How to play an audio file through Ionic on iOS? - ios

I am using cordovo media plugin to play an audio file on button click. It is working fine on Android but I don't understand the problem with iOS. Here is the code inside a controller:
var url = '';
if(ionic.Platform.isAndroid() == true){
url = "/android_asset/www/sound.wav";
url = "sound.wav";
$scope.playAudio = function() {
// Play the audio file at url
var my_media = new Media(url,
// success callback
function () {
console.log("playAudio():Audio Success");
// error callback
function (err) {
console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
// Play audio;
I have spent many of my hours to figure out the problem, but I have no idea what has gone wrong. I will be genuinely thankful to you if you can help me out.
Thanks in advance.


Play multiple Audio files on Safari at once

I want to play multiple Audio files simultaneously on iOS .
On the click of a button I create multiple instance of an Audio file and put them into an array.
let audio = new Audio('path.wav') => {
After a while I play them all:
possibleAudiosToPlay.forEach(el => {
el.currentTime = 0;;
While this plays all audio files: When a new one begins it stops the old one. (on iOS)
Apples developer guide says this isn't possible at all with HTML5 Audio:
Playing multiple simultaneous audio streams is also not supported.
But can this be achieved with the Web Audio API?
There isn't anything written about it in Apples developer guide.
Yes you can with Web Audio API. You have to create an AudioBufferSourceNode for each one of your audio sources, since each source can be played only once (you can't stop it and play it again).
const AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
const ctx = new AudioContext();
const audioPaths = [
let promises = [];
// utility function to load an audio file and resolve it as a decoded audio buffer
function getBuffer(url, audioCtx) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!url) {
reject("Missing url!");
if (!audioCtx) {
reject("Missing audio context!");
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url);
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.onload = function() {
let arrayBuffer = xhr.response;
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer, decodedBuffer => {
xhr.onerror = function() {
reject("An error occurred.");
audioPaths.forEach(p => {
promises.push(getBuffer(p, ctx));
// Once all your sounds are loaded, create an AudioBufferSource for each one and start sound
Promise.all(promises).then(buffers => {
buffers.forEach(b => {
let source = ctx.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = b;

Cordova iOS Video tag Local File Source

I have problem playing local video on iOS on my Cordova based app. At the beginning I want to stress out that this problem is happening only when I'm using WKWebView, and if UiWebView is used, video plays fine. This is scenario I have:
-User comes to screen to which video url is passed
-Via FileTransfer I download it to phone and store it at desired location
-Using JS video is loaded to <video> tag and played.
Basically I'm doing everything as described in answer to this SO question.
The problem with UiWebView was that if relative path was set to src, video for some reason couldn't be loaded (no matter which combination I used), so this solution worked great for me, because it is based on this line of code:
This returns full path of the downloaded video which is great, at least for the UiWebView.
The problem for WkWebView is that entry.toURL() returns smth. like this:
And WKWebView doesn't work with file:// protocol. Also, neither WKWebView works wit relative paths :(
Can anyone help me to fix this ?
I got this working today with the following but only when deployed to my device in Release mode. When deploying the app in Debug mode to my device it would not work.
iOS 9.3.2
Cordova 4.0.0 (iOS 3.8.0)
Telerik WKWebView Polyfill 0.6.9
Video list load method:
var path = window.cordova.file.documentsDirectory, //iTunes File Sharing directory
href = 'http://localhost:12344/Documents', //WKWebView default server url to documents
list = [];
function fsSuccess(dir) {
var reader = dir.createReader();
reader.readEntries(function (entries) {
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
list.push({ name: entries[i].name, path: href + entries[i].fullPath });
function fsError(error) {
console.log('error', error)
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(path, fsSuccess, fsError);
Video list click handler:
var video = $('#video')[0],
source = $('#source');
function play(index) {
source.attr('src', list[index].path);
Video player markup:
<video id="video" autoplay controls loop webkit-playsinline>
<source id="source" type="video/mp4" />
I was banging my head on my desk a la Ren Hoek while debugging until I attempted a release buid and it worked.
Sample snippet that uses cordova file opener plugin to open the download file from device.(Not tested in WKWebView though)
var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
var cdr;
if (sessionStorage.platform.toLowerCase() == "android") {
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.externalRootDirectory, onFileSystemSuccess, onError);
} else {
// for iOS
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFileSystemSuccess, onError);
function onError(e) {
navigator.notification.alert("Error : Downloading Failed");
function onFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) {
var entry = "";
if (sessionStorage.platform.toLowerCase() == "android") {
entry = fileSystem;
} else {
entry = fileSystem.root;
entry.getDirectory("Cordova", {
create: true,
exclusive: false
}, onGetDirectorySuccess, onGetDirectoryFail);
function onGetDirectorySuccess(dir) {
cdr = dir;
dir.getFile(filename, {
create: true,
exclusive: false
}, gotFileEntry, errorHandler);
function gotFileEntry(fileEntry) {
// URL in which the pdf is available
var documentUrl = "http://localhost:8080/testapp/test.pdf";
var uri = encodeURI(documentUrl);, cdr.nativeURL + "test.pdf",
function(entry) {
// Logic to open file using file opener plugin
function(error) {
function openFile() {
cdr.nativeURL + "test.pdf",
"application/pdf", //mimetype
error: function(e) {
navigator.notification.alert("Error Opening the File.Unsupported document format.");
success: function() {
// success callback handler

Cordova: What is the right location to store recorded Audio files in iOS?

