I have some phrases and I'd to subscribe/follow to all events on them on Youtube, e.g. for "IKEA" whenever a video is uploaded or a comment is created with IKEA in its title or description my application receives a notification. Something like twitter streaming api. If there is no such a service any recommendation on other solutions appreciated. If no other option maybe I should crawl youtube.
I am unsure, where will you be performing this activity like on PC or Handheld device. If I am to do it, I would do it with PC on powershell with command.
There are 2 cmdlets called Invoke-webrequest & Invoke-RestMethod. I can fetch the data by using any one of them.
Invoke-WebRequest - This sends requests to a web page and parses the response. It returns content with additional information including headers, status, forms, input fields, and other site content such as links. This tool can be used to discover and fill in data/fields need to be filled out on a website. basically, it dumps the Webpage, also known as web-scraping.
Invoke-RestMethod - This sends HTTP requests to a RESTful web service, which results a structured data. This tool can be used to send data to a RESTful API to accomplish tasks like detailed account creation.
Below is an example of invoke Restmethod
Invoke-RestMethod -uri “https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?v=2&q=IKEA” |
foreach {[PSCustomObject]#{Title=$_.Title; Author=$_.author.name; Link=$_.content.src}} | Format-List
You can find more Information on Gdata API for Youtube here.
I'm looking to integrate Microsoft's Purview DLP in my web application. My application sends email so I want to block any sensible information from being sent.
Basically a user is going to be under a Microsoft Purview policy to prevent data losses. I want to integrate his DLP policy within my web application.
My two main question were: Is there an Api call that can retrieve then sensitivity label of a certain document of a user? And is there an Api call that can scan a document or string with the regex expression of Microsoft Purview?
Example: Let's say I want to send an email with a document, I want to see through an Graph Api call if we can retrieve the sensitivity label of Microsoft Purview of a certain document linked to a specific user. Then I want to scan the email content and the document content with Microsoft's Purview regex expression to see if there's any sensible information within the email. Ideally scanning the data would be an Graph Api call with a string containing the document and email content and then getting the response from the Api if the email can be sent or not.
Is there a way to do this? All the documentation I found was pretty basic and wasn't answering my questions.
To get the sensitive label through the API:
GET /users/{usersId}/security/informationProtection/sensitivityLabels/{sensitivityLabelId}
GET /me/security/informationProtection/sensitivityLabels/{sensitivityLabelId}
For more info:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/security-sensitivitylabel-get?view=graph-rest-beta#http-request
I would like to programmatically retrieve and process all logs available from the Office 365 Unified Audit Logs for the purpose of forensic investigation. From the front end, these logs are available through the Office 365 Compliance Admin Center.
I have tried the following options to access these logs from a script, with no success:
Microsoft 365 Management API - This contains the correct data, but is of limited usefulness for forensic investigations due to the short 7 day retention period.
Microsoft Graph - This does not contain all the relevant data - you cannot access the Unified Audit Logs directly through Graph, and the usage reports do not cover all items contained in the Audit Logs (e.g. Exchange actions).
Search-UnifiedAuditLog on Exchange Online PowerShell - Microsoft themselves recommend not to use this programmatically, and I've experienced extremely unreliable results and unmanageable rate-limiting when trying to do so.
So is there something I'm missing here, or is there no way to programmatically retrieve all items from the Unified Audit Logs for the entire retention period? (generally 90 days).
As far as I know the only way to do this is to use the Management API on a regular basis and output the results to some solution for long term storage (Azure Log Analytics Workspace comes to mind, or SIEM like Splunk / Graylog). I.e. write a script that retrieves logs for the last week, and run it at least weekly.
I'll explain how to retrieve logs manually and also show a tool which already exists for this at the bottom of the post.
1: Enable Audit logging on the tenant if not already enabled
2: Create an App registration in Azure AD and for getting single tenant audit logs choose "Accounts in this organizational directory only (xyz only - Single tenant)"
3: Create a 'secret key' from within the newly created App Registration. Store it somewhere safe as it's only shown once. From the overview page of the App Registration also store the "Tenant ID" and "Application (Client) ID". You will need all three.
4: From within the new App Registration go to "API permissions" and add 'Application type' permissions for: 'ActivityFeed.Read' and 'ActivityFeed.ReadDlp'.
5: For the following steps you will need to start calling the Office API's, for which you will need a bearer token in the header. To obtain this send the following POST request:
URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/***tenant_ID***/oauth2/token
Headers: "{'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}"
Data: "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=Application_ID&client_secret=Secret_Key&resource=https://manage.office.com"
You will receive a JSON response which contains 'access_token'. For all the upcoming API calls, use the following header:
"{'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'bearer access_token'}"
6: Subscribe to the audit log feeds you would like to retrieve. The following exist: 'Audit.General', 'Audit.AzureActiveDirectory', 'Audit.Exchange', 'Audit.SharePoint', 'DLP.All'. The POST for Exchange for example would look like: "https://manage.office.com/api/v1.0/tenant_ID/activity/feed/subscriptions/start?contentType=Audit.Exchange"
7: You are now ready to start retrieving actual logs. Individual logs live inside content blobs, which live inside pages, which live inside feeds (e.g. the Audit.Exchange feed). Therefore, for each feed you would like to retrieve logs from, you must collect all the content blobs (iterating through the pages of them) and then retrieve the actual content from that blob.
