Website error only on certain iPhone 5 and 6 - ios

The site loads off center on iPhone 6 and the backgrounds is not 100% width on iPhone 5. I've checked multiple 5 & 6 phones, every browser, and simulator and I DO NOT SEE THE ERROR. The client says it looks this way on their phone using safari running IOS v9.21. I even went out and bought an iPhone 6. It looks completely fine. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Please help.
Link to site
iPhone 6s+ ios v9.21 screenshot

You guys are looking at 2 different URLs ?
Screenshot has a url like, which loads your URL in a frameset.


Does iOS11 handle viewport different?

On my iPad Mini I can only install up to iOS 9.3, the website looks fine there and on any other device. But colleagues with a new iPad and iOS 11.0.3 have the website only filling about 60% of the screen (both portrait and landscape mode).
see iPod photo a colleague sent me
I made the website for 100% screen width on all devices and never had a problem, worked fine the last 2 years. I would say the website code is sober, the problem comes from iOS. But since I can only check iOS 9.3 or iOS 11, I do not exactly know at which version of iOS the error exactly started.
I can not find any information whatsoever about where this may come from or other people mentioning such a problem. Does iOS11 handle viewport different?

Bootstrap Website Maybe Not Loading with Iphone 6?

I not sure at this point if I have a problem with my own website for users of iphone 6.
It seems to work fine on the computers and on my iphone 5.
However, when my sister tried to view the site with her iphone 6, the page simple won’t load at all.
Can anyone with an iphone 6 please check if it loads on their phone.
If no, any suggestions as to why would be much appreciated.

Layout displacment on iOS 8.3

I am using INTEL XDK(1995) and Ionics to build HTML 5 application for Android and iOS.
Application runs like it should on Android devices and also on my iPhone 4 which has iOS 7.1.1
Application requires internet connection to load location of data and data it self and is then placed on device screen.
Here is the example how application looks like:
And this is example from the iPhone 6 and iOS 8.3:
It looks like that height isn't calculated properly. But it's interesting that buttons are placed correctly. Because they are also set by the height of the screen. But on some other device which is also iPhone 6 and has iOS 8.3 works like it should. Anyone knows what could make a difference on same device?
Please say if you need any more information.
I have managed to solve this problem. When I went to the client which had this problem, I discovered that splash screen didn't even show and instead it went directly to the application.
So I added init-dev.js file and called my starting AngularJS method from "ready" listener method.

Phonegap + iphone 6 screen size issue

I'm using phonegap / cordova with AngularJS to create a mobile app.
I'm testing the application in chrome debugger and simular all iPhones 4-6 plus, the layout stretch itself automatically and everything looks good.
when i'm running the application on iPhone 6 i get 2 black strips at the bottom and at the top of the app and the application size is small and not covering the whole screen.
Did it happen to anyone? how did you solve it?
Attached example image.
Have a look at this:
Black bars showing when running app on iOS 7 (4 inch retina display)
This helped when I had this issue on iPhone 5, seems to solve iPhone 6 as well.

How the apps already build for iPhone 4 and 5 will shown in iPhone 6 and 6 plus

As the apple has announced the two more screen sizes iPhone 6 and 6 plus. What will happen to apps already in app store build for iPhone 4 and 5. Will they be stretched or their layout be distorted in these new phones?
Please help me because I have recently submitted two of my apps in app store waiting for review. So should I change them or they will work fine. As I haven't use Auto layout in these apps.
If you have uploaded apps from XCode 5.x apple will take care and they will be scaled and stretched to fit them in iPhone and iPhone 6. If you want to take advantage of new devices you will have to use XCode 6 and add launch images on your project with these steps.
If you have not added launch images for iPhone 6 and 6 plus (and do not have Launch Screen File for iOS 8) , than your apps will be streached to fit in new devices , once you add them app will not be streached and you will have to manage it.
So with Xcode 5.x , you can be absoulatly sure that iOS will take care and streach your app to look just like thy look in iPhone 5 or 5S.
As Bhumit said, you need to add launch images at the new sizes if you want to have your apps scale properly for iPhone 6.
A corollary is that they will not scale in the simulator until you add those launch images. You can just add some default ones to test - I recommend grabbing David Smith's blanks.
If you do not test in the simulator with launch images, you will get a false impression of your app working because the default scaling kicks in. (If you are happy to leave it with that default scaling, fine for now.)
According to the latest version of Xcode 6 , the apps running in the previous iPhone environments of 5 and 4s will work as they are in iOS 8 i.e iPhone 6 , 6+. I suggest you download Xcode 6 from the Apple Developer Site and run your apps in the iPhone 6 and 6+ and see for yourself.
I have also found the apple link for this problem. Under heading 'Supporting New Screen Sizes and Scales'. You can check out above link for more such information.
