storing a lambda in the value portion of a hash - ruby-on-rails

Can anyone tell me what's going on here:
value: -> f { view_context.fr_user_column(f) }
This is from a larger hash:
def self.columns
user: {
title: "Applicant",
value: -> f { view_context.fr_user_column(f) }
ch_rep: {
title: "CH Rep",
value: -> f { view_context.fr_ch_rep_column(f) }
That gets used in a method to create a table:
def self.render_zable_columns(context, options = {})
self.columns.each do |key, col|
next if options[:except] && options[:except].include?(key)
col_options = {title: col[:title]}
col_options[:class] = "franchise_#{key}"
col_options[:sort] = col.key?(:sort) ? col[:sort] : true
if col[:value].present?
context.send(:column, key, col_options, &col[:value])
context.send(:column, key, col_options)
The reason I ask is because I also have the CH rep which is just a different name for the User model, and I'm trying to get the table to display the CH rep (User) name but this isn't working:
value: -> f { view_context.fr_ch_rep_column(f) }

This is storing a lambda in the value portion of a hash. f corresponds to the variable that will be available inside of the lambda when the lambda is called.
if col[:value].present? checks for the lambda
context.send(:column, key, col_options, &col[:value]) sends (in order)
column as a symbol
the key (i.e. ch_rep or `user)
column_options which includes the title and other non lambda keys/values
the lambda specified as the value key, to context


How to dynamically call scopes with 'OR' clause from an array

I have an array, and I'd like to call scopes with OR clause:
cars = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota']
class Car < AR
scope :from_bmw, -> { where(type: 'bmw') }
scope :from_audi, -> { where(type: 'audi') }
scope :from_toyota, -> { where(type: 'toyota') }
I'd like to achieve something like this:
My cars array can change; in case: cars = ['toyota', 'audi'], my method should produce:
I have something like the following:
def generate(cars)
scopes = {|f| "from_#{f} "}
scopes.each do |s|
I don't want to pass type as an argument to scope, there's a reason behind it.
def generate(cars)
return Car.none if cars.blank?
scopes = {|f| "from_#{f} "}
scope = Car.send(scopes.shift)
scopes.each do |s|
scope = scope.or(Car.send(s))
Assuming the given array contains only valid type values, you could simply do that:
class Car
scope :by_type, -> (type) { where(type: type) }
types = ['bmw', 'audi', 'toyota']
Car.by_type(types) # => It'll generate a query using IN: SELECT * FROM cars WHERE type IN ('bmw', 'audi', 'toyota')
If you don't want to pass the array as an argument to scope for whatever reason, you could create a hash mapping the array values to valid by_type arguments.
VALID_CAR_TYPES = { volkswagen: ['vw', 'volkswagen'], bmw: ['bmw'], ... }
def sanitize_car_types(types) do |type|
VALID_CAR_TYPES.find { |k, v| v.include?(type) }.first

