how to use a separate table for activity on a model - ruby-on-rails

I am using Rails 4.2.6 and Postgres 9.4.
I have a Queryable table which we for managing querying data. It has about 20k rows and several different models converge at this point. We have the ability to "rebuild" the table (ie deleting everything in it and recreating it). However, this takes about 20 minutes and don't do it on production.
Is there a way to tell our Queryable model to build a copy at like 'queryables_future' and rebuild the table there and when completed, delete our current 'queryables' table and rename 'queryables_future' to 'queryables'? Or any other proposed workaround?

This is something you would do in a queued background job using a tool such as Sidekiq. Background jobs run in a separate process than your main web application, so it takes some configuration and effort to set them up, but they're immensely powerful once you do.
This is a rather broad subject so I'd recommend checking out these links:


Ensuring ElasticSearch is in Sync with Database

I'm considering a daily script to do the following, in order to account for any situations where there was a problem with updates on the ES server (I don't yet have a high-availability setup and even so, it's still probably a good practice in a situation where data is being duplicated between DB and ES). Before putting this script together, I thought I'd check if I'm going about this the right way, and whether there are any libraries or techniques I should use.
The script will simply retrieve all IDs from the database and all IDs from ElasticSearch, where created_at < current_time (a snapshot of the current time, since it's a moving target as the script runs). It will then add and remove to Elastic search based on the differences between these IDs sets.
Does this sound like a reasonable approach?
To answer my question, this is not the best approach.
A simpler, if more resource-intensive, approach is to re-build the entire index periodically. Of course, this is difficult to do in production as it would cause minutes or hours of downtime, so the trick is to rebuild a new index and switch to using that. In ElasticSearch, you can't rename an index, but you can use aliases.
There's a discussion of the approach here and a rake task for Tire users here.
Please have a look at jdbc-river plugin. This plugin is fairly stable and can be used to sync data between ES and database.

Updating large amounts of data in Rails App

I have a rails app with a table of about 30 million rows that I build from a text document my data provider gives me quarterly. From there I do some manipulation and comparison with some other tables and create an additional table with a more customized data.
My first time doing this, I ran a ruby script through Rails console. This was slow and obviously not the best way.
What is the best way to streamline this process and update it on my production server without any, or at least very limited downtime?
This is the process I'm thinking is best for now:
create rake tasks for reading in the data. Use activerecord-import plugin to do batch writing and to turn off activerecord validations. Load this data into brand new, duplicate tables.
Build indexes on newly created tables.
Rename newly created tables to the names the rails app is looking for.
Delete the old.
All of this I'm planning on doing right on the production server.
Is there a better way to do this?
Other notes from comments:
Tables already exist
Old tables and data are disposable
Tables can be locked for select only
Must minimize downtime
Our current server situation is 2 High CPU Amazon EC2 instances. I believe they have 1.7GB of RAM so storing the entire import temporarily is probably not an option.
New data is raw text file, line delimited. I have the script for parsing it already written in Ruby.
1) create "my_table_new" as an empty clone of "my_table"
2) import the file (in batches of x lines) into my_new_table - indexes built as you go.
3) Run: RENAME TABLE my_table TO my_table_old, my_table_new TO my_table;
Doing this as one command makes it instant (close enough) so virtually no downtime. I've done this with large data sets, and as its the rename that's the 'switch' you should retain uptime.
Depending on your logic, I would seriously consider processing the data in the database using SQL. This is close to the data and 30m rows is typically not a thing you want to be pulling out of the database and comparing to other data you have also pulled out of the database.
So think outside of the Ruby on Rails box.
SQL has built-in capability to join data and compare data and insert and update tables, those capabilities can be very powerful and fast, allowing the data to be processed close to the data.

Is it safe to run migrations on a live database?

