Blur then focus Effect - ios

I am making a single view application in Xcode and I am having a little trouble*(By little I mean BIG trouble!)
I wanted to make a clone of the Apple's News app home page where the buttons are are blurry than come to focus.I want to use that effect for three different ui elements.I have been trying for days but no success. :(
Is there a way of doing the blur than focus animation to a label a button And image view? If so can you please guide me on how to do it?
Thank you for your time.


Instagram pop up feature alike in swift

I was wondering if anyone have any idea how to work out something similar to Instagrams's feature that when you keep pressed a picture in a profile, it pops up until you release the screen. I have been looking around and haven't really found an answer. I was trying to work with popovers but they're not allowed in iphone and most of the alternatives use storyboards. Basically the difference from what im looking for and a popoverpresentation is that I want the new screen to cover most of the screen, not from it to come from the button itself, if that makes sense, while I have the screen pressed. So basically does anybody know how to do this in swift using no storyboards? Thank you!

iOS animation flip book cover and ease up

I have a scroll view, and few buttons/images there. on clicking I would like such animation :
(image opens like )book cover opens, and related view controller opens with ease in animation and gets full screen.
Any thoughts ?
Something similar happening in cook app
Link of cook app :
Edit : I have added animation, gif will run uninterrupted once completely loaded.
Might I suggest iBooksOpen, a library that provides a book opening animation. It's pretty lightweight and should meet your needs.
(Only drawback: it opens a single page to the whole screen, but you could adapt the geometry if you wanted a page-folding-open effect.)

view images in ios7 app and make interactive

ok guys im not to shure where to start with this one its a first for me but i have a floor plan that i would like to show in my IOS7 App and i know i want the user to shrink and grow the image so he or she can zoom in to areas of the map. it would be nice if they could click on the an area of the image and it would be linked to data in my parse database. but i think thats a long way off for me.....
but for now just to let the user shrink and grow and rotate the image would be nice.
anyone got any tutorials they can point me to?
Have a look at Apple's PhotoScroller example. Here an ARC-ready version.
This will not cover rotating the image, but you can easily get this by following this tutorial.

Can't Find The Fix For Launch Screen (Splash Image) Transition

I've spent hours trying to figure out what I would think is something very easy to do. I'm using the default Launch Image and I want it to be showing until my main menu transitions onto the screen. the problem is it fades to black and it doesn't seem to be changeable despite all the research and copy/paste of code. There is just so many errors and not enough detail in the answers.
The whole reason i want this to not fade is because my main menu enters through transition from the top of screen and is like an "extension" from the launch image, as if the main menu is pushing down my launch image until it fills the whole screen.
Any help is greatly appreciated, I'm still a beginner in Xcode programming so detail would be great. Please post code and any variables or anything that need to be added for it to work.
We can't do any animation with the launch image. Solution for your problem is you can keep a view showing the launch image after the launch screen appears when app opens. And you can do any animation with that view and your main menu.

flexslider stops sliding on touch and dives images in two ios phone gap

If youre working with small slide you will notice they often stall halfways thru the slide. im using slide and not fade. Ive tested this on the basic flexslider example there is. It doenst matter if its a big og small slide if you slide the picture to 50% and you leave your finger from the slide, going straight down, then the image is stuck with 50% of to images.. Is this a bug or is there a solution? tested on ios 6 phone gap
edit it doenst have to be 50% you its everywhere u start sliding images and move the finger out of the slider then the sliding animation is stopped and youre stuck with something of two images.
Solution: Its currently a bug according to github A minor bug with no one to fix it anytime soon.. However i experienced severals flicker bugs when creating a slider on a transformed moved div...
therefor the solution for me was use iosslider instead. Its perfect! ive tried all sliders out there this one does it all with no bugs!!!.. Its free for personal use however not free for commercial :/ anyways its the best and there really isnt an alternative to what i need a slider for.
Say thank you with +1 if you went ahead and downloaded iosslider :) You will be satisfied i promise!