Rail convert array into group

I am trying to convert one of my array into some format where it can convert itself into table format.
I have an array which is:
id: 1,
Revenue_Account: "Revenue Receipt",
Amount: 59567,
Year: "2012-13",
created_at: "2018-08-21T06:30:17.000Z",
updated_at: "2018-08-21T06:30:17.000Z"
id: 2,
Revenue_Account: "Revenue Expenditure ",
Amount: 54466,
Year: "2012-13",
created_at: "2018-08-21T06:30:17.000Z",
updated_at: "2018-08-21T06:30:17.000Z"
Full code of my array link to my actual array
I want this data to be converted into this format:
data: [
id: 1,
Sector: "Revenue Receipt",
2012-13: 59567,
2013-14: 68919,
2014-15: 72570,
2015-16: 96123,
2016-17: 105585,
2017-18_BE: 137158,
id: 2,
Sector: "Revenue Expenditure",
2012-13: 59567,
2013-14: 68919,
2014-15: 72570,
2015-16: 96123,
2016-17: 105585,
2017-18_BE: 137158,
I am using this code to group my array:
group = b.group_by{|data| data[:Revenue_Account]}
this is grouping my data as I am expecting in order to achieve my goal I am trying this code.
group = b.group_by{|data| data[:Revenue_Account]}
du = []
group.each do |i|
This is giving me Sector wise result how can I add year in my code.
You can't have a single id in there because you're grouping up many entries with different ids, but this is how you'd get the array in the format you're asking for:
grouped = {}
b.each do |x|
grouped[x[:Revenue_Account]] ||= {}
grouped[x[:Revenue_Account]][:Sector] = x[:Revenue_Account]
grouped[x[:Revenue_Account]][x[:Year]] = x[:Amount]
return {data: grouped.values}
Which gets you:
:Sector=>"Revenue Receipt",
:Sector=>"Revenue Expenditure ",
We build a new hash by looping through the original hash and creating hash keys if they don't exist. Then we start assigning values as you want them to be in the output. On each iteration, we're creating a new key in this hash for the Revenue_Account value if its the first time we've seen it. Then we assign that particular Revenue_Account's Date and Amount to the output. So for value 'Revenue Receipt' it looks like this:
Grouped hash starts off as empty
On first iteration, we see that group["Revenue Receipt"] is nil, so we initialize it with an empty hash via ||= (assign if nil)
We then assign :Sector => "Revenue Receipt" and this entry's Year and Amount, "2012-13" => 59567
Our grouped hash looks like: {"Revenue Receipt" => {:Sector => "Revenue Receipt", "2012-13" => 59567}
On the next iteration we see that group["Revenue Receipt"] is not nil, so ||= does not override it with an empty hash
We then assign :Sector => "Revenue Receipt" and this entry's Year and Amount, "2012-14" => 68919, which adds a new key/value to the existing hash
Our grouped hash now looks like: {"Revenue Receipt" => {:Sector => "Revenue Receipt", "2012-13" => 59567, "2012-14" => 68919}
After we parse the entire array, we now have a hash that has a key of the Revenue_Account, and values which look like the hash output you're expecting.
We discard the key and return only the hash values, which gets you the final output.
Another option, directly manipulating the array.
array_of_data = array
.each { |h| h[:Sector] = h.delete(:Revenue_Account) }
.each { |h| h[h[:Year]] = h[:Amount]}
.each { |h| h.delete_if{ |k, _| k == :created_at || k == :updated_at || k == :id || k == :Year || k == :Amount} }
.group_by { |h| h[:Sector] } { |a| a.inject(:merge) }
Then just:
h = {}
h[:data] = array_of_data
To understand what happens along the code, just ad line by line outputting the result, like:
p array
.each { |h| h[:Sector] = h.delete(:Revenue_Account) }
p array
.each { |h| h[:Sector] = h.delete(:Revenue_Account) }
.each { |h| h[h[:Year]] = h[:Amount]}
To understand .inject(:merge), see here Rails mapping array of hashes onto single hash

constructing a new hash from the given values

I seem lost trying to achieve the following, I tried all day please help
h = {
"kv1001"=> {
"impressions"=>{"b"=>0.245, "a"=>0.754},
"visitors" =>{"b"=>0.288, "a"=>0.711},
"ctr" =>{"b"=>0.003, "a"=>0.003},
"inScreen"=>{"b"=>3.95, "a"=>5.031}
"kv1002"=> {
"impressions"=>{"c"=>0.930, "d"=>0.035, "a"=>0.004, "b"=>0.019,"e"=>0.010},
"visitors"=>{"c"=>0.905, "d"=>0.048, "a"=>0.005, "b"=>0.026, "e"=>0.013},
"ctr"=>{"c"=>0.003, "d"=>0.006, "a"=>0.004, "b"=>0.003, "e"=>0.005},
"inScreen"=>{"c"=>4.731, "d"=>4.691, "a"=>5.533, "b"=>6.025, "e"=>5.546}
}, {
}, {
#... etc
My goal is to create a hash with 'kv1001=a' i.e the letters inside the hash and assign the keys like impressions, visitors etc. The example MY GOAL has the format
So format type "kv1001=a" must be constructed from the hash itself, a is the letter inside the hash.
I have solved this now
`data_final = []
h.each do |group,val|
a ={{}}
val.values.each_with_index do |v, i|
keys = val.keys
segment_count = v.keys.length
(0..segment_count-1).each do |n|
a0 = {"segment" => "#{group}=#{v.to_a[n][0]}", keys[i] => v.to_a[n][1]}
a[n].merge! a0
if a[n].count > 4
data_final << a[n]
Here's a simpler version
h.flat_map do |segment, attrs|
letters = attrs.values.flat_map(&:keys).uniq
# create a segment entry for each unique letter do |letter|
seg = {"segment" => "#{segment}=#{letter}"}
seg.merge Hash[ {|key| [key,attrs[key][letter]]}]

