GoogleMapsM4B framework not showing Map - ios

Hi I currently build in IOS using GoogleMapsM4B framework. But the Map is not showing.Any Idea?
step 1:i have downloaded Google Maps Mobile SDK from this link sdk ios
step 2: Create an API project in the Google APIs Console.
step 3: Select the Services pane in your API project, and enable the Google Maps SDK for iOS. This displays the Google Maps Terms of Service.
step 4:i Selected the API Access pane in the console, and click Create new iOS key.and then i added API Key in AppDelegate.m.
I am not getting result. in log i got this error,Your key may be invalid for bundle Id,but when i use google maps framework(old) it's work fine no error.
error - itms-90535 unexpected cfbundleexecutable key


Places API not enabled for iOS even if it's already enabled

I have integrated Places Autocomplete or Places API along with Maps, Google Login and Firebase RealtimeDatabase. But when I run the app, the error says:
"The operation couldn’t be completed. The Places API for iOS is not enabled. See the developer's guide ( for how to enable the Google Places API for iOS."
Places was working fine until:
Last week, I had to ditch my Firebase project and create a new one.
Did what was required:
-changed the GoogleServices-info.plist
-client ID
-url types
I have already enabled the Google Places API in my Google Cloud Platform, too.
And in my
GMSServices.provideAPIKey("<key from project>")
GMSPlacesClient.provideAPIKey("<key from project>")
Bear in mind that Google Maps, Google Sign In and Firebase Database are all working just fine.
The project is shared by the android version, too and the places api is working fine there.
Can't seem to figure out the issue.
Ok Asmin, so i run into the same issue this morning so i feel obligated to answer since i solved it after 5 hours! So the issue is with the pod version. GooglePlaces 2.7.0 is deprecated however when you run pod install 2.7.0 is what is installed not the present 3.0.2. Once i realized that, this is what i did. I opened the terminal, cd to my project folder and run pod update, or better yet pod update --verbose so i can see what's happening. Well, it worked!! The pods got updated to 3.0.2 and now everything works fine. Yaay! I love/hate programming!!
NB: anyway, if you try it and it doesn't work, then run update repo, and repeat pod update.
You have my word; it's going to work
Make sure you are in the correct Google account when configuring the API keys. Also make sure your key can be used for the iOS platform, double check that you enabled both Google Maps and Google Places and finally, make sure your bundle ID is allowed to use the API key.
In my case nothing worked. I have updated my pod and Google Place Picker SDK version 3.0.2 .But unfortunately Google have deprecated Google Place Picker since January 29, 2019 Link .
I have to follow the google migration guid and Wrote my own
controller to search for places with given string and populate those
results in my table view Link.
Than fetch the place detail by
place ID Link.
Note: It will cost you extra API call if you want Place Detail

Unable perform google plus sign in ios using ionic 2

Hi i am applying social login scenario in my ionic app where i applied google sign option and it is working perfectly with android and when comming to the ios im getting the below error
the api key and bundle id everything are set and working perfect
You have to follow the below steps as configuration for google login through IOS
Go to for IOS registration
Enter IOS bundle Id from widget Id in config.xml of the project
Enable Google sign In and generate configuration file
Copy the reverse client Id from downloaded file
Install the plugin with reverse client Id instead of webclient Id which we used for Android
run cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-googleplus --save --variable REVERSED_CLIENT_ID="myreversedclientid"
We can find the reverse client Id in Google developer console also credentials->iOS URL schema is the reverse client Id
Extract from Plugin documentation
To get your iOS REVERSED_CLIENT_ID, generate a configuration file
here. This GoogleService-Info.plist file contains the
REVERSED_CLIENT_ID you'll need during installation. This value is only
needed for iOS.
The REVERSED_CLIENT_ID is also known as the "iOS URL Scheme" on the
Developer's Console.
Login on iOS takes the user to a SafariViewController through the
Google SDK, instead of the separate Safari browser.
Please note that myreversedclientid is a place holder for the reversed
clientId you find in your iOS configuration file. Do not surround this
value with quotes. (iOS only Applications)
If you are building a hybrid application (iOS and Android), or an
Android application, you have to replace myreversedclientid with the
reverse value of Client ID in your Release credential generated on
step 3, on Google Developer's Console, this will be:
"com.googleusercontent.apps.uniqueId", without quotes.
1)Go to firebase console in your project add for ios.
2)you can see the google-info-plist file download it.
3)in this plist file have webclientid and reverseclientid use this
in package json file where google plus varible of webclient id and reverseclient id.same
as in config.xml file then after.
4)run commnad ionic cordova prepare ios then ionic cordova build ios
5)buy beer for me :)

Ionic iOS App Error - Custom Scheme URIs are not allowed for 'WEB' client type

I am using this plugin.
The implementation works fine for android. But google sign in on iOS opens safari webview and throws 400 invalid_request.
I am using the ios client id and reverse client id generated on google developer console.
Anyways to debug or know what the issue is?
The usual cause of this error is having an incorrect REVERSE_CLIENT_ID. Double check that you have the REVERSE_CLIENT_ID from the plist file downloaded when you set up the iOS application registration on the Google developer console. Note that if you got it wrong, changing this is difficult, as it gets copied into various locations and won't update automatically if you just try to change it in config.xml. When I mistakenly used my Android client ID to set up the plugin, I found that as well as config.xml I also needed to change the top level package.json file, and the <appname>-Info.plist in the platforms/ios directory in order to get the correct ID used.

How to integrate GTM with Firebase analytics enabled Application which developed using Xamarin Android platform

I am developing Mobile application using Xamarin Android. We have integrated Firebase portal with our application successfully. Also we are able to see all automated event and custom event on Dashboard in firebase Console.
Now my requirement is to integrate Google Tag Manager(GTM) SDK with existing Firebase SDK in my application. I tried to integrate by following some below links
but ended up with build error Invalid Resource file Name for GTM configuration file(GTM-XXXX.json).
So here is my question, How to integrate GTM SDK with Firebase SDK in Xamarin Android application.
Please any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know if you figured it out eventually, but for future reference, the problem is that the IdoTene tagmanager project is for tagmanager v4, which is pre firebase. Instead you should use the version that Xamarin maintains:
The steps are very simple. Integrate GTM containers (ios and android) as follows:
For Android -> create subfolder in assets folder and name it as containers, copy container in it (make sure it's naming starts with GTM-xxxxxx.json).
For iOS -> create a folder container in the root directory and copy GTM container json there (GTM-xxx.json)
Then install Xamarin.GooglePalyServices.TagManager nuget for Android and Xamarin.Google.iOS.Tagmanger for iOS.
Thats it for Android, but for iOS, there is a one more step.
Integrate following code in AppDelegate.cs
Then you should be good to go!! :)

Application Loader Error - Google Plus SDK & Beackons SDK while submitting app to app Store

I am trying to upload application(ipa File) on appStore from Application Loader, using Xcode 7.0.1. I have used - Google Plus SDK & Beackons SDK. Now while submitting app its giving me following error -
I have tried to find it on google but didn’t found effective stuff.
To resolve this problem, I came up with this solution -
1) Remove CFBundleExecutalbeKey from respective plist file.
2) Set Device type to iPhone rather than iPhone-Simulator in respective plist file.
In my case, it was Beacons SKD & Google SDK.
