Archived app wont appear on organizer after a few updates - ios

I was compiling my app and archiving it correctly with no problem whatsoever. I added a charts library to the app, did some stuff with it, archived it fine but Apple didnt let me upload it because the library wasnt correctly referenced in the app.
So I fixed that problem and tried to archive it again, but it just wont appear on the organizer.
Skip install is set to NO
Archive in the scheme is checked
Reveal archive in organizer is also checked
How can I fix this?

Simply try this steps:
Reopen your project
Clean Xcode & Remove derived data
Change build number & version number
Make archive now
You are able make archive earlier, so it could work perfect after this steps. Unless you have changed any settings in Xcode.
Go to targets - build settings & find "Installation Directory". Make sure there is "$(LOCAL_APPS_DIR)" added.
Go to Edit Scheme -> Build tab, Make sure you have archive check box selected. Check image below:
Go to Edit Scheme -> Archive tab & make sure the check box "Reveal in organizer selected"
See below image:
Hope it will help you.

I know this is an old item... However, I encountered the same issue today and tried all the above suggestions and still no luck.
Was able to work around it by using Finder and going to the build > iOS > archive folder of the application. Then right click on the .xcarchive file and open with Xcode.


Missing dSYMs in Crashlytics IOS

Hello I have been digging to find the solution but unfortunately I have not been able to find an answer. My issue is that I have my application that uses crashlytics. When pulling my crashlytics I see the Dsyms missing issue, i tried to add all the missing ones through the organizer but unfortunately i am not able to find all of them. please note my applications are not in the app store and I do not have itunes connect I am using an enterprise account. I noticed when running my application through the simulator and forcing a crash, Fabric will ask me for a new dSYM that I am not able to find. where can i find this dsym? I have verified through my build settings that I have dWARRF with dSYM enabled on both debug and release. If you have any ideas please let me know. Thank you!!
If you’re using Xcode 10 on a new project, Xcode 10 adopts a new build
ordering that is independent of the ordered list in the Build Phases
of Xcode.
Fabric Run Script’s “Input Files” section to ensure your
installation of Fabric goes smoothly.
Reference to Crashlytics documentation.
You can do the following (it works for me):
Archive a binary of your target. Select your Scheme and make sure you have "Generic iOS Device": selected. Then in the Xcode menu, go to Window->Organizer and you will see your build
Select the build. Check the date/time and version(build) numbers to ensure it is the one you want. Right-Click and select "Show in Finder"
Right-click in the .xcarchive file and select "Show Package Contents"
Look for the dSYMs directory. Right-click and compress.
Move the file to your Desktop for easy uploading to Crashlytics.

XCode won't run my application on a device/simulator anymore

I am kind of stuck with my XCode problem. First of all: I have a project that contains 5 different targets. Now something went wrong (I can't remember changing anything related to project settings).
If I want to run any target on device or simulator the build succeeds but then nothing happens. Neither the app is started in simulator nor on a device. So I checked the Scheme (-> "Edit scheme") and I could not select my app in the Executable menu. I think I can remember that the .app file was selected there before (as it is if i create any new project). Does anyone know why I can't select anything there?
What I am curious about, is the fact that choosing "Other" in the Executable menu brings me to my DerivedData directory that indeed contains the *.app file resulting from the build. That leads me to my next problem.
If I select this *.app file explicitly and try to run the app XCode gives me the error " does not have an architecture that can execute." But I checked my settings many times and I am definitly using $(ARCHS_STANDARD) in every target.
I am a little bit lost here ... does anyone has a hint, what could have messed up my project and how to fix it?
Might not work, but I've found a lot of bugs in xcode which simply require quitting it, and reopening.
You could also try clearing out the DerivedData directory. Do a full clean build (hold down option key when selecting clean build).
And lastly, reset the simulator via the menu iOS Simulator > Reset Content and Settings.
I got this when I changed the name of my App on one development machine and then tried to work on it a few months later on another machine. I fixed it by deleting the old scheme and Autocreating the new scheme. The settings are under Product - Scheme - Manage Schemes.
OK I solved the problem by myself. I was on the right track before. I did compare the project.pbxproj file again using FileMerge. I merged all lines related to an *.app file from the working version into my corrupt project file. After that my project was fixed. The *.app files showed up under the "Product" group in XCode and I could run the application on simulator/devices again. It seems that I forgot something while I was merging the files via copy & paste. ;)
Rather than cleaning out the DerivedData directory from Xcode, have you tried the "old fashioned" way from Finder? Try quitting Xcode, nuking ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache from Finder, and restarting Xcode.

How to submit Xcode "Generic Archive"

I Archived my app, and usually the "archive type" section says, iOS app, and you can submit directly from organiser. However, the type of this app seems to be "Generic Archive" and asks me to export in 1 of 2 ways When i click on distribute - Save built products - export as Xcode archive.
How do i submit?
The short version is you can't. It probably means that your binary has multiple targets inside it. My guess -- as this is what's happened to me -- is that you included an open source project and have it configured incorrectly. Check the "Skip install" setting of any sub-projects.
This is a issue of wrong Schemes for multiple targets, check and create new schemes for every target and then go to Build Settings>target dependencies and remove if any!
Please check below link this apple document:
When you make archive, It will show at xCode Organizer ,
xCode Organizer find three tab Click on last tab Archives
Select you app and Click on Distribution
There you will find three check box like this image
For submit appstore check first and follow next steps ..
May be help full for you ...
Okay, the problem turns out to be that my cocos2d libraries were included in the build settings. This was solved by
cocos2dLibraries > Build Settings > Skip Install
and making the value "Yes".

Compilation fails in Xcode 4.6 while creating archive for adhoc distribution.

I am new to iOS. and i am trying adhoc distribution ipa file from xcode.
1) I could able compile and run the application in the iphone/ipad.
2) But when i create archive, i am getting compilation error saying 'something.h' not found.
Could someone kindly direct me what could be wrong?
1-Try to open the organizer (Window -> Organizer), then the Projects tab. Select your project then hit the delete button next to the derived data path (to the right). Confirm and let it re-index your project.
2-Go to your project folder, Press on YOURPROJECTNAME.xcodeproj and right click and go to show package contents . Leave the project.pbxproj file, but delete the project.xcworkspace file, any .pbxuser files, and the entire userdata folder.
I hope it works..
If you are putting things in a group in the XCode project navigator, and it is not an actual folder, you do not need to do Mountain/Mountain.h. You would just include Mountain.h.
When creating a group in the project navigator, by default, these are not actual folders, they are just virtual project folders, so if it is trying to see the Mountain folder and it does not exist, you will get that error.
It is weird that it will compile and run otherwise, but just give that a shot, let me know if it works.

Archives no longer displaying in organizer

I am trying to submit an update for my app to the app store. All of a sudden Archives are no longer showing up in the Archives section of the Organizer. Xcode says the Archive was successful with no errors, but it never displays...
1. Clean
2. Build for Archive
3. Archive