Visual Studio cannot load project file -- thinks there's a "ghost" path - path

There's one weird project in my solution that doesn't want to load.
The error message that VS gives is:
The project file could not be loaded. Could not find file 'C:\Some Path\Project Name\Project Name\Project Name.csproj'.
Now, the actual path should be C:\Some Path\Project Name\Project Name.csproj.
Note how the last part of the path was duplicated. I can't figure out why VS insists on this.
Even weirder, the path that is shown in the properties window is correct. The path in the Solution file is correct.
I've removed all *.suo and *.user files in the project.
I've cleared caches, restarted VS (countless times), got the latest from TFS, pretty much every possible fix I can come up with. No change.
If I remove the project and try to re-add it, I get the same error. It hasn't always done this (started after a complex merge), but the current branch is getting the same issue on other teammate's computers, too.
What is causing this incorrect path and how do I fix it?


need to recover trados project with translation

I was working on a language translation project in trados on a virtual machine. Half of the work was done and the translated words were exported into a Word docx file. Upon restarting the virtul machine, the project file appears to have been corrupted as trados shows no signs that the project was worked on. When I manually open the sdlproj (trados project) file, trados cannot open the file mentioning the following:
: An error occured whilst trying to determine the file version
I have tried creating a new project and used pre-translate using batch tasks but that did not seem to have imported the previously translated document. I need to figure out how to recover my project so that I can recover the translated document (so I do not have to redo the work) as well as recover the translation memory for trados. The translation memory folder is present inside the original project folder. I would really appreciate any suggestion to further troubleshoot and fix this issue. I have tried their support desk but they do not appear to be available today. Two solutions I observed from their forum suggested:
save the project file with a zip extension, extract the contents and then open the sdlxiff file from there
recreate the project and use pre-translate.
In my case, I was able to open the sdlxiff file from the translated language directory. This opened the project with the text that had previously been translated. I am not certain whether I need to remove the sdlproj file or simply save the project hoping that it will overwrite the corrupted file. In either case, I will update this post once I get an answer to that.

'Resource.Designer.cs' keeps old namespace after it has been changed throughout entire solution

At some point project identity was modified and i reflected that in code by renaming the solution, project, assembly and default namespace, with all corresponding folders - all instances of a name that i could find. I also used Notepad2 to fix the contents of solution and project files.
Note: Namespace in code was changed using VStudio's Rename feature.
Since then every time Resource.Designer.cs file gets re-generated, it pulls the old namespace in (?!), breaking the reference to automatic Resource class, which defines resource IDs:
Obviously, i try to fix this:
And in some cases it will immediately get re-generated again - you guessed it - with the old name, but sometimes(!) it will accept my edit, save it and let the project be actually compiled and run:
I've tried Clean and Rebuild commands multiple times for both project and solution, restarted VStudio, rebooted Windows.. No dice, it keeps happening.
App's TargetPlatform is 7.1, MinimumVersion is 4.3, all 5 supported architectures are enabled. VStudio - 15.5.4, .NET - 4.7.03056, Xamarin -, Xamarin.Android SDK -
Just found this in the Similar Questions list:
Ambiguous reference intellisense error from Resource.Designer.cs. Looked promising, so i did the following:
Closed solution in VisualStudio.
Removed entirely \bin and \obj subfolders in File Explorer.
Edited Resource.Designer.cs, so it has correct (new) namespace: J7987ca.
Added 'AndroidUseManagedDesignTimeResourceGenerator' to J7987ca.csproj, as advised.
Opened the solution, and here's the result - old namespace is back:
I guess, i can start with a clean slate and re-create entire solution from scratch with a new name, but for the Love of God, why do i have to do that? And where does it pull the old name from?!
My last image shows <RootNamespace>J7980ca</RootNamespace> - the old name. I did not pay much attention to re-check that tab after re-opening solution, because such an awful glitch would never occure to me: i never had problems saving values in those VS "dialogs" previously.
It turns out that changing Default Namespace in Project Properties does not take effect!
I verified it twice.
Mind you, Assembly Name was saved, so i'm at a loss of wits to explain, how all this is happening.
As soon as i edited .csproj in Notepad2 re-opening the solution happily put proper namespace into Resources.Designer.cs and allowed compilation.
I'm a little late to this, but I ran into this issue recently and was able to fix it by updating both <RootNamespace> and <AssemblyName> tags in the Android csproj file.
Then cleaning the sln and closing Visual Studio and deleting bin, obj, and the old Resource.Designer.cs file (from the directory using the File Explorer and not by removing it from the csproj).
You also need to change it in the assembly line, not just the namespace.
For example
[assembly: global::Android.Runtime.ResourceDesignerAttribute("com.companyname.TestBottomSheetDialog.Resource", IsApplication=true)]
namespace com.companyname.TestBottomSheetDialog