I am using media plugin to record sounds.
var my_media = new Media('test.wav');
my_media.stopRecord() // after few seconds
my_media.release();;//works fine
// But when I try to Check if test.wav file exist I always get false as status.
//File name of our important data file we didn't ship with the app
var fileName = "test.wav";
function init() {
console.log("Checking for data file.");
//Check for the file.
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(fileName, onSuccess, onFail);
function onSuccess() {
console.log("Great! This file exists");
function onFail() {
console.log('Sorry! File not Found');
// I always get this message: Sorry! File not Found
What is right way to do this? After recording I want user to be able to see list of available recorded sounds and user should be able to play it. For that I need to check if file exists or not.
So how should we implement that?
You can display list of recorded files as:
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getDirectory(YOUR_PATH, {
create: true
}, function(directory) {
root_path = fileSystem.root.toURL();
var directoryReader = directory.createReader();
directoryReader.readEntries(function(entries) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
//Get file URL as: entries[i].toURL()); & display using creating dynamic tag.
}, function(error) {
}, function(error) {
alert("can't even get the file system: " + error.code);

Media is not playing in iOS phonegap 1.5 app

I am developing iOS app using phonegap 1.5. In this app I am using phonegap's Media API to play mp3 files. But it's not working on iOS. Same codebase works on Android without any issue.
var my_media = null;
var mediaTimer = null;
function playAudio(src) {
//if (my_media == null) {
// Create Media object from src
my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
//} // else play current audio
// Play audio;
function onSuccess() {
console.log("playAudio():Audio Success");
// onError Callback
function onError(error) {
alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' +
'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
I am including Audio.js in my html file and then calling function
All of my mp3 files reside in www/audio folder.
I debugged using alert statements, call comes till this line of code
my_media = new Media(src, onSuccess, onError);
No error callback or no errors in console of xcode.
Am I missing something here? What could be the issue?
Phonegap is pretty difficult with having stuff behaving differently that it should, especially when it comes to media and plugins. You need to have something that changes the file path based off of the device (using the Cordova Device Plugin):
//Gets Device Platform
document.addEventListener("deviceready", getDevicePlatform, false);
function getDevicePlatform() {
$scope.devicePlatform = device.platform;
Then to set the media player file path correctly:
if ($scope.devicePlatform == "Android") {
var songFilePath = '/android_asset/www/res/' + + '.mp3';
else {
var songFilePath = 'res/' + + '.mp3';
$ = new Media(songFilePath);
The song .name is something special I had to dynamically get the path, but the main thing is that for Android devices you need the /android_asset/, but for other devices like iOS and PhoneGap you can use normal file paths to media inside the /www folder.

PhoneGap and Xcode: Play and Stop a sound with the same button

I've searched all the whole Internet to find a solution to my problem, but I didn't find it :(
So, I'm doing a SoundBoard app using Phonegap and Xcode and my problem is about stopping the sound from the same button I used to play the audio, but I can't do it, I think it's impossible for me!
This is a part of the Javascript with the Play and Stop functions and IsPlaying function, that I created trying to determine if the sound is playing or not using the variable SoundPlaying:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
SoundPlaying = false
function playAudio(url) {
// Play the audio file at url
var my_media = new Media(url,
// success callback
function() { console.log("playAudio():Audio Success");},
// error callback
function(err) { console.log("playAudio():Audio Error: "+err);});
// Play audio;
// Stop audio
function stopAudio() {
if (my_media) {
mediaTimer = null;
function IsPlaying(url) {
if (SoundPlaying==false) { playAudio(url); SoundPlaying=true; alert('SoundPlaying is ' + SoundPlaying); }
else { stopAudio(); SoundPlaying=false; alert('SoundPlaying is ' + SoundPlaying); }
And then I tried to call the IsPlaying function from a button: if the variable SoundPlaying is false then play the sound and set SoundPlaying as true, ELSE stop the sound and set SoundPlaying as false
<button id='button'
onClick = "IsPlaying('msk/sound.mp3');" >
It's like the ELSE part of the statement isn't checked, but the IF part yes. Indeed i can see the alert window saying that SoundPlaying is true but not if I click on the button a second time....or a third...and so on.
Can you please help me??
Thank you very much!
I think you are going to deep into the code ...
What do you think about this solution?
// Audio player
var soundfile = null;
// Play audio
function playPauseAudio(src) {
if (soundfile == null) {
// Create Media object from src
soundfile = new Media(src, onSuccessAudio, onErrorAudio);;
} else {
soundfile = null;
// Callback
function onSuccessAudio(){};
function onErrorAudio(error) {
alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' +
'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
i used this one in my phonegap project, works great. I even with a pause button:
<script type="text/javascript">
function hide(elementID)
document.getElementById(elementID).style.display = 'none';
function show(elementID)
document.getElementById(elementID).style.display = '';
<img id="off" src="images/general/sound-off.png" width="40" height="32" onClick="show('on'); hide('off'); playAudio();" alt="on">
<img id="on" src="images/general/sound-on.png" width="40" height="32" onClick="show('pause'); hide('on'); pauseAudio();" style="display:none;" alt="off">
<img id="pause" src="images/general/sound-pause.png" width="40" height="32" onClick="show('on'); hide('pause'); playAudio();" style="display:none;" alt="on">
For the audio, i use the playaudio(), pauseaudio() and stopaudio() command in the onclick.
Hope this helps :-)
