Unable to render inline attachments in ActionMailer - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to render inline images in a standard ActionMailer view using the approach outlined here Rails attachments inline are not shown correctly in gmail.
My code in my mailer:
attachments.inline["sample.png"] = {
mime_type: "image/png",
encoding: "base64", # Including this line causes byte sequence error
data: File.read('public/sample.png')
In mail view:
Gives the familiar ruby UTF-8 byte sequence error:
invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
To get around this I tried the following:
attachments.inline["logo.png"] = {
mime_type: "image/png",
data: Base64.encode64(File.read('public/logo.png'))
and also
attachments.inline["logo.png"] = File.read('public/logo.png')
Using the same image_tag syntax shown above.
Both of these resolve the UTF error, but I'm left with this nonsensical URL in the view:
<img src="cid:5707a64ededbc_7bd83ffd648601e029875#localhostname.mail">
The PNG image is valid and renders properly in a standard HTML view. I'm using Rails 4.2.5 with Ruby 2.2.4
This works:
attachments.inline["cape.png"] = {
mime_type: "image/png",
# encoding: "base64",
content: Base64.encode64(File.read(Rails.root.join("public/", "cape.png")))
= image_tag "data:image/png;base64,#{attachments['logo.png'].read}"
Very awkward, however, and I'm still wondering why the conventional approach doesn't work.

In my application I use only
attachments.inline["logo.png"] = File.read('public/logo.png')
It works fine for me


Attaching AXLSX view to mail Rails Mailer

According to the GitHub Page for the axlsx gem I should use this syntax to render a xlsx view to a file and attach it:
xlsx = render_to_string handlers: [:axlsx], formats: [:xlsx], template: "users/export", locals: {users: users}
attachments["Users.xlsx"] = {mime_type: Mime::XLSX, content: xlsx}
Here is my mail method:
xlsx = render_to_string(handlers: [:axlsx], formats: [:xlsx], template: 'v1/reports/reportxyz', params: {start_date: '2016-09-12', period: 'weekly'})
attachments["report.xlsx"] = {content: xlsx, mime_type: Mime::XLSX}
mail(to: "my#email.address", subject: "Report", format: "text")
However I get this error when I try and call the mailer method:
ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template layouts/mailer with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:xlsx], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:axlsx]}. Searched in:
* "path/to/project/app/views"
Why is the render_to_string method affecting what the mailer view the mailer is trying to render? locgially I don't have a mailer.xlsx.axlsx file in my app/views/layouts folder but rather the mailer.text.erb I am trying to use as with other emails.
I changed the render line to xlsx = render_to_string(template: 'v1/reports/azamara_social', params: {start_date: '2016-09-12', period: 'weekly'})
And now it seems to try and render the xlsx view but of course gets nil:NilClass errors when the xlsx view tries to reference instance variables defined in the reports controller.
Have you tried passing layout: false? What versions of axlsx, axlsx_rails, rails, and rubyzip are you using?
In the end it all came down to moving the controller code into a lib file. This way I call it in the controller to get the data if it needs to be rendered via web-requests as well as via the Mailer method where I recreate the #variables the view template is looking for.
Here is the finished salient parts of the report mailer method:
data = ReportUtils.get_data(args)
xlsx = render_to_string(template: 'path/to/report.xlsx', locals: {:#period => period, :#date_ranges => data[:date_ranges], :#data => data[:data]})
attachments["report.xlsx"] = {content: xlsx, mime_type: Mime::XLSX}

Rails saving a pdf to Amazon S3

I have a Rails 3.2 app that uses gem 'wicked_pdf', and gem 'combine_pdf'.
They both work and I can create PDFs which get emailed.
But, I have run into a situation where the email would be too big.
So, I'm trying to save the created pdf to Amazon S3. The app already has the gem 'aws-sdk'.
This is my code:
def self.saveallpdf
#costprojects = Costproject.where("client_id = 2")
pdf = CombinePDF.new
#costprojects.each do |costproject|
#costproject = costproject
controller = CostprojectsController.new
controller.instance_variable_set(:"#costproject", #costproject)
pdf2 = controller.render_to_string(pdf: "Captital Projects.pdf",
template: "costprojects/viewproject",
encoding: "UTF-8")
pdf << CombinePDF.parse(pdf2)
#s3 = AWS::S3.new
#bucket = #s3.buckets['ndeavor3-pdf']
#obj = #bucket.objects['filename'].write(pdf, acl: :public_read)
The error I'm getting is:
:data must be provided as a String, Pathname, File, or an object that responds to #read and #eof?
/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/aws-sdk- `validate_data!'
/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/aws-sdk- `compute_write_options'
/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/aws-sdk- `write'
/app/app/models/costproject.rb:167:in `saveallpdf
I guess was-sdk doesn't like the "pdf" as the file??
PS - I can email the "pdf" - if it was smaller in size.
Thanks for your help!
At this point in time:
#obj = #bucket.objects['filename'].write(pdf, acl: :public_read)
pdf is a CombinePDF object and not a File, String, or Pathname
pdf.to_s might work, or you will have to create a new file from the CombinePDF object
File.new(CombinePDF) # pseduo code only

