Xcode white screen simulator [closed] - ios

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm facing a problem when i try to run my app it show for less that a second then switch to a white screen written on it "hello world"
this is a new project i just change the background

iOS apps use a Launch Screen whilst loading the app, then they will load the default view controller/storyboard.
In your case here, your launch screen has a purple background and is only shown for a short time until the app initializes and shows it's first screen.
The "Hello world" page is your initial view controller of your app. You either need to modify this UIViewController or change the starting view controller to another one.


iOS 13 UISplitViewController - Compact View Controller [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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So I'm currently evaluating using the UISplitViewController, but had accidentally been trying out the iOS 14's version. Aside from the 3 column's displays, I also noticed in XCode there's an option in the Storyboard called Use Separate View Controller for Compact Width's.
I tried this out and it does seem to work pretty flawlessly. However it doesn't appear to be an option in the iOS 13's UISplitViewController.
Is this something can be done through code? I just find it a little jarring with the iOS 13's one when you display it on an iPhone, it shows the Detail page with the back option.
Our iPhone App's main layout is a UITabViewController, we are exploring the UISplitViewController for the iPad version and wanted to make use of it as the main full size iPad's display and then have it be able to fall back to our UITabViewController when it's in a compact width state.
if we want to set it in code behind , we just need to set the style like following
MasterViewController controller = new MasterViewController();
this.SetViewController(controller, UISplitViewControllerColumn.Compact);

Hi. I wrote a program and after re-running it on the simulator, it now shows the home screen in black [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I wrote a program and after re-running it on the simulator, it now shows the home screen in black.
You have tried to adapt your project not to use scene delegates, but you did it wrong. Here are the things you need to do:
Make sure the Info.plist has no Application Scene Manifest entry.
Make sure the AppDelegate has no methods that mention scenes.
Make sure the AppDelegate has a window property.

Application screen turns all black after resuming from background [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Repo for the same: https://github.com/tush4r/Phone
I have a little test application with no special features except some view elements, including field, button and so on. It is a separate storyboard module and gets called when the app is loaded.
Everything seems good here, till I push the app in the background by pressing the home button. Below are the screenshots for the same: One when the app is running, one after it went in the background and came back to the foreground.
I have no idea why is this happening? A couple of things implemented in the view controller are: Keyboard-hide on tap, UIButton, UITextField, and couple of alerts when the number entered is in the incorrect format.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You!
Xcode 7.3
Swift 2.2
iPhone 6s iOS 9.3
Try definesPresentationContext to set true, works for me with similar problem.
In viewDidLoad(), add definesPresentationContext = true

Programatically testing an image as wallpaper [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to display an image in the home screen with all apps icons programatically within the application for testing whether the image suits for the screen.Any ideas? Would be much appreciated!!
Sorry but iOS does not let you set a wallpaper programmatically or provide any way of knowing what is in the user's home screen.
The only solution I can think for your problem would be to create a simulated home screen yourself so you can show how the wallpapers look with the icons on top.
Maybe have a app icon library and let the user choose which app icons to simulate on the home screen. Although this would require a lot of maintenance to keep the icons up to date and it will probably be more trouble than its worth.

iphone / ipad differences and conversion [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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is there any code difference between ipad and iphone? How can we convert iphone application to ipad application?
Codewise, the main difference is in the very different screen sizes leading to different user interface considerations. But there are a number of differences. For example,
Some classes, such as UIPopoverController and UISplitViewController, are only usable on one type of device.
Some classes behave differently, for example UIActionSheet doesn't come up from the bottom on iPad and doesn't display the cancel button (as cancelling is done by touching anywhere outside the bounds of the sheet).
Some methods don't work right on one or the other device. For example, some of the methods for presenting a UIActionSheet should only be used for iPad, and others should only be used for iPhone.
Some behaviors are only available on one or the other device. For example, UIViewController's modalPresentationStyle is ignored on iPhone.
Most of these are documented, some only show up as warnings in the console when using the "wrong" method, and some you just have to figure out they don't work right. Fortunately, UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() makes it easy to tell which device your code is running on so you can easily handle these differences.
It is exactly the same except for the dimensions of the screen. There are still some code changes though to enable iPad mode if you are writing a cross compatibile app.