How can I query my db for params by "and" instead of "or"

I have habtm relation between products and colors. When I preform a query on products that are "red" and "black" I want it to return product that have "red" AND "black" associations not "red" OR "black"
This is my scope for this query:
scope :items_design_filter_color, -> (colors) { joins(:colors).where('' => colors.to_i) unless colors.nil? }
colors params
params[:colors] = ["1", "2"]
colors table is just id and name columns
Calling my scopes:
#products =
.items_design_filter_price(params[:low_end], params[:high_end]))
this is my attempt at using one of the answers bellows method within my scope:
scope :items_design_by_category, -> (category) { joins(:items_categories).where('' => category) }
scope :items_design_filter_color, -> (colors) { joins(:colors).where(colors: {id: colors}) do |item|
( & colors).size == colors.size
end unless colors.nil? }
scope :items_design_filter_style, -> (styles) { where('items_style_id' => styles) unless styles.nil? }
scope :items_design_filter_store, -> (stores) { where('store_id' => stores) unless stores.nil? }
scope :items_design_filter_editors_pick, -> (editors_pick) { where('editors_pick' => TRUE) unless editors_pick.nil? }
scope :items_design_filter_sold_out, -> (sold_out) { where('sold_out' => 'n') unless sold_out.nil? }
scope :items_design_filter_price, -> (lowend, highend) { where('price_as_decimal' => lowend..highend) unless lowend.nil? }
scope :items_design_filter_sort, -> (sort) { order(sort) unless sort.nil? }
OK, well I ended up getting this way based on the someones answer that was deleted. If they want to come and put the answer back I will give them credit. In the meantime this solved my problem.
scope :items_design_filter_color, -> (colors) { color_ids = unless colors.nil?
includes(:colors).where(colors: {id: color_ids}).select do |item|
( & color_ids).size == color_ids.size
end unless colors.nil? }

How can I replace a hash key with another key?