To retrieve a page of content blobs use the following URL (change bolded content to your situation): "https://manage.office.com/api/v1.0/tenant_ID/activity/feed/subscriptions/content?contentType=Audit.Exhange&startTime=2022-04-13T09:42:52&endTime=2022-04-14T08:42:52"
This will give you a JSON response with content blobs inside. In the response header check "NextPageUri"; if it contains a URL, call that URL for the next page of content.
Now that you have content blobs, use them to retrieve the actual logs. Each content blob is a JSON dict, which contains a "contentUri" field. Call that URL to retrieve a JSON response with the actual logs inside.
You can do this in most programming/scripting languages, but for larger amounts of logs you will want to retrieve logs in parallel, or it will take a long time.
With a tool
In case you want to use an existing tool, this one is free, works on Linux and Windows, and supports multiple outputs.
I bought a nest thermostat as I thought it would be able to give me detailed data to showing the target temp and the actual as well as time etc. I needed this for various reasons.
However, it seems the official API "Works with Nest" was closed by Google. I've been able to get postman to ping the same location that the Google Nest Webapp hits and get back the data I need. I want to create a simple webapp to keep polling and save the data locally. However, I'm unable to find the OAuth Client Secret that the Nest Webapp uses to get the authorization code. I had to login via the webapp to get the code in one of the request and then test it out using postman.
Is there any other API that will allow my to poll this data for my Nest easier?
If there isn't another API, is there a way to get the Client ID and Client Secret form the Nest Webapp so I can drop that in mine to use? (I know its hacky, but am I think I'm out of options)
I am able to generate an oauth2 access token (from a refresh token), which I believe should give me the ability to access the youtube data api functionally to delete/upload content.
Using python and the youtube api I need to delete and upload a (new) video to youtube periodically, say hourly.
All google python samples I've found seem to call the "DENY/ALLOW" screen which requires a copy/paste back in the calling app.
I can do this occasionally but otherwise want the process to be automated. I've read about service accounts which, which according to the linked post, are not supported by the youtube api. Offline access et.al. is also mentioned but in somewhat abstract terms i.e. no concrete python examples (that I have yet found). Another source mentioned an http get like below:
"GET access_token=ya29.GlxBBS89....ast987&part=snippet&mine=true"
but the following in python doesn't seem to work returning "response [400]" (bad request)
url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels'
args = 'access_token: ' + token var + ', part: snippet, mine: true'
get_token = requests.get(url, data = args)
I have used Can we use google youtube data api without OAuth (and others) to get to this stage but need clarification for the next step.
I have found that I can only generate access tokens for clients credentials configured as web apps. I am writing a desktop app so I may be barking up the wrong tree.
Or learning Django...
I found examples at https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/auth/installed-apps that helped.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=snippet&mine=true
curl https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?access_token=<access_token>&part=snippet&mine=true
The curl samples especially provided confirmation that I'm reaching the endpoint and returned helpful debugging info. They have exposed other issues which I'll ask in another question.
I'm building a Ruby on Rails app, and I'd like to integrate some Office365 features.
For instance : I would like to download a file from OneDrive and then attach it to an Email in order to send it via Outlook rest API.
I found this get Item content OneDrive REST API but I dont understand how to use it.
I understand that I have to send a GET request (formated as explained in msdn.microsoft.com) with Rails, which will then provide me a "a pre-authenticated download URL" to download the file.
Then I will have to send a second GET request with this a pre-authenticated download URL to start the download, but I don't understand how to deal with the Response in order to save the file into a variable.
How can I retrieve the file into a variable of my Ruby on Rails App, so that I can attach it to an Email with an Outlook REST API to send it from my own Rail controller ?
Also this workflow is really not optimized in term of Bandwidth and Processing (3 REST API request + 1 download + 1 upload), it will work.
However if it exist a single REST API that direclty attach a OneDrive file to an email to send it, that would ease a lot my life, save energy, save money from Microsoft datacenter, and spare the planet ecology.
Any tutorial, examples, or more explanatory doc would be much appreciated.
--- EDIT ---
Adding link to the email is not wished as the email may have to be send to someone outside of Office365 users, and public link are a security issue for confidential documents.
Any help is welcome.
There isn't a single REST API call you can make currently to do what you want, although being able to easily attach a file from OneDrive to a new email message is a great scenario for Microsoft Graph API, it just isn't supported right now.
If you want to attach the file, you need to do as you mentioned, download the contents of the file, and then upload it again as an attachment to the message.
However, I'd recommend sending a link to the file instead, even though you mentioned you don't want to do that. OneDrive for Business now supports "company shareable links" which are scoped to just the user's organization instead of being available totally anonymously.
Something else to consider: The security concerns of sending an anonymous link aren't that different than sending an attached file. In fact, the anonymous link can be more secure, because access to the file can be monitored and revoked in the future (unlike the attachment, which will always be out there).