What Linux-Hosted Web Language/Framework is most like asp.net mvc 5+ [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I know this is the kind of question that usually gets deleted, but I have to find some answers. I want to build a project in a new technology more suitable to hosting on a Linux server, but I like the way things are done in ASP.NET MVC. I've looked at Rails a bit but I've heard that Rails performs and scales poorly. Any suggestions appreciated.

Ruby on Rails doesn't scale well, but depending on your needs you may never have to worry about it.
My guess is you'd be most comfortable with something like CakePHP or just PHP and whatever MVC framework. It's pretty C# like, and it's FAST!
Python/Django is also a good choice. (My personal favorite)


What rails server should I use? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm currently developing a rails app, based on Redmine, using a multitenancy approach. The app it is intended to be used by lots of users (at least I hope so :)), so it is important that it can handle several requests without compromise its performance. Having this in mind, I'm wondering which rails server would suit my needs best. I'm currently using thin, for memory savings purposes, but I'm afraid it is not the best choice for me... I've used unicorn before and I liked it a lot, but it was consuming a lot of memory and I had to change it to another one, but I've noticed that my app is not as fast as it used to be. Any advises? Thanks a lot in advance!
Use Passenger with Apache.
check here

Ruby on Rails for developing Real Time Application? or Node.js? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can Ruby on Rails be used for developing Real Time Application (similar to like Facebook, twitter, geekList ) ? What sort of database (NoSql), REST API is required ? Node.js seems to be popular for RTA. Any insight will be greatly appreciated?
You can try with Faye, but if you want development real time application, I think Node.js is the best. :)...Sorry, I'm only beginner developer :)
Ruby and Rails can definitely be used for that (twitter was originally a Rails app). What kind of db you need will depend on the specifics of your application. I am guessing from your question that you are a beginner. In that case, I would guess this is one of your first applications and you are trying to figure out which technology to you. I suggest you pick whichever one you are most interested in. You can do the kind of application you are talking about in most modern web frameworks.

Choice of Ruby Web Framework To Use With Backbone.js [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm coding a medium sized web application and am planning on making it MV*/JS based using backbone.js. I have a choice of using either Sinatra or Rails for the REST API/session based authentication. Which would you choose, and why?
This question has little to do with Backbone.js, and a lot to do with the overall complexity of your application.
Rails provides many features that Sinatra does not:
MVC architecture
ORM framework
Relational Database Scaffolding
If you won't benefit from these features, Sinatra is a good choice because of its minimalist design (under 2,000 lines of code).

Is ASP.NET MVC a viable choice for a large project? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to use MVC for a big project, but I read in some website that this is not suitable for large projects.
Is this true? and are there examples of some great sites or application that have been written with this technology?
We built the site you are browsing with it.
StackOverflow is a 100k LoC ASP.NET MVC site, and is currently #66 #53 in the world for traffic according to Quantcast.
More in general, it matters much more how you use it.
Facebook is PHP based, twitter is Ruby based. Both are relatively slow interpreted languages, and yet, they work!

Building a Code Generator in ruby.. Where to start? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been thinking about starting an open source admin panel for rails using the cappuccino JavaScript / Objective-J web framework..
How would I get started?
Are there any resources you can point me to, that explain dynamic scaffolding like code generation?
Thanks and looking forward to collaborating if anyones interested?
You may want to take a look # rails_admin. It is a port of Merb Admin. It's still pretty young, but may give you ideas on the approach.
ActiveScaffold has been around for a while too which may be another good reference project.