I have a condition that gets a hash.
hash = {"_id"=>"4de7140772f8be03da000018", .....}
Yet, I want to rename the key of that hash as follows.
hash = {"id"=>"4de7140772f8be03da000018", ......}
P.S. I don't know what keys are in the hash; they are random. Some keys are prefixed with an underscore that I would like to remove.
hash[:new_key] = hash.delete :old_key
rails Hash has standard method for it:
hash.transform_keys{ |key| key.to_s.upcase }
UPD: ruby 2.5 method
If all the keys are strings and all of them have the underscore prefix, then you can patch up the hash in place with this:
h.keys.each { |k| h[k[1, k.length - 1]] = h[k]; h.delete(k) }
The k[1, k.length - 1] bit grabs all of k except the first character. If you want a copy, then:
new_h = Hash[ { |k, v| [k[1, k.length - 1], v] }]
new_h = h.inject({ }) { |x, (k,v)| x[k[1, k.length - 1]] = v; x }
You could also use sub if you don't like the k[] notation for extracting a substring:
h.keys.each { |k| h[k.sub(/\A_/, '')] = h[k]; h.delete(k) }
Hash[ { |k, v| [k.sub(/\A_/, ''), v] }]
h.inject({ }) { |x, (k,v)| x[k.sub(/\A_/, '')] = v; x }
And, if only some of the keys have the underscore prefix:
h.keys.each do |k|
if(k[0,1] == '_')
h[k[1, k.length - 1]] = h[k]
Similar modifications can be done to all the other variants above but these two:
Hash[ { |k, v| [k.sub(/\A_/, ''), v] }]
h.inject({ }) { |x, (k,v)| x[k.sub(/\A_/, '')] = v; x }
should be okay with keys that don't have underscore prefixes without extra modifications.
you can do
hash.inject({}){|option, (k,v) | option["id"] = v if k == "_id"; option}
This should work for your case!
If we want to rename a specific key in hash then we can do it as follows:
Suppose my hash is my_hash = {'test' => 'ruby hash demo'}
Now I want to replace 'test' by 'message', then:
my_hash['message'] = my_hash.delete('test')
For Ruby 2.5 or newer with transform_keys and delete_prefix / delete_suffix methods:
hash1 = { '_id' => 'random1' }
hash2 = { 'old_first' => '123456', 'old_second' => '234567' }
hash3 = { 'first_com' => '', 'second_com' => '' }
hash1.transform_keys { |key| key.delete_prefix('_') }
# => {"id"=>"random1"}
hash2.transform_keys { |key| key.delete_prefix('old_') }
# => {"first"=>"123456", "second"=>"234567"}
hash3.transform_keys { |key| key.delete_suffix('_com') }
# => {"first"=>"", "second"=>""}
h.inject({}) { |m, (k,v)| m[k.sub(/^_/,'')] = v; m }
hash.each {|k,v| hash.delete(k) && hash[k[1..-1]]=v if k[0,1] == '_'}
I went overkill and came up with the following. My motivation behind this was to append to hash keys to avoid scope conflicts when merging together/flattening hashes.
Extend Hash Class
Adds rekey method to Hash instances.
# Adds additional methods to Hash
class ::Hash
# Changes the keys on a hash
# Takes a block that passes the current key
# Whatever the block returns becomes the new key
# If a hash is returned for the key it will merge the current hash
# with the returned hash from the block. This allows for nested rekeying.
def rekey
self.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), previous|
new_key = yield(key, value)
if new_key.is_a?(Hash)
previous[new_key] = value
Prepend Example
my_feelings_about_icecreams = {
vanilla: 'Delicious',
chocolate: 'Too Chocolatey',
strawberry: 'It Is Alright...'
my_feelings_about_icecreams.rekey { |key| "#{key}_icecream".to_sym }
# => {:vanilla_icecream=>"Delicious", :chocolate_icecream=>"Too Chocolatey", :strawberry_icecream=>"It Is Alright..."}
Trim Example
{ _id: 1, ___something_: 'what?!' }.rekey do |key|
trimmed ='_', '')
# => {:id=>1, :something=>"what?!"}
Flattening and Appending a "Scope"
If you pass a hash back to rekey it will merge the hash which allows you to flatten collections. This allows us to add scope to our keys when flattening a hash to avoid overwriting a key upon merging.
people = {
bob: {
name: 'Bob',
toys: [
{ what: 'car', color: 'red' },
{ what: 'ball', color: 'blue' }
tom: {
name: 'Tom',
toys: [
{ what: 'house', color: 'blue; da ba dee da ba die' },
{ what: 'nerf gun', color: 'metallic' }
people.rekey do |person, person_info|
person_info.rekey do |key|
# =>
# {
# :bob_name=>"Bob",
# :bob_toys=>[
# {:what=>"car", :color=>"red"},
# {:what=>"ball", :color=>"blue"}
# ],
# :tom_name=>"Tom",
# :tom_toys=>[
# {:what=>"house", :color=>"blue; da ba dee da ba die"},
# {:what=>"nerf gun", :color=>"metallic"}
# ]
# }
Previous answers are good enough, but they might update original data.
In case if you don't want the original data to be affected, you can try my code.
newhash=hash.reject{|k| k=='_id'}.merge({id:hash['_id']})
First it will ignore the key '_id' then merge with the updated one.
Answering exactly what was asked:
hash = {"_id"=>"4de7140772f8be03da000018"}
hash.transform_keys { |key| key[1..] }
# => {"id"=>"4de7140772f8be03da000018"}
The method transform_keys exists in the Hash class since Ruby version 2.5.
If you had a hash inside a hash, something like
hash = {
"object" => {
and if you wanted to change "_id" to something like"token"
you can use deep_transform_keys here and do it like so
hash.deep_transform_keys do |key|
key = "token" if key == "_id"
which results in
"object" => {
Even if you had a symbol key hash instead to start with, something like
hash = {
object: {
id: "4de7140772f8be03da000018"
you can combine all of these concepts to convert them into a string key hash
hash.deep_transform_keys do |key|
key = "token" if key == :id
If you only want to change only one key, there is a straightforward way to do it in Ruby 2.8+ using the transform_keys method. In this example, if you want to change _id to id, then you can:
hash.transform_keys({_id: :id})