Xcode Pinterest.h file not found

So I have looked high and low for a fix for this and nothing seems to work. I have a a project that works 100%, but when I transfer it over to another mac I get the following error. Pinterest.h file not found. However this file is in fact present and makes no sense why I am getting this error. I have tried cleaning build, cleaning build folder, restarting xcode, checking build paths and I simply cannot figure out this issue. Here is an image of the error
and here is an image of the class that is causing the error
Literally any help on this would be amazing, I am using sharekit if that helps at all.
Are you sure you have Pinterest.h included in the actual project? It could be that, on your second device, you forgot to include the Pinterest.h as a file inside the project itself. It might be within the directory structure, but that doesn't mean that it's included in the Xcode project.
With the limited images you provided, it's really hard to tell one way or the other. Can you provide more information/images?

xcode duplicates files in project

I'm at a complete loss as to what I did to cause this:
For the second time since I started using XCode about a month ago (my first time seriously using it after taking one class several years ago) I try to run my project and the next thing I know I have errors because I have duplicate references. I looked at the project and it appeared that most of the files in my project had duplicated themselves, however I discovered that they are not duplicate files just duplicate references. This happened to me today when I tried to build on an actual iphone for the first time but it also happened to me a few weeks ago while using the simulator. Neither time do I recall doing anything unusual. I have built and tested the project probably 100+ times and normally all goes ok. I was able to fix it the first time but I think I have made it worse this time and am probably going to add the files back into a new project. My co-worker also mentioned this happening to him (he has about as much experience with xcode as I do). He told me he ended up with files nested in folders (groups?) nested in other folders about 20 deep.
My question is this: Does anyone know what I may have done to cause this. I would really like to avoid this problem in the future since it is proving to be quite a headache. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
E.T.A. xcode version 4.6.2 (possibly an earlier version the first time it happened)
Try this instead:
Highlight all the duplicate files
Right click on one of the files and press "Delete"
When prompted for which delete option, click "Remove Reference"
Also you asked for "any advice".
If you aren't already using git source control in your Xcode projects, start now.
You can spot many mistakes like this earlier and fix them more easily using git.
When you add files as a copy, the Xcode project navigator shows added files with an A and modified files with an M.
If the file is inside a closed group folder, the folder shows an A.
If you add a reference without a copy the project navigator won't show an A but MyApp.xcodeproj will show M.
In Xcode you can discard a change before committing it.
In the case below, you would discard changes to all added or modified files.
Typically you review and commit changes frequently.
Using a gui tool such as SourceTree, you have a good chance of spotting an accidental change before you commit. For example, you can see changes to the project file.
If you accidentally commit an unintended change, you can go back later and reverse a commit.
By committing frequently, you have more control over which changes you undo and which ones you keep.
References: (scroll down to see videos)
I had the same 20 deep nesting of my main folder of images. If its not a bug its very strange behaviour. I just backed it all up !! Then I opened the folder in finder, found the point at which it was starting to nest and deleted it.
I did a rebuild, but I don't think Xcode even noticed. It made no difference to the size of my app so Xcode was not putting unnecessary files in the binary.
This happened to me when I imported a file. Suddenly I had two nested directories containing what looked like copies of all my files. The compiler complained about duplicate classes.
I found a solution, but it's a ball-ache and a time sink.
1: Click on your project in the navigator to open up the project settings in the main view.
2: Open the 'Compile Sources' accordion entry.
(This allows you to see which files are being used in the compilation process.)
3: Find any duplicates in here and delete them.
(At this stage your project should compile again.)
4: In your navigator view, slow-double-click one of the files that's duplicated there. This should allow you to rename it. Change the name (not the extension) slightly.
5: You should notice that the copy becomes red. Select it and hit delete.
(This avoids the delete operation removing the file from the 'Compile Sources')
6: Rename the original file back to its original name again.
7: Repeat from 4 until done, or until bored.
8: Explain to your boss why a simple copy change took half a day.
This process can be optimised up by first renaming all duplicated files, then deleting the duplicates all at once. However this means that you can't test for successful compilation between steps, which allows you to narrow the culprit down to a single file. And takes even more time.
If compilation fails, ensure all the files you need are still in the 'Compile Sources' section, as this process can cause them to be lost from there. The compiler will normally give some reasonable errors about missing classes and variables, but a missing AppDelegate will produce a more confusing error.

File not found error on ALL files in Blackberry project

I haven't touched any of my Blackberry projects for about 2 weeks now. Today I had to make some modifications, but when I tried to compile and run my code I got an error message like the following (this has been simplified):
JavaBuilder handling CoreException
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: File not found: C:\Program Files\etc etc etc\ClassName.class
And this error pops up for every single one of the files in my project.
I'm not a Java professional by any means, but I'm pretty sure this has something to do with my build path. What do I have to do? I did a system restore a little while back don't know if that has anything to do with this.
Thanks a lot.
Problem solved. For some reason alot of the folders in my project's folder were duplicated (ie: mainpackage, mainpackage(2)), so each one of my class files had a twin. Eclipse didn't tell me this, instead it just decided to say "I can't find the files" even though they were there. Not a very useful error message.
So I deleted mainpackage(2) and now it runs fine.
Thanks again for the help.
