Google Login Plugin plugin does not allow users from multiple domains - jenkins

I'm using using Jenkins' Google login plugin for user authentication. I've installed and configured the plugin as mentioned in documentation and working as well. However users from only one google app domain can login to jenkins and access it(jira link). We have users from couple of domains. Another issue with this plugin is- not able to control user authorizations. All users can do anything. I've attached screenshot showing jenkins google login plugin configuration
Is there any workaround or alternative for this?

Since version 1.3 (November 21st, 2016) the google login plugin allow multiple domains separated by comma.
Check the changelog:
And the PR:

According to Google Cloud Platform that's not possible and the only suggestion is to set "Allow anyone with a Google account" if you are using multiple domains:
Understanding authentication for your end-users
Allow only members of a Google Apps domain to access the application. This is ideal for “intranet” applications where access is
limited to the users in your domain.
This method can only restrict to a single Google Apps domain. This
will not work if you use multiple domains with Google apps. If you are
using multiple domains, then select “Allow anyone with a Google
account” and extend your application code to restrict access to
end-users that are from your set of Google Apps domains. Your
application can use the value of the user_organization of the
signed-in user (rather than parsing the email address) to determine
the domain name of the user.
Also, this issue is already registered in and it is still Open and Unresolved


Gmail API OAUTH2 verify Desktop application

At work we have developed an individual customer specific software application that is in use for a long time. We have a new requirement in this same program to implement an option for sending emails directly from the program.
The user is able to add his own email account with the credentials and login through our program. For Microsoft and Gmail accounts OAUTH is implemented and something here is not very clear.
For Gmail-API we have made an OAUTH Client and Consent screen on Google Cloud Console which we need to publish and verify and here is where the problems start. I am not very clear with the whole process of verifying the app.
In the steps for verifying is stated that we should verify a domain for the app, but this software is not hosted anywhere on internet and is not publicly available, it is available to a number of specific users (2000-3000).
Also Google requires a YouTube video of the software to be available publicly, which we are not able to upload because of customer requirements. Also here is required a Data Protection Policy page for the application which we as a developers don't have because we are only developing the software.
Other thing that is not clear to me, how is this type of software rated by Google, internal or public?
Have anyone experience with this or something similar?
Verifying an app for one of the Gmail scopes is a very complicated process. This process depends upon which scope of authorization you are requesting of the users.
In your case you are trying to send an email so you are using the users.messages.send method from the Gmail api. This uses a restricted scope. Which means you will need to go though the full process.
First of it doesn't matter if your application is hosted or not. It also doesn't matter that you give this app to a limited number of users. What matters is the scopes you are using.
You will need to ensure that your domain has been registered via google search console. So this app will need a domain
Once that is done you will be able to host your website, and the privacy policy on that domain.
You will need to create a YouTube video showing your application running, and how authorization is used.
You will also need to submit to a third party security checkup of your application which is not free and will need to be done once a year.
All of this is needed because of your consent screen it doesn't matter if its hosted any where, It also doesn't matter if this is only available to specific number of users.
If all of the users are part of a single google workspace account, that has created your client id and client secrete then you can set the app to internal and you wont need to be verified. This only works for google workspace domain accounts.

Google Cloud Platform programmatically create user account via API

I'd like to create programmatically via API a new Account for accessing my Google Cloud Platform.
I'm already doing it for GSUITE (provisioning users via OAUTH), is it possible to do the same also with Google Cloud Platform?
Is it possible to do it for an "non-google" external account maybe with an invitation on the email?
Having already the setup for OAUTH in GSuite, is it possible to use the same token / account to perform also this operations (maybe assigning more scopes)?
Are this API ( the only available?
Updating the IAM policy is indeed the only way to use an API to grant access on a "pure GCP" level.
However, you can give a role in a project to a Google Group (or a few, if you require different access levels), and then simply manage the group using the GSuite Admin SDK.

Google Directory user list from an app

I am creating an iOS app for internal use. We have a Google Domain. As part of the functionality of the app, I want to be able to search for all users in that domain. This can already be done in Gmail, the Apple Mail app, and others.
I found that you can use the Admin SDK for users.list to do exactly what I want to do. I created a Client ID for the iOS app and authorized my app to perform users.list.
However, now I get a permissions error for users who sign in with OAuth2:
I found that you can create a service account to make API requests on your behalf if you delegate it to have the authority. I'm not sure if this is what I want to do since this seems more like something for a secure server to do rather than an app. I'm also not sure how this integrates with a user (from our domain) who signs in with OAuth being able to list our users.
Is it possible to list/search the users in a Google domain purely through OAuth / frontend app?
Aside from caching your own list, I think there are two ways to give users the ability to list all users:
A. Undocumented call to this GAL API: (source). You can test this in the Google OAuth Playground by selecting the scope for the Contacts V3 API or using the string
B. In the Admin console, create an "all users" group. Assign to a newly created Admin Role. Grant the admin role "read" in Privileges > Admin API Privileges > Users > Read (checked).

How to implement "Use one-click single sign-on" correctly in order to publish to Google Apps Marketplace

We already have a web app that integrate with differente Google services. Right now, you can loguin using a Google account, can import a contact lists from any Google account, and can sync a Google Calendar with our Calendar in the webapp (We implemented all of this using OAuth 2 and invoking the GoogleApi with a REST Client).
We are now trying to publish this app in the GoogleApp Marketplace, but we are failing to comply with the "Use one-click single sign-on" rule (
We are believing that the problem is we the way we are solving the fact that we need offline access for all the integrated users in the app. Right now, the only way we found to get the refresh tokens for them, was starting the OAuth2 process with the parameters access_type=offline&approval_prompt=force, but this forces them to enter their credentials.
We aren't using the 'Google+ Domains API', and we are starting to believe that we should. Is the use of this API mandatory for complying with the "Use one-click single sign-on" rule?
Well, we finally figured it out. We had to use the Google Admin SDK in order to implement SSO. We had some troubles with the scopes, but after we polished that, everything seems to be working OK.

Using o-auth login on google apps domain

I'm trying to create a web service for my college, which uses Google Apps for education. We have our own themed login page. I was wondering if its possible to use oauth/ openID to use our Google apps account to log in. I know when I use generic oauth, I can enter the school email address and force it to take the Google apps domain, but is there a way to redirect to it directly?
You can use the hd parameter in the oauth request to specify a google apps domain to login through. I believe the apps domain needs to have the option enabled and/or be a paying domain, but I am not certain about this part
Example URL
