How can I format hints for a Checkboxes control? - orbeon

I have a form with a Checkboxes control. The checkboxes have rather long hints. The width for the hint is rather narrow which doesn't work well for long hints. See screenshot below. We would also like to format the hint with ordered and unordered lists. Is there any way to accomplish this? Or would this require code changes to Orbeon?


XtraReport text overflow cutting text in half vertically

I have an XtraReport that overflows text on to the next page but occasionally cuts the last line of text from the first page in half when it does.
I would normally handle this with the height property of the text area but I am unsure how to target a specific table row of an XtraReport to work out what the remaining height of the page is to achieve this or whether that would even work in this instance.
I'm rather hoping there's a simple work around to achieve this, please don't go too much out of your way to help out as I won't be investing much development on this.
I don't think there are any settings I have missed within the designer, perhaps there's a golden font size or line height that the reports want to overflow correctly.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
If there is no simple way, I will just have to loop through the tr / td tags and see if by manipulating the height I can find that sweet spot, i just worry that it will hide page 1 but still be split on page 2.
It seems to me that you use the ASPx/MVCx -DocumentViewer,
this control shows you a html content which is not suitable for pixel-perfect documents.
I recommend you to try the ASPx/MVCx WebDocumentViewer which is like the the Google Docs shows pixel-perfect document and more convenient with bootstrap and other progressive web frameworks.
here are demo and docs.

Toggling whether rows are displayed, subject to filter

First off, thanks mottie for doing so much in terms of answering questions and providing demos, it's been great. I have a table with drop-down filters using the widget. There is an option for one of the drop-down selectors, called "Deprecated". I am trying to use a button external to the table to toggle whether or not any rows with this "Deprecated" value are being displayed. When these rows are being shown, I want them to behave like all other table rows.
I couldn't find a straightforward way to do this, after approaching it at several different angles. Any help would be much appreciated!

Dynamically change certain text in textarea with drop-down selection

I have a text area that has names within the default value. For example the textarea reads..
(dynamic registrant name) just registered to become
a donor in (dynamic from pull-down above)
honor. This text is editable
So in the same form I have an input that asks the user for their name and a select box where they can choose among a selections of names. I am trying to change the names within the text area based on the values they enter in the input and drop-down fields above the text area. Can someone help with this? I am completely stuck. I have read through some of the forums here and it looks like a lot of the solutions are to use ajax. I have zero experience in ajax and would like to find a solution that does not use it possible? Or could someone help with a solution?
I don't think textarea is what you want exactly. What if the user takes off the (dynamic from pull-down above) part? How would you know where to put the text at? Even if you somehow could, I suggest you make regular text input elements for contents that the user can change and put the other dynamically changing text as uneditable html text elements (or however you want to format them).

How to use TVirtualStringTree to display multi-line items and "expanded" select item?

I'm looking to create a look similar to the image below (which I know was done using TVirtualStringTree), but I haven't found any example code on how to accomplish this.
Anyone knows how I can have multi-line items like on the example below, and "expand" the select item to show more lines?
Please take a look at VT Demos\Advenced. In there you have a Multiline nodes demo which I guess might be the thing you are looking for.
Demos can be found here
Edit: The download page is here and the third item is the demos.
I guess you've got an answer, but I'll give you a couple hints for putting this into practice because it's been a little wonky for me. (At least in Delphi 7)
If you do a #13#10 for a new line make sure you've got a space after the the #10, otherwise you will not get a line break.
VirtualTree.MultiLine[node] := true will allow multi line, but not necessarily make it multiline.
Do VirtualTree.InvalidateNode(Node) then VirtualTree.Refresh the tree to get the new size for the node after you've changed the caption.

Delphi - ListView Question

Is there a ListView (ListBox) or similar component that allows me to easily drop another component in a specific column. (Multiple columns)? Like a checkbox, button or drop down list or all the above. (It would be nice to be able to sort via the header also)
If not does anyone know of a resource on how to custom draw something like this?
Check out VirtualTreeView at
It does virtually everything :-)
