Application screen turns all black after resuming from background [closed] - ios

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Repo for the same:
I have a little test application with no special features except some view elements, including field, button and so on. It is a separate storyboard module and gets called when the app is loaded.
Everything seems good here, till I push the app in the background by pressing the home button. Below are the screenshots for the same: One when the app is running, one after it went in the background and came back to the foreground.
I have no idea why is this happening? A couple of things implemented in the view controller are: Keyboard-hide on tap, UIButton, UITextField, and couple of alerts when the number entered is in the incorrect format.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You!
Xcode 7.3
Swift 2.2
iPhone 6s iOS 9.3

Try definesPresentationContext to set true, works for me with similar problem.
In viewDidLoad(), add definesPresentationContext = true


App crashing on initializing UItabbarController for below iOS 13.0 [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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I am working on some one else's project and while working I have found an issue. Issue is that app is crashing on below iOS 13.0 for using UITabBarAppearance but when I search for UITabBarAppearance in project it does not show any code containing UITabBarAppearance which means that we have not used any thing regarding tab bar appearance although there is a class for UITabbarController and crash accours while initializing this controller
I am posting screen shots of crash detail, where crash is occurring and that class below, I hope that it will be enough to debug the problem
Crash Details
Crash Occurence
UITabbarController Class
TabBar in storyboard
TabBar Attribute Inspector
You were right lazarevzubov, the answer was hidden in the attribute inspector. I just had to uncheck both standard and scroll edge in the Appearance of the attribute inspector and it started working fine.
if someone get the same problem for navigation bar the same solution will work for navigation bar too.

Hi. I wrote a program and after re-running it on the simulator, it now shows the home screen in black [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I wrote a program and after re-running it on the simulator, it now shows the home screen in black.
You have tried to adapt your project not to use scene delegates, but you did it wrong. Here are the things you need to do:
Make sure the Info.plist has no Application Scene Manifest entry.
Make sure the AppDelegate has no methods that mention scenes.
Make sure the AppDelegate has a window property.

Xcode white screen simulator [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm facing a problem when i try to run my app it show for less that a second then switch to a white screen written on it "hello world"
this is a new project i just change the background
iOS apps use a Launch Screen whilst loading the app, then they will load the default view controller/storyboard.
In your case here, your launch screen has a purple background and is only shown for a short time until the app initializes and shows it's first screen.
The "Hello world" page is your initial view controller of your app. You either need to modify this UIViewController or change the starting view controller to another one.

Why is data not displayed when viewDidLoad finished in swift? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When my application finished being launched, there are supposed to be data displayed on UITableViewCell. However, there is nothing there, so after relaunch the app, by pressing home button and swiping up the view, and select my demo app, all data is shown up properly and there seems like nothing is wrong. What causes the initial problem? Do you have any ideas why?
Did you set the tableView.dataSource to self? Also, you need to call tableView.reloadData() for populating the datas. Hope this helps.
When you use UITableView, dont forget to call self.tableView.reloadData() after downloading data.

App looks different in Main.storyboard than in simulator [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am learning to program in XCode 7 and Swift 2. I built my app in Main.storyboard, but when I run it in the simulator it looks completely different.
Here are the photos so you can see what I am talking about.
What do I need to do to make it appear the same as in the Main.storyboard?
Thank you for any help,
You need to set Constraints.
The easiest way to do it is clicking the triangle and then "Add Missing Constraints" or "Reset to Suggested Constraints" (All Views in XYZ)
It takes a bunch of time to really understand how constraints and auto layout is working. And Xcode helped me a lot with the suggested constraints...
Here is a good tutorial for the start:
