What is the Importance of the main() Function in the Ring programming language? - scripting-language

All C language programs must have a main() function. It's the core of every program but what was the purpose of including the "Main" function in the Ring programming language ?
what is the difference between this program
see "hello, world!"
and another one contains the Main function!
func main
see "hello, world!"
Is this because someone would make a lot of statements as a preparation then use the "Main" function to start the execution of the real logic?

You need it to use the Local scope instead of the Global scope.
x = 10
See "X value = " + X # here i expect that x will be (10)
# but i will get another value (6) because myfunc() uses x !
Func myfunc
for x = 1 to 5
See x + nl
Output : X value = 6
Func Main
x = 10
See "X value = " + X
Func myfunc
for x = 1 to 5
See x + nl
Output: X value = 10


Issue with Erlang, passing variables to two other functions

Hello I am trying to create a program that has a function main_function() that holds two int variables and then passes the variables to two other functions difference() and sum(). I want the two functions perform the computation and display the results. In turn calling each of the two functions from the main_function(). However I am currently having an issue with my program only outputting the bottom most function that is being called in the main_function()
Here is what I have
X + Y.
X - Y.
My output for this would be 2 if I was to pass 5 and 3 would for X and Y respectively and my program seems to be only using the difference() function and not sum(). I am looking for an output of 8 and 2.
Any help is greatly appreciated
You can change main_function/2 like below
A = sum(X,Y),
B = difference(X,Y),
{A, B}.
The result in shell when X = 5, Y = 3 is:
{8, 2}
Or like this
A = sum(X,Y),
B = difference(X,Y),
io:format("A = ~p~nB = ~p~n", [A, B]).
The result in shell when X = 5, Y = 3 is:
A = 8
B = 2

Parsing an input file which contains polynomials

Hello experienced pythoners.
The goal is simply to read in my own files which have the following format, and to then apply mathematical operations to these values and polynomials. The files have the following format:
Some very similar variables, next come the laguerre polynomials
F:= (12.58295)*L(0,x)*L(1,y)*L(6,z) + (30.19372)*L(0,x)*L(2,y)*L(2,z) - ...:
Where L stands for a laguerre polynomial and takes two arguments.
I have written a procedure in Python which splits apart each line into a left and right hand side split using the "=" character as a divider. The format of these files is always the same, but the number of laguerre polynomials in F can vary.
import re
linestring = open("file.txt", "r").read()
linestring = re.sub("\n\n","\n",str(linestring))
linestring = re.sub(",\n",",",linestring)
linestring = re.sub("\\+\n","+",linestring)
linestring = re.sub(":=\n",":=",linestring)
linestring = re.sub(":\n","\n",linestring)
linestring = re.sub(":","",linestring)
LINES = linestring.split("\n")
for LINE in LINES:
LINE = re.sub(" ","",LINE)
print "LINE=", LINE
if len(LINE) <=0:
PAIR = LINE.split("=")
print "PAIR=", PAIR
print "LHS=", LHS
print "RHS=", RHS
The first re.sub block just deals with formatting the file and discarding characters that python will not be able to process; then a loop is performed to print 4 things, LINE, PAIR, LHS and RHS, and it does this nicely. using the example file from above the procedure will print the following:
LINE= m1=1
PAIR= ['m1', '1']
LHS= m1
RHS= 1
LINE= m2=1
PAIR= ['m2', '1']
LHS= m2
RHS= 1
LINE= Z1=-1
PAIR= ['Z1', '-1']
RHS= -1
LINE= Z2=-1
PAIR= ['Z2', '-1']
RHS= -1
LINE= F= 12.5*L(0,x)L(1,y) + 30*L(0,x)L(2,y)L(2,z)
PAIR=['F', '12.5*L(0,x)L(1,y) + 30*L(0,x)L(2,y)L(2,z)']
RHS= 12.5*L(0,x)L(1,y) + 30*L(0,x)L(2,y)L(2,z)
My question is what is the next best step to process this output and use it in a mathematical script, especially assigning the L to mean a laguerre polynomial? I tried putting the LHS and RHS into a dictionary, but found it troublesome to put F in it due to the laguerre polynomials.
Any ideas are welcome. Perhaps I am overcomplicating this and there is a much simpler way to parse this file.
Many thanks in advance
Your parsing algorithm doesn't seem to work correctly, as the RHS of your variables dont produce the expected result.
Also the first re.sub block where you want to format the file seems overly complicated. Assuming every statement in your input file is terminated by a colon, you could get rid of all whitespace and newlines and seperate the statements using the following code:
linestring = open('file.txt','r').read()
strippedstring = linestring.replace('\n','').replace(' ','')
statements = re.split(':(?!=)',strippedstring)[:-1]
Then you iterate over the statements and split each one in LHS and RHS:
for st in statements:
lhs,rhs = re.split(':=',st)
print 'lhs=',lhs
print 'rhs=',rhs
In the next step, try to distinguish normal float variables and polynomials:
#evaluate rhs
#interpret as numeric constant
f = float(rhs)
print " ",f
except ValueError:
#interpret as laguerre-polynomial
summands = re.split('\+', re.sub('-','+-',rhs))
for s in summands:
m = re.match("^(?P<factor>-?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?)(?P<poly>(\*?L\([0-9]+,[a-z]\))*)", s)
if not m:
print ' polynomial misformatted'
f = m.group('factor')
print ' factor: ',f
p = m.group('poly')
for l in re.finditer("L\((?P<a>[0-9]+),(?P<b>[a-z])\)",p):
print ' poly: L(%s,%s)' % (l.group("a"),l.group("b"))
This should work for your given example file.

