What rails server should I use? [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm currently developing a rails app, based on Redmine, using a multitenancy approach. The app it is intended to be used by lots of users (at least I hope so :)), so it is important that it can handle several requests without compromise its performance. Having this in mind, I'm wondering which rails server would suit my needs best. I'm currently using thin, for memory savings purposes, but I'm afraid it is not the best choice for me... I've used unicorn before and I liked it a lot, but it was consuming a lot of memory and I had to change it to another one, but I've noticed that my app is not as fast as it used to be. Any advises? Thanks a lot in advance!

Use Passenger with Apache.
check here


Which one is better and cheaper for rails apps? Heroku or Google App Engine? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am beginner in ROR. I am working on one project. I want to know the better option between for deployment of the app.
My answer will be more conceptual, rather then technical.
This is the first time I hear about Google App Engine in case of Rails. This is mostly a crucial reason, why I would say, that you definitely better go with Heroku.
While you are a beginner, it's better to use the most widely spread solutions and tools. Heroku has a huge history and you can find any answers in the internet very easily. It's well known among rails community and everyone can make a small consultation according to it.
Even if Google App Engine would be better or cheaper (haven't checked it), you shouldn't start such experiments until you have good deploy/rails knowledge.

ActionCable vs Socket.Io is the most reliable and most scalable? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Which one is the most reliable and the most scalable?
ActionCable or Socket.io?
In order to avoid the opinion based answers please provide some real measured data which prove the hypothesis.
Are there any apps out there in production which were implemented using ActionCable, since ActionCable is out for a year?
If you are using Rails, ActionCable will be fine. It is currently used on Basecamp and powers their chat and notification features.
This is a large scale application with heaps of daily active users so really you shouldn't be worried about scale. However, if you are talking about millions and millions of active connections, then probably neither is your best option - with the better alternative being Elixir/Erlang (2Million Websocket connections in Phoenix) or even NodeJS.
However in your case if you are using a Rails application, then Actioncable is going to be much easier to implement as it is a feature of Rails and not an external party.

What Linux-Hosted Web Language/Framework is most like asp.net mvc 5+ [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I know this is the kind of question that usually gets deleted, but I have to find some answers. I want to build a project in a new technology more suitable to hosting on a Linux server, but I like the way things are done in ASP.NET MVC. I've looked at Rails a bit but I've heard that Rails performs and scales poorly. Any suggestions appreciated.
Ruby on Rails doesn't scale well, but depending on your needs you may never have to worry about it.
My guess is you'd be most comfortable with something like CakePHP or just PHP and whatever MVC framework. It's pretty C# like, and it's FAST!
Python/Django is also a good choice. (My personal favorite)

Devise usable for large-scale applications? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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out of interest - is devise usable for large scale applications (e.g. Groupon) or better write your own authentication?
yes..devise in used in many large scale applications...moreover it has nothing to do much about scaling as devise will only be used to handle signin/signout/email verification/password management etc which can be also reffered as ONE TIME CONFIGURATION.so even if there are million users...it wont affect your performance as you would be dealing with only one table users.Recenlty i used devise for an application of online students association involving more than 40k on weekly basis..thats a proof
Spree uses devise for authentication, so a lot of the big e-comerce sites are actually running on devise, we never had any issues with it with any of our clients with large user bases. I used other gems from Plataformatec as well, and they are pretty solid. Good luck with your project!

Ruby on Rails for developing Real Time Application? or Node.js? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can Ruby on Rails be used for developing Real Time Application (similar to like Facebook, twitter, geekList ) ? What sort of database (NoSql), REST API is required ? Node.js seems to be popular for RTA. Any insight will be greatly appreciated?
You can try with Faye, but if you want development real time application, I think Node.js is the best. :)...Sorry, I'm only beginner developer :)
Ruby and Rails can definitely be used for that (twitter was originally a Rails app). What kind of db you need will depend on the specifics of your application. I am guessing from your question that you are a beginner. In that case, I would guess this is one of your first applications and you are trying to figure out which technology to you. I suggest you pick whichever one you are most interested in. You can do the kind of application you are talking about in most modern web frameworks.
