For one thing, if you submit (for the AppStore) the exact same build that has already passed Beta App Review - can there be a case that it's admitted without review?
I imagine that the requirements for the AppStore might be more strict than for a Beta, but on the other hand, if it was good enough in the first place, someone could have ticked the right boxes and made the process easier for both sides, right?
In a more general case, if it's a different build of an app that has passed Beta Review, will that make the App Store Review time shorter?
In our experience having a Beta has had no impact on app review times. The Beta review is very quick, usually less than a couple of hours. I don't think this review is used to reduce review time for an app store build.
I am planning to release my first iOS app in AppStore today. I have two questions
1) The app is already approved so if I release it then how soon will it be available in store for user to download & install?
2) if there are some issues with the app then I need to rollback. Is it easy to rollback and how soon app disappear from the store?
Once apps are released to the store it can take up to 48hrs for them to be visible. (In some rare instances even longer, especially if it is the first app of the account)
There's no easy way to rollback an app. For that you should do extensive on device testing via TestFlight or similar. You can remove an app from sale, i.e. it is no longer possible to download it. You can then submit an app update and request an expedited review to get the fix faster to your customers and the app back online.
My app has been approved but is awaiting developer release as I want to release it manually. Before releasing, it however, I want to test using test flight
When I try to send the approved build to my testers, Apple asks for a login id and then gives me a dialog to Submit For Review. Is this just Apple being clumsy with their language or do they actually want to review it again before testing even though it's been approved?
Anyone have any experience with this?
Here is pic of dialog box
My experience is that the Store and TestFlight are two different worlds with two different approval processes — but that the former affects the latter in a peculiar way.
The way the issue you raise has arisen in particular for me is that you release, say, version 1.1 build 26 on the Store, it is ready for sale, and then you proceed with development and upload version 1.1 build 27 to TestFlight. Even though 1.1(26) is being sold already, and even if 1.1(26) was already released on TestFlight, 1.1(27) requires a new approval! In other words, it appears that an App Store release resets the approval clock, as it were, on TestFlight.
That is almost exactly your situation. The approval on the App Store apparently means that your next TestFlight upload needs a new approval. So yes, you will have to wait while it is approved. This usually takes just a couple of days.
Instead of using TestFlight, there is even more simpler method to test the Apple approved build (Pending Developer Release state) before releasing to Store. It is Promo code testing.
You can generate nearly 100 promo codes, if i am not wrong. These promo codes can be shared to the developers so that they can actually test the store build without releasing it to app store.
You can find many articles about Promo codes. I have shared one here.
I am now preparing to submit a new app to the Apple iTunes store, and I have a question with regard to the guidelines, which rose when I read through the guidelines.
What are the things I need to submit for an app review?
If my app is rejected, on what grounds can I exactly appeal?
Is it possible to resubmit an app for review, after taking into consideration the possible points for rejection have been corrected, and if so, what is the exact procedure?
What is the minimum time period that will be taken for a review, the first time and for an update? (I read that review can be expedited under certain grounds, but I am referring here to the normal update process)
Thanks in advance.
I will try to give you as much information as I can, but you should search more on the Internet or SO, because I'm sure there are plenty of answers.
Anyway, this is a possible duplicate, but here are some informations :
First of all, your questions are too broad. What do you mean? You want to know the process?
In order to submit an App to the AppleStore, you need Production Certificate.
You can check if everything is setup properly by checking your signing options :
Open xCode, click on your target, general tab, Signing part.
Here is the Apple Documentation.
You can also check everything on the Apple Developer Website.
You have to Archive your App, xCode - Product - Archive.
Then you can export it with the Organizer.
When you have your .ipa file, you can upload it for submission with Application Loader Xcode - Open Developer Tool - Application Loader.
The process might be painful the first time, but after two or three Release, you will handle it easily.
Your App might be rejected for plenty of reasons, anyway Apple will send you an email containing the reason if your App is rejected.
The delay may vary, sometimes it took 2 or 3 days, sometimes 10+.
When your App is finally accepted, log in on iTunes Connect, and you will find the "+ Version" option on the left.
It will enables you to deploy the build you want on the AppStore.
Hope it will help, don't hesitate to search on the Internet, or look documentations, tutorial.
Good luck for your release.
My app binary was rejected due to paragraph 2
2.2 - Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected
The review team misunderstood how to use the app since it is location based. I explained more about how to test it and proposed another solution in the resolution center and i don't need to change anything in the binary.
Do i need to "Submit the app for review"? Or wait for the review team to respond first?
Edit: To be more specific what i am asking is: I send the extra info to the resolution center. Do i leave the submission as it is with app status rejected, or do i resend the same binary for review along with the info provided?
I would resubmit the same thing. Sometimes the reviewers don't take enough time to review. I've had a friend who has submitted the same exact thing twice. The First time it didn't go through, but with the second reviewer it did.
Follow-up question to: this question
I submitted version 3.4 of my app for app store review. Then I enabled beta testing for that same build. Apple has (imo incorrectly) rejected that beta review build, while my app store submission still says "Waiting for Review".
My question is: does the beta rejection in any way affect the app store submission? In other words, can I ignore the beta rejection and plunge ahead with the app store build? (I don't want to wait 2 weeks only to find out that their web-site does not correctly handle this case.)
Apple's review process applies to all beta builds sent through their TestFlight service on iTunes Connect. Your build has failed this review process.
The AppStore process is identical. Your build will also fail there (if they even let you submit for review).
Only a single data-point, but I have had exactly the same binary fail the Testflight Beta review and pass the full app store review. Both were in review in parallel (I had a good release candidate but wanted to use the Beta process to get a version out quicker for some additional translation testing).
In this specific example, the app was slow(ish) to start (it downloads a lot of data for offline use) and I think the Testflight Beta reviewer was just less patient!