I have a simple rails-backed app running 2-3 million pageviews a day off a Heroku Ronin database. The load on the database is pretty light, though, and it could handle a lot more than we're throwing at it.
Is it safe for me to run a migration to add tables to this database without going into maintenance mode? Also, would it be safe to run a migration to add a few columns to the core table responsible for almost all of the reads and writes?
Downtime is not acceptable, even for a few minutes.
If running migrations live isn't advisable, what I'll probably do is set up a new database, run the migrations on that, write a script to sync the two databases, and then point the app at the new one.
But I'd rather avoid that if possible. :)
Sounds like your migration includes:
adding new tables (perhaps indexes? If so, that could take a bit longer than you might expect)
adding new columns (default values and/or nullable?)
wrapping your changes in a transaction (?)
Suggest you gauge the impact that your changes will have on your Prod environment by:
taking a backup of Prod (with all the Prod data within)
running your change scripts against that. Time each operation
Balance the 2 points above against the typical read & write load at the time you're expecting to run this (02:00, right?).
Consider a 'soft' downtime by disabling (somehow) write operations to the tables being effected.
Overall (or in general), adding n tables and new nullable columns to an existing table would/could likely be done without any downtime or performance impact.
Always measure the impact your changes will have on a copy of Prod. Measure 'responsiveness' at the time you apply your changes to this copy. Of course this means deploying another copy of your Prod app as well, but the effort would be worthwhile.
Assuming it's a pg database (which it should be for Heroku).
alter table will acquire an access exclusive lock. So, the table will be locked.
On top of this, you will be required to restart the Rails application in order for it to be aware of any new models. If you are going to be adding tables to the application or modifying model code in any way.
As for pointing to a new app with a freshly modified database, how are you going to do the sync of the data and also sync the changes in data between the two databases in the time that the sync takes?
Adding tables shouldn't be a concern, as your application won't be aware of them until proper upgrades are done. As for adding columns to a core table, I'm not so sure. If you really need to prevent downtime, perhaps it's better to add a secondary table that (linked by an ID with the core table) adds your extra columns.
Just my two cents.

How to architect Rails site that can be edited while running?

