Register an App ID - ios

I'm trying to publish my first app on the AppStore. In order to do that I am trying to add an iOS App ID to my identifiers. My issue is that I always get the following error message:
There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit.
An App ID with Identifier 'com.myTeam.myApp' is not available. Please
enter a different string.
I verified if the App IDmatched my bundle ID in Xcode and it's the case.
How can I fix this issue ?

this warning may mean that the bundle ID you trying to submit is already secured by someone else. bundle ID is global for entire AppStore.
Try to use different bundle ID and if it's OK with it, just specify it in your project settings.


Please correct and re-submit. An App ID with Identifier 'com.brs.paysrc' (example) is not available. Please enter a different string

I have an existing app with bundle identifier com.brs.paysrc example and the app is live on store. It was created using a wildcard app id. Now i want to enable push notifications for this app. So i tried to create a new app id with b uncle identifier as com.brs.paysrc but it give some an error saying There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit. An App ID with Identifier 'com.brs.paysrc' (example) is not available. Please enter a different string.
(I'm not sure if this'll help you...)
I had the same issue with an app our company has in the App Store.
The reason was because we have both a Developer Program (so we're allowed to submit an App onto the App Store) and an Enterprise Program (so I can make in-house copies of the app).
Our Bundle ID was registered under the Developer Program, but I had logged into the Apple Developer website and had chosen the Enterprise Program group.
In the Apple Developers website, the Identifies\App IDs didn't show our Bundle ID, because it was actually registered under our Developer Program... but, of course, it still refused to let me create the Bundle ID a second time, and, as usual, the error message gave no clue as to what the problem was.
I really hate the whole Certificates/Provisioning Profile stuff with Apple. Their error handling/reporting, when you get something wrong, is a farce. And it'll happily let you create non-working apps, deploy them to a device, then report a "Your app could not be installed at this time" when things go wrong.
Even yesterday, when I was ready to deploy a new version of the App to the App Store, I could create an Archive, the Validate said it was all fine, but then when I submitted it, it reported 3 errors in my .plist file.
Oh, and remember that your Bundle ID is stored in the .plist file and in the settings:
Make sure this Bundle ID is correct in both places!
You might have clicked it twice (I did). Check here, to see if your id is there:
Please give unique bundle ID, it will resolve your problem. Sometimes the same bundle ID is already used by another app. Hence this issue occurs. Try with different bundle ID it will resolve your problem.

Bundle ID format is wrong?

I'm having a problem whereas I cannot submit my archive for beta testing due to this problem (keep in mind I've already got a build out for testing, uploaded a while ago):
Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues.
An App ID with identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string
According to this question, it seems that I should change my bundle ID from the format I am currently using:, to the preferred format:
However, how can this be achieved? I'm using Firebase version 3 from Google as my backend provider, and I cannot seem to change the Bundle ID there, even if I would take the big step to create a whole new app in iTunes Connect due to not being able to changing the bundle ID.
My limitations (it seems):
Can't change bundle ID at Firebase
Can't change bundle ID with project in iTunes Connect.
Can't delete app identifier in member center because it's being used by the app listing in iTunes Connect.
Can't delete app from iTunes Connect.
Hence I'm a little stuck here; what's the best way to dig out of this?

IOS: can not submit app identifier

Am trying to register an App ID at
I copied the the bundle identifier from Xcode and, paste it under Explicit App ID Bundle ID on the developers portal.
But i got this error message:
An App ID with Identifier 'io.mydomain.myapp3984430' is not available. Please enter a different string.
I changed the identifier and, it works then i went to Xcode to match it with the new identifier i got the same error message on Xcode.
I tried few times it seems that Xcode and the portal reserve the bundle identifier and prevent it from use and there is no way to match the bundle identifier on portal with the one on Xcode.
How could i solve this problem !
When did you got these message?
While archiving your app you got the message, I think you would not register your app bundle id in
Please look for below image.
This is app id register widget
Then you would be sure that you would use exact mobile provision proper app id.

Product Name not displaying properly in Bundle Identifier - numbers not showing?

On my app developer site I created a an app ID of org.myorg.54Miles My apps name is 54Miles.
In XCode my product name is set to 54Miles under my Build Settings - but it makes my bundle identifier under the general "org.sd54.-4Miles"
Any idea why this is? It's causing me to not be able to archive the app and get it distributed because the AppID doesn't match the bundle ID in xcode.
I want it to read: org.sd54.54Miles - but currently I cannot get it to stop reading org.sd54.-4Miles
Cannot figure it out!
I ended up just leaving the bundle ID as it was since apparently Apple has a problem leading with digits in the bundle identifier.
So I just created a new App ID in the developer site to match it. I have since been able to deploy it without issue.

Multiple errors when trying to validate app before submitting

I am trying to validate my app, but getting the errors in the image.
In Itunes Connect I have:
Bundle ID: phil.quotes
The error messages are very specific and all came at once, though I have only trying changing the field 'bundle identifier' under 'info' in Xcode
as far as I know, because the result of apple has given you, you have signed an application tied to another bundle identifier. Go to your project properties, check the bundle identifier and the most important, the distribution certificate you have created. They should match. I dont know if you are resigning the application or changing the bundle identifier. Some people do that in some companies when you submit an app : you send the ipa and then they change the bundle identifier (which is unique for every app) and resign the application with their own certificates. Check that and try again, it should work.