Swit map: error: cannot invoke 'map' with an argument list of type '((_) -> _)'

I can't understand why this one works:
var arr = [4,5,6,7]
arr.map() {
x in
return x + 2
while this one not
arr.map() {
x in
var y = x + 2
return y
with error
Playground execution failed: MyPlayground.playground:13:5: error:
cannot invoke 'map' with an argument list of type '((_) -> _)'
arr.map() {
The problem here is there error message. In general, when you see something like cannot invoke .. with ... it means that the compiler's type inference has just not worked.
In this case, you've run up against one of the limitations of inference within closures. Swift can infer the type of single-statement closures only, not multiple-statement ones. In your first example:
arr.map() {
x in
return x + 2
There's actually only one statement: return x + 2. However, in the second:
arr.map() {
x in
var y = x + 2
return y
There's an assignment statement (var y = x + 2), and then the return. So the error is a little misleading: it doesn't mean you "can't invoke map() with this type of argument", what it means to say is "I can't figure out what type x or y is".
By the way, in single-statement closures, there are two other things that can be inferred. The return statement:
arr.map() {
x in
x + 2
And the variable name itself:
arr.map() { $0 + 2 }
It all produces the same compiled code, though. So it's really a matter of taste which one you choose. (For instance, while I think the inferred return looks clean and easier to read, I don't like the $0, so I generally always put x in or something, even for very short closures. It's up to you, though, obviously.)
One final thing: since this is all really just syntax stuff, it's worth noting that the () isn't needed either:
arr.map { x in x + 2 }
As #MartinR pointed out, the compiler can infer some types from outer context as well:
let b: [Int] = arr.map { x in
var y = x + 2
return y
Which is worth bearing in mind. (it seems that the "one-statement" rule only applies when there's no other type info available)
Swift can't infer type every time. Even though it should see that y = x + 2 means y is an Int too. My guess is that Swift parses the closure in a certain order that makes it not aware of the return type ahead of time in your case.
This works:
arr.map() {
x -> Int in
var y = x + 2
return y

Currying confusing about assignment

I have following code snippet that use currying:
let multiply x y = x * y
let double = multiply 2
let ten = double 5
I understand the above code, because I remember this code:
Currying is converting a single function of n arguments into n
functions with a single argument each
And then I encounter the following code:
let double2 z = multiply 2 z
double2 5
I do not understand this code at all. Why double2 can be a function?
What's happening in your latter example is really nothing special.
You can basically read it as:
define a function double2 with one argument z,
which is defined as multiply 2 z
Some people might refer to this as "currying" or "partial function evaluation" but really all that's happening here is that you're defining a function that uses another function in its function body.
let double2 z = multiply 2 z
// ^ here you define a parameter
This turns it into a function.

F# recursive function in strange endless loop

I am very green when it comes to F#, and I have run across a small issue dealing with recursive functions that I was hoping could help me understand.
I have a function that is supposed to spit out the next even number:
let rec nextEven(x) =
let y = x + 1
if y % 2 = 0 then y
else nextEven y
// This never returns..
nextEven 3;;
I use the 'rec' keyword so that it will be recursive, although when I use it, it will just run in an endless loop for some reason. If I rewrite the function like this:
let nextEven(x) =
let y = x + 1
if y % 2 = 0 then y
else nextEven y
Then everything works fine (no rec keyword). For some reason I though I needed 'rec' since the function is recursive (so why don't I?) and why does the first version of the function run forever ?
Turns out this was a total noob mistake. I had created multiple definitions of the function along the way, as is explained in the comments + answers.
I suspect you have multiple definitions of nextEven. That's the only explanation for your second example compiling. Repro:
module A =
let rec nextEven(x) =
let y = x + 1
if y % 2 = 0 then y
else nextEven y
open A //the function below will not compile without this
let nextEven(x) =
let y = x + 1
if y % 2 = 0 then y
else nextEven y //calling A.nextEven
Try resetting your FSI session.