I am writing a Rails app that "scrapes/navigates" some other websites and webservices for content. I am using Mechanize and Savon to do the heavylifting.
But given the dynamic nature of the web, I'd like to make my calls to these editable by the admin users of the site - rather than requiring me to release a new version of the site.
The actual scraping thread happens async to the website, using the daemons gem.
My requirements are:
Thinking that the scraping/webservice calling code is quite simple, the easiest route is to make the whole class editable by the admins.
Keep a history of the scraping code - so that we can fairly easily revert if we introduce a problem.
Initially use the code from the file system, but as soon as thats been edited and stored somewhere, to use that code instead.
I am thinking my options are:
Store the code in the db (with a history table for the old versions)
Store the code in a private git repo somewhere and access that for the history/latest versions.
I am thinking the git route might be easiest, given its raison d'etre is to track file history...
But perhaps there is a gem/plugin that does all this for me, out of the box?
Thanks in advance for any tips/advice.
I really hope you aren't doing something like what's talked about here...
Assuming you are doing a proper mixin, there used to be a gem called "acts_as_versioned" which would do something like you want. It's been a while so I don't know if it's been turned into a plugin or if it's been abandoned. Essentially the process it uses was to provide a combination key for your versioned table.
Your database would have a structure like this:
Key column (id for the record)
Version column (id for the record's version)
All the record attributes
Let's say you had a table for your scripts, and the script you wanted has three versions. Your table would have the following records:
123, 3, '#Be good now'
123, 2, 'puts "Hi"'
123, 1, '#Do not be bad'
Getting the most recent version would be as simple as
Scripts.find :first, :conditions=>{:id=>123}, :order=>"version desc"
Rolling back would be as simple as removing the most recent version, or having another table with a pointer to the active version. It's up to you.
You are correct in that git, subversion, mercurial and company are going to be much better at this. To provide support, you just follow these steps:
Check out the script on the server (using a tag so you can manage what goes there at any time)
Set up a cron job to check out the new script periodically (like every six hours or whatever you feel comfortable with)
The daemon you have for running the script should run the new version automatically.
IF your site is already under source control, and IF you're running under mod_rails/passenger, you could follow this procedure:
edit scraping code
commit change locally
touch yourapp/tmp/restart.txt
that should give you history of the change and you shouldn't have to re-deploy.
A bit safer, but not sure if it's possible for you is on a test/developement server: make change, commit locally, test it, then on production server, git pull then touch tmp/restart.txt
I've written some big spiders and page analyzers in the past, and one of the things to keep in mind is what code is providing what service to the entire application.
Rails is providing the presentation of the data being gathered by your spidering engine. The presentation is one side of the coin, and spidering is the other, and they should be two separate code bases, tied together by some data-sharing mechanism, which, in your case, is the database. The database gives you some huge advantages as does having Rails available, when your spidering code is separate. It sounds like you have some separation already, but I'd recommend creating a wider gap. With that in mind, here's how I've done it before, and what I'd do now.
Previously, I had a separate app for my spidering that was spawning multiple spider tasks. Each task would look at a bunch of different URLs, throw their results in the database, then quit. Each time one quit the main app would spawn another spider to process more URLs. Each loop, the main app checked a YAML configuration file for run-time parameters, like how many sub-tasks it should have running, how many URLs they'd get, how long they'd wait for connections, etc. It stored the last modification date of the config file each time it loaded it so, if I made a change to the file, the app would sense it in a reasonably short time, reread the file, and adjust its behavior.
All state information about the URLs/pages/sites being scraped/spidered, was kept in the database so I could check on its progress. I could see how many had been processed or remained in the queue, the various result codes, and the content being returned. If I didn't like something I could even tweak the filters to skip junk pages, knowing the spidering tasks would be updated in a few minutes.
That system worked extremely well, spidered a major customer's series of websites without a glitch, running for several weeks as I added new sites to the list. (We were helping one of the Fortune 50 companies improve their sites, and every site had been designed and implemented by a different team, making every site completely different. My code had to be flexible and robust; I was really happy with how it worked out.)
To change it, these days I'd use a database table to hold all the configuration info. That way I could easily build an admin form, and let someone else inherit the task of adjusting the app's runtime configuration. The spider tasks would also be written so they'd pull their configuration from the database, rather than inherit it from the main app. I originally had the main app do all the administration and pass the config info to the spidering apps because I wanted to keep the number of connections to the database as low as possible. I was using Postgres and now know it could have easily handled the load, so by letting the individual tasks handle their configuration I could have made it more responsive.
By making the spidering engine separate from the presentation engine it was possible to temporarily stop one or the other without affecting the progress of the spidering job. Once I had the auto-reload of the prefs in place I don't think I had to stop the spidering engine, I just adjusted its prefs. It literally ran for weeks without stopping and we eventually pulled the plug because we had enough data for our needs.
So, I'd recommend tweaking your code so your spidering engine doesn't rely on Rails, instead it will be fired off by cron or a separate scheduling app. If you have to temporarily stop Rails your engine will run anyway. If you have to temporarily stop the engine then Rails can continue serving pages. The database sits between the two acting as the glue.
Of course, if the database goes down you're hosed all the way around, but what else is new? :-)
EDIT: Chris said:
"I see your point about the splitting the code out, though my Ruby-fu is low - not sure how far I can separate things without having to have copies of the ActiveModel/migrations stuff, plus some shared model classes."
If we look at your application as spider engine <--> | <-- database --> | <--> Rails/MVC/presentation, where the engine and Rails separately read and write to the database, and look at what each does well, that helps figure out how to break them into separate code bases.
Rails is designed to handle migrations, so let it. There's no reason to reinvent that wheel. But, how often do you do migrations, and what is effected when you do? You do them seldom once the application is stable, and, at that point you'd do them in a maintenance cycle to tweak the database. You can shut down the spidering engine and the web interface for a few minutes, migrate the database, then bring things up and you're off and running. Migrations are a necessary evil, but are hardly show-stoppers once in production. Most enterprises have "Software Sunday", or some pre-announced window of maintenance, so do the same.
ActiveRecord, modeling and associations are pretty easy to deal with too. The models are in a file that is required internally by Rails already, so the spidering engine can inherit the database know-how that way too; Multiple apps/scripts can use the same model file. You don't see the Rails books talk about it much, but ActiveRecord is actually pretty easy to use outside of Rails. Search the googles for activerecord without rails for more info.
You can pull in ActiveSupport also if you want some of its extensions to classes by doing a regular require, but the Rails "view" and "controller" logic, which normally applies to presenting the web interface, shouldn't be needed at all in the engine.
Business logic, which goes in the controllers in Rails could even be refactored into separate methods that get required by the Rails side of things and by the spidering engine. It's a different way of looking at Rails but falls in line with the "DRY" mantra - don't repeat yourself, so make things modular and require (or require_relative) bits and pieces that are the building blocks of the entire system.
If you don't want a totally separate codebase, you can take advantage of Rail's script runner, which gives a script access to the ActiveRecord::Base and ActiveRecord::Associations and ActiveSupport. Do a rails runner -h from your app's main directory, or search for "rails runner" for more info. runner is not good for a job that starts and runs many times an hour, because Rail's startup cost is high. But, if you have a long-running task, say one that runs in parallel with your rails app, then it's a great choice. I'd give it serious consideration for the spidering side of your application. Eventually you might want to break the spidering-engine out to a separate host so the presentation side has a dedicated host, so runner will help you buy time and do it in small steps.

