storing data in riak_ensemble - erlang

I am exploring riak_ensemble from this repository [basho\riak_ensemble]
I am trying to find a way to store a data using this library. I've run the riak_ensemble via shell. after run application:ensure_all_started(riak_ensemble), I don't know what should I do for the next step.
Somebody told me that I can run it using a riak_ensemble_basic_backend.erl and also follow the unit test. However, I have no idea how to run it via shell. Probably anyone has experience with this library.


When I run my project on jenkins it seems to login to ssh using my other officemate account then it closes and never read my test cases

When I run my project on jenkins it seems to login to ssh using my other officemate account then it closes and never read my test cases. She don't have access to my computer because we do not share station and we are working from home. I can also confirm that I'm calling the correct file for the test cases. Can someone advise me of what's happening and how can I resolve this? Also, I'm using robot framework. Thank you.

Running karate-gatling tests in distributed mode using docker

I am somewhat new to using docker and the author mentioned that it is possible to run karate-gatling tests using docker for running distributed tests:
Can anyone provide me an example that I can use to do this or direct me to github repo if someone already tried this?
The karate author provided a nice example to run web ui tests using docker so I am looking for something similar to this:
This is actually part of the examples/gatling sample project, and look at the GatlingDockerJobRunner unit test.
I will edit the wiki to make this more clear. Yes, this may not be the best example, please please try it out and we will be happy to incorporate any changes you suggest.
EDIT: more info at this ticket:

Electron development - Generate API client based on swagger definition

I am very new to electron, trying to use it to build a cross-platform app which should be able to run natively on the machines. On the server side, I already have an application which exposes a REST API, documented with swagger.
Now I am trying to generate a client stub for this swagger definition, which I can then use with electron. How is that accomplished? Should I just generate JS code and use it (how would that work?)? Or is there another (better) way to do it as Electron has build in functions to access REST APIs like
I spent a considerable amount if time searching for a solution and did not find one. Now I wonder if that is such an uncommon scenario to use Electron as framework accessing REST APIs, and auto-generating the code using swagger codegen.
The great thing is that Electron apps can be very similarly developed to normal web applications. This is possibly why you didn't find specific instructions for using Electron with the tools you are used to using.
You should be able to go ahead and use whichever tools you would normally use to generate stubs for calling REST from any web application, and the stubs should work fine when referenced within Electron (as long as they generate in Javascript or Typescript).
Have you tried using Swagger codegen, did you try use the resulting client code API, and did it give you an error? Try posting any specific errors as new questions on Stack Overflow for solutions (or edit this question to be more specific).
Electron is almost like a blank canvas - there is no "right" or "wrong" way to develop, although there are certainly "good practises" and "bad practises".
There are definitely concepts that are unique to developing applications within Electron and for this it would be good to couple your development experience with some general Electron reading and learning.
You will very soon run in to "unique" Electron concepts such as "main" and "renderer" and it will be much easier if you have learning material to guide you. There is a lot of material for learning Electron so I won't try make a list here.
Also note that Stack Overflow is more useful when specific errors or minimum examples are provided and you'll probably get better answers that way :-) See: for more info on this.
I actually ended up swagger-codegen as GrahamMc suggested.
The general approach was like that:
rm -rf api
wget http://localhost/site/json-schema -O api.json
docker run --user `id -u`:`id -g` --rm -v ${PWD}:/local swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli generate -i /local/api.json -l javascript -o /local/api
rm api.json
cd api
npm install
Step 1 is cleaning up old generated code and step 2 is downloading the swagger spec which is not available from within the docker-container. The rest is cleaning up and installing dependencies.
From within the code, it can then be used like that:
var jtm_api = require('.api/')
var userApi = new jtm_api.UserApi()
var cb = function(error, data, response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
//do whatever
} else {
//do whatever
userApi.usersLoginPost(txtUser, txtPwd, cb)
There is an extensive documentation available on how to use the generated code starting from the file within the generated folder.

QA-C: license file

I'm trying to run QA-C 7.2 on a Nightly Build that I program using Python.
It does run but the problem I encounter is, that I cannot save the license file configuration settings because IM not a 'license admin'. Hence, everytime I run QA-C it requires me to browse to the license.dat
Does anyone know a way around this, for example passing the license file configuration (eg path2license_dat) as a parameter when I call the exe? Or somehow saving this information?
I found out that it works when setting the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to the path to license.dat

aegis-dss-tools and aegis-manifest-dev : where?

I'm trying to write a little python application, and to start i simply drop the .py into the device and execute from there.
Now I am at the point where i probably need some credentials for accessing the tracker.
I dont want to create an aegis manifest at this point, since im still in early development, or in the worst case i would like to create a flying manifest for my script and thats it.
I found out (actually in the nokia sdk docs) that what i need is something called aegis-su (in aegis-dss-tools) or aegis-manifest (for the worst case), from aegis-manifest-dev
problem: i searched all google, and i cannot find these packages anywhere..
can someone help me?
