndGroups = (all-objs)
foreach ($line in $groups) {
$line.relationship = $line | where {$_.members -contains $AllUsersAndGrups.DistinguishedName}
So at last, I'm stuck right now. I will continue to look into it but I figure I would ask the community as you guys have the experience and stuff.
Here is an example of how you should have imported your data (notice that the redundant Members column is not actually needed):
Import (in batches of 5000, to avoid resource issues) each user, and create a unique relationship to its group:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///users.csv" AS u
MERGE (u:User {DistinguishedName: u.DistinguishedName, SAMACCOUNTNAME: u.SAMACCOUNTNAME})
MERGE (g:Group {DistinguishedName: u.MemberOf})
MERGE (u)-[:Memberof]->(g);
Import each group, and create a unique relationship to its parent group, if any:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///groups.csv" AS g1
MERGE (:Group {DistinguishedName: g1.DistinguishedName, SAMACCOUNTNAME: g1.SAMACCOUNTNAME})
MERGE (g2:Group {DistinguishedName: g1.MemberOf})
MERGE (g1)-[:Memberof]->(g2);

In- and excluding nodes in a cypher query

Good morning,
I want to build a structure in Neo4J where I can handle my users and groups (kind of ACL). The idea is to have for each user and for each group a node with all the details. The groups shall become a graph where a root group will have sub-groups that can have also sub-groups without limit. The relation will be -[:IS_SUBGROUP_OF]- - so far nothing exciting. Every user will be related to a group with -[:IS_MEMBER_OF]- to have a clear assignment. Of course a user can be a member of 1 or more groups. Some users will have a different relation like -[:IS_LEADER_OF]- to identify teamlead of the groups.
My tasks:
Assignment: I can query each member of a group with a simple query, I can even query members of the subgroups using the current logged in and asking user:
MATCH (d1:Group:Local) -- (c:User)
MATCH (d:User) -[:IS_MEMBER_OF|IS_LEADER_OF]- (g:Group:Local)-[:IS_SUBGROUP_OF*0..]->(d1)
WHERE c.login = userLogin
RETURN DISTINCT d.lastname, d.firstname
I get every related user to every group of the current user and below (subgroups). Maybe you have a hint how I cna improve the query or the model.
Here I am stucked as I want to have all users of the current group from the querying user and all members of all subgroups - except the leader of the current group. The reason behind is that a teamlead shall not be able to approve actions for himself but though for every other member of his group and all members of subgroups including their teamleads.
I tried to use the relations -[:IS_LEADER_OF]- to exclude them but than I loose also the teamleads of the subgroups. Does anyone has an idea how I would either change the model or how I can query the graph to get all users except the teamlead of the current group?
Thanks for your time,
* EDIT *
I think I am getting close, I just need to understand the results of those both queries:
MATCH (d:User) -- (g:Group) WHERE g.uuid = "xx"
RETURN d.lastname, d.firstname
Returns all user in this group no matter what relationship (leader / member)
MATCH (d:User) -- (g:Group), (g)--(c:User{uuid:"yy"})
RETURN d.lastname, d.firstname
Returns all user of that group except the user c. I would have expected to get c as well in the list with d-users as c is part of that group and should be found with (d:User).
I do not understand the difference between both queries, maybe someone has a hint for me?
You can simplify your query slightly (however this should not have an impact on performance):
MATCH (d:User) -[:IS_MEMBER_OF|IS_LEADER_OF]- (g:Group:Local)-[:IS_SUBGROUP_OF*0..]->(d1:Group:Local)--(c:User{login:"userlogin"})
RETURN DISTINCT d.lastname, d.firstname
Don't completely understand your question, but I assume you want to make sure that d1 and c are not connected by a IS_LEADER_OF relationship. If so, try:
MATCH (d:User) -[:IS_MEMBER_OF|IS_LEADER_OF]- (g:Group:Local)-[:IS_SUBGROUP_OF*0..]->(d1:Group:Local)-[r]-(c:User{login:"userlogin"})
RETURN DISTINCT d.lastname, d.firstname
following up on * EDIT * in the question
In a MATCH you specify a path. By definition a path does not use the same relationship twice. Otherwise there is a danger to run into infinite recursion. Looking at the second query in the "EDIT" section above: the right part matches yy's relationship to the group whereas the left part matches all user related to this group. To prevent multiple usage of the same relationship the left part does not hit use yy

powershell where-object specific number of numeric characters

I looked through some similar question but couldn't find an example of this sort of logic- what im looking for is a way to parse through a large return of usernames in powershell. User names that are not service accounts or kiosks have a specific naming convention of 6 grouped numeric characters: for example- username123456. I was thinking there has to be a way of using the where-object command but can't find anything on the syntax on technet or other PS resources. The one liner to get a return from the local domain is:
Search-ADAccount -PasswordNeverExpires | Select-Object Name, Enabled
This returns a list of domain accounts that have the password set to never expire. I want to only see the ones with the above naming convention ^^ I know you can achieve this with regex but my regex is quite rusty---if it can be done with where-object that would be optimal. I also looked into using pattern, but it seems to be for more complex returns than this... Thanks!
Are they under a specific OU? You could then use the -Searchbase parameter to limit the scope of the search to that OU.
Otherwise, Regex is probably going to be a good option to accomplish this.
Search-ADAccount -PasswordNeverExpires | Select-Object Name, Enabled | Where {
$ -match '\D\d{6}$'

Cypher: can I return a collection of collections, or similar?

I currently have the following cypher to return a list of Users, with the Roles they are assigned and the Application that the Role is for.
MATCH (u:User)-[:HAS_ROLE]->(r:Role)-[:ROLE_OF]->(a:App)
RETURN u as User, COLLECT([r, a]) as Roles
This returns a User and a collection of their roles and apps, but the collection is simply [roleA, appA, roleB, appA, roleC, appB...].
Is there any way to return something like [[roleA, appA], [roleB, appA], [roleC, appB]...] as processing this list on the assumption that it is role, app, role, app does not seem like good practice to me.
I can return the roles and apps as separate collections, but then I do not know which app each role is assigned to.
The only other way I can think of doing this is to perform multiple queries, which I do not want to do.
I am sure there must be a better way, maybe using WITH, but I am new to Cypher.
Many thanks for your help :)
You query appears to be working for me.
The output is:
| User | Roles |
| Node[5]{name:"u1"} | [[Node[4]{name:"r1"},Node[2]{name:"a1"}],[Node[3]{name:"r2"},Node[1]{name:"a2"}]] |
1 row
14 ms
If you are still having some issues for some reason or another you could try modifying the query slightly just to break it up.
MATCH (u:User)-[:HAS_ROLE]->(r:Role)-[:ROLE_OF]->(a:App)
WITH u, [r, a] as tuple
RETURN u as User, COLLECT(tuple) as Roles