Generating and sending PDF in ActionMailer with WickedPDF

i am using rails 4.2 and am generating pdfs in actionmailer with following code:
attachments["abc.pdf"] = WickedPdf.new.pdf_from_string(
render_to_string(template: "pdf_templates/abc.html", header: {
content: render_to_string(layout: "header.html")
}, margin: {
top: 50, left: 50
mail to: #user.email, subject: "bla blubb"
Its working fine and rendering the abc.html.erb. but it ignores margin-tags and the header file... if i put an error into header.html.erb rails is shouting - so it must be found and processed.
i also tried this but same issue:
pdf = render template: "pdf_templates/abc.html", footer: {spacing: 20, left: "ABDCDSAFASDF"}
attachments["abc.pdf"] = WickedPdf.new.pdf_from_string(pdf)
i read about some problems with ActionMailer but cant solve them, cause i am using rails 4:
wicked_pdf not loading header or footer in ActionMailer
Rails3 - wicked_pdf gem, footer issue when calling from action mailer model
Funny, thought that i tried the include which unixMonkey recommend. Now I tried again and it works with following code... Thank you for pushing me into the right direction.
class WelcomeMailer < ApplicationMailer
include PdfHelper
def new_customer(user)
#user = user
test = render_to_string_with_wicked_pdf(
pdf: "test.pdf",
template: "pdf_templates/abc.html",
header: {html: {template: "pdf_templates/header.html"}}
attachments["abc.pdf"] = test
mail to: #user.email, subject: "blaa blubb"

Prevent Ruby ActionMailer from removing carriage returns (Windows line endings) from txt file attachment

I'm trying to send a file attachment using Rubys ActionMailer. However, when I send my file, the carriage returns "\r" that I've added are removed.
string = "the quick brown\r\nfox jumped over\r\nthe bridge"
File.open(file = "attachment_#{Time.now.to_i}.txt", "w+") do |f|
attachments['test_file.txt'] = {
mime_type: 'text/plain',
content: string
:to => 'somebody#example.com',
:from => 'somebody#example.com',
:subject => 'Message Test'
The file that is written has the proper line endings, but the attached file has the carriage returns removed. How I can prevent this from happening?
So just wanted to post my solution in case anyone else ends up with this issue...
After checking the base64 encoded attachment from the email, I found that the string, did in fact, not have the carriage return.
1.9.3-p448 :001 > Base64.decode64('dGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duCmZveCBqdW1wZWQgb3Zlcgp0aGUgYnJpZGdlCg==')
=> "the quick brown\nfox jumped over\nthe bridge\n"
This led me to believe that the ActionMailer was in fact reformatting my email before it was encoded. I figured that I could just encode the message body manually and send it over ....
encoded = Base64.encode64(string)
attachments['test_file.txt'] = {
mime_type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8',
encoding: 'base64',
content: encoded
And that seems to have done the trick. My attachment now contains carriage return and line feed endings ("\r\n")
I'm not sure if this is expected functionality for the ActionMailer. I definitely didn't expect it.

Rails send_data throws "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8"... but why?

I'm using Rails to generate a PDF with the executable wkhtmltopdf and then using send_data to send the result back to the user as a PDF file.
view = ActionView::Base.new(ActionController::Base.view_paths, {})
html = "<h1>A heading</h1>"
pdfdata = `echo '#{html}' | #{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/pdf/wkhtmltopdf-i386 - -`
send_data pdfdata, :filename => 'readthis.pdf', :disposition => 'attachment', :type => "application/pdf"
The PDF is generated properly, but Rails complains ArgumentError (invalid byte sequence in UTF-8) from the send_data method. Changing it to send "foobar" as :type => text/html makes it work, so it's definitely got a problem with pdfdata.
I don't understand. Isn't send_data supposed to send binary data? Of course it's not valid UTF-8. Or am I missing something?
Rails assumes UTF-8. Telling it explicitly that it is binary data solves the problem. Thanks for your help.
Did you inspect the variable pdfdata and check whether it is proper or not?
