Application Loader Error - Google Plus SDK & Beackons SDK while submitting app to app Store - ios

I am trying to upload application(ipa File) on appStore from Application Loader, using Xcode 7.0.1. I have used - Google Plus SDK & Beackons SDK. Now while submitting app its giving me following error -
I have tried to find it on google but didn’t found effective stuff.

To resolve this problem, I came up with this solution -
1) Remove CFBundleExecutalbeKey from respective plist file.
2) Set Device type to iPhone rather than iPhone-Simulator in respective plist file.
In my case, it was Beacons SKD & Google SDK.


Add a key named FacebookClientToken to your Info.plist, and add your client token as its value while running Flutter app in IOS

I am getting errors while running my app in Xcode / iOS via Android Studio. The app is working on Android devices but on iOS, it's freezing in Splash Screen.
So, I have to try many things to solve this error. Finally, I solve this & the answer is below.
A major change in Xcode & iOS Development in Flutter is that info.plist you have to add some more information for Facebook Authentication. According to Facebook's documentation, I need to add the following to info.plist:
<key>FacebookClientToken</key>. //You have to add this key
<string>3088986********</string> // And client token value from facebook developer page
This will solve my issue. while running the app in iOS Xcode & Mac. Hope This will solve your issue too.

Unable to upload app to the iTunes Connect due to Non-public API usage

I am trying to upload my App build to iTunes Connect from Xcode 11.3, but getting the below error:
I am using Wacom WillDevices library in my App. Can someone please give your suggestions?
This problem will be fixed only when the library you are using updates its method name to not be same as Apple's.
And ofcourse since this is not Apple's own library, you need to "Embed & Sign" it.
Otherwise its unsigned and will fail the validation. Only apples own frameworks which are available on the device do not need to be embedded.

Missing dylibs from Framework location

After successfully building and archiving app, I'm trying to upload it to iTunes Connect, using Xcode Organizer.
The application successfully passes the validation and it uploading to iTunes Connect.
But then iTunes Connect sends me mail:
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "[APP_NAME]". Please correct the following issues, then upload again.
Invalid Swift Support - The expected dylibs are missing from the app’s
Framework location, such as /Payload/[APP_NAME].app/Frameworks.
All the Frameworks and Libraries are linked to project.
Since app works on React Native and uses some Swift Libraries, I setted these values:
For main project: Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries = Yes
For custom framework: Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries = No
What I'm doing wrong? If app building and working on simulator.
P.S.: Also, i use these libraries: Google Signin and FacebookSDK, and they are both linked.

GoogleMapsM4B framework not showing Map

Hi I currently build in IOS using GoogleMapsM4B framework. But the Map is not showing.Any Idea?
step 1:i have downloaded Google Maps Mobile SDK from this link sdk ios
step 2: Create an API project in the Google APIs Console.
step 3: Select the Services pane in your API project, and enable the Google Maps SDK for iOS. This displays the Google Maps Terms of Service.
step 4:i Selected the API Access pane in the console, and click Create new iOS key.and then i added API Key in AppDelegate.m.
I am not getting result. in log i got this error,Your key may be invalid for bundle Id,but when i use google maps framework(old) it's work fine no error.
error - itms-90535 unexpected cfbundleexecutable key

Apple Application Loader + Adobe AIR: Cannot proceed with delivery

When trying to upload new iOS app version from Apple Application Loader it says:
Cannot proceed with delivery: an existing transporter is currently
uploading this package
I see this has solution if I was using Xcode for native iOS project. But I'm using Adobe AIR + Flex compiler. Flex SDK 4.13.0, FlashPlayer16
Using the same configuration before I did not have any problems.
Targeting swf 27.
Any ideas ?
It seems the problem does not have anything to do with Adobe AIR.
You have to delete one hidden file that is located in the Mac OS X from which you upload the app.
First unhide the hidden files by typing in the terminal
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
Then delete the .token file from:
Perhaps try increasing the version number in your app and iTunes connect and try uploading the new binary.