Load Ruby on Rails models without loading the entire framework

I'm looking to create a custom daemon that will run various database tasks such as delaying mailings and user notifications (each notice is a separate row in the notifications table). I don't want to use script/runner or rake to do these tasks because it is possible that some of the tasks only require the create of one or two database rows or thousands of rows depending on the task. I don't want the overhead of launching a ruby process or loading the entire rails framework for each operation. I plan to keep this daemon in memory full time.
To create this daemon I would like to use my models from my ruby on rails application. I have a number of rails plugins such as acts_as_tree and AASM that I will need loaded if I where to use the models. Some of the plugins I need to load are custom hacks on ActiveRecord::Base that I've created. (I am willing to accept removing or recoding some of the plugins if they need components from other parts of rails.)
My questions are
Is this a good idea?
And - Is this possible to do in a way that doesn't have me manually including each file in my models and plugins?
If not a good idea
What is a good alternative?
(I am not apposed to doing writing my own SQL queries but I would have to add database constraints and a separate user for the daemon to prevent any stupid accidents. Given my lack of familiarity with configuring a database, I would like to use active record as a crutch.)
It sounds like your concern is that you don't want to pay the time- or memory- cost to spin up the rails stack every time your task needs to be run? If you plan on keeping the daemon running full-time, as you say, you can just daemonize a process that has loaded your rails stack and will only have to pay that memory- or time-related penalty for loading the stack one time, when the daemon starts up.
Async_worker is a good example of this sort of pattern: It uses beanstalk to pass messages to one or more worker processes that are each just daemons that have loaded the full rails stack.
One thing you have to pay attention to when doing this is that you'll need to restart your daemonized processes upon a deploy so they can reload your updated rails stack. I'm using this for a url-shortener app (the single async worker process I have running sits around waiting to save referral data after the visitor gets redirected), and it works well, I just have an after:deploy capistrano task that restarts any async worker(s).
You can load up one aspect of Rails such as ActiveRecord but when you get right down to it the cost of loading the entire environment is not much more than just loading ActiveRecord itself. You could certainly just not include aspects like ActionMailer or some of the side bits but I'm going to guess that you're not going to see much win out of it.
What I would suggest instead is either running through runner/console like you said you didn't want to but rather than bootstrapping each time, try to batch things so that you're doing 1000 at a time instead of 1. There are a lot of projects that use this style, some of the bulk mailers spring to mind if you want examples. DJ (delayed_job) does similar by storing a bit in the database saying that this code needs to be run at some point in the future using the environment stack but it tries to batch together as much as it can so you may get win from that.
The other option is to have a persistent mini-rails app with as much stripped out as possible so that the memory usage is lower which can listen for requests and do your bidding when you want it to. This would be more memory but the latency of bootstrapping would be essentially nullified.
Lastly, as an afterthought, this would be a great use for Postgres.
