How does the default SceneKit application in Xcode handle the double click? - ios

When I open a game application in Xcode, and go to SceneKit there is already some code written. The code draws an airplane and allows the user to rotate it. When you double tap anywhere on the screen the plane returns to its original position. How can you do that. I looked through the whole application and there is no hint of a double tap gesture or bringing the view back to its position. How does that happen without any code?

There's no code there to allow you to rotate the plane either.
That functionality as well as the double tap to reset the camera functionality is added by the scnView.allowsCameraControl = YES line in the view controller.


How do I freeze an AR scene in ARKit and then restore the scene elsewhere - Swift, XCode

I have an AR scene (built as a node with children nodes) that I want the user to walk inside it.
Because it can be large, I added a pause button in the corner so that if the user hits an obstacle in the real world, he'll just need to press-and-hold that button to freeze the scene, move elsewhere in the real world, and when the button will be released the scene would have moved as-is to that new location, retaining the same relative position and rotation inside that scene.
What I did is very simple. When button is touched down I just did:
And when the button is Touch Up Inside I ran:
This seemed to do the trick.
However, after I clicked and moved once or twice more and moved back to where I was before, my whole AR scene suddenly jumped back to its previous location in the real world. So it did freeze and showed up in the new location for a second or two, but then it jumped back.
I tried to resume the session with several of the available options.
If I ran:, options: [.resetTracking])
the whole scene would move to the new location, but it would be set to its initial position and rotation as if I was standing at (0,0,0) when I started the app, but now moved to the new location. In other words, it lost the current location and rotation that I was at when I pressed the pause button and just reset the scene.
All the other options that I tried had the same effect as if I didn't add any options.
I should add that I'm not using any anchors (so far) nor any ray casting.
I didn't try different combinations of those options (except removeExistingAnchors and resetTracking together), but I doubt that that would help. Am I wrong?
What am I doing wrong?
Anyone have a solution for my problem?
Or will I need to manually record the current position and rotation when pressing the pause button and then restore those with some position change of the node? I was hoping I could skip having to do it this way.
And if I do need to do it manually, any tips on how to achieve this?
Thanks for your help!

iOS Magic Keyboard APIs

Is it possible to intercept the trackpad events from the magic keyboard (with trackpad) in an iOS app and process them myself while hiding the pointer and not sending these events to the UI, or is that not possible?
Think about a game for instance where the user would move their finger around on the trackpad to move a character around on screen, but you wouldn't want to show the pointer circle and the location on the screen doesn't matter or if/where they click, you are just using the change in position as they move their finger on the trackpad.

Swift 4 - SpriteKit over SceneKit - prevent touch for underlying camera controls

I'm quite new to Swift development. In my project i have a SpriteKit overlaying the SceneKit scene with allowsCameraControl set to true.
The SpriteKit layer contains buttons - what is the best way to disable the touch/pan events to trigger camera controls when these buttons are interacted with? (e.g. double tap on a button now triggers camera reset to default position)
Turn off allowsCameraControl and implement your own camera controls instead. The allowsCameraControl is handy for testing/debugging purposes and cannot be disabled partly such as for the doubletap behavior only. Which besides conflicts with other gestures gets annoying as a double tap is easily made by accident and resets the screen.

How can I detect if the Launch Storyboard happened?

does anyone know if there is a way to tell if the launch storyboard executed? Or is there a way to detect if the launch image was displayed?
Basically my app consists of just one view controller with some views (all created programmatically), plus the launch storyboard which I added to the project recently which seems to be working OK.
The reason why it would be useful for me to know if the launch storyboard happened is that my app is a game which basically consists of a big 2D scene that you can zoom into and pan around using the usual touch gestures. When the game starts for the first time it starts fully zoomed-out and centered on the scene: so that is what the launch image matches. But the player pans around and zooms-in on various things, so when they press the home button they could be zoomed into any part of the picture. So when they touch the app's icon to relaunch, if the launch storyboard happens it needs to put their pan/zoom position back to the initial centered zoomed-out position (otherwise as soon as the app gets going it would appear to the user to suddenly snap from the initial position represented in the launch image to where they were, not giving a smooth user experience).
What I do at the moment is -- if applicationDidEnterBackground: method gets called I assume that when the user relaunches the app, by touching the icon, that the launch storyboard will be executed. But the launch storyboard doesn't always happen after it hibernated via applicationDidEnterBackground:, especially if it is only a few minutes since the user pressed the home button.... and those times when the launch storyboard does not happen I need not inconvenience the player and put them back to the initial zoomed-out centered position, I could just let them carry on at the position they were.
I've not used storyboards before, but as I understand it launch storyboard are a special case where you can't make any connections to code because your app's not actually running yet, so I can't think of a way to set a variable, for example, to show the story board happened.
Anyone got any ideas?
Just use the viewDidLoad method provided by the UIViewController.
Just override the method in your ViewController and then you can perform the task you want when your View(Storyboard) is loaded.
#implementation MyViewController:UIViewController
//Insert your code here

SpriteKit Game Centre Force

I'm creating an app and for some reason when I'm running the app on the device and the Welcome to Game Centre drop down appears, the force applied to my SKSpriteNode seems to be greater than normal, making my sprite fly off the screen.
So I add my sprite in the scene in the initWithSize method but then once you click on the screen, the touchesBegan fires which applies a force to the sprite, and if the Game Centre drop down doesn't appear (when you first start up the app) then it will work as per normal. Problem only seems to occur when Game Centre drop down appears.
Any ideas on a solution?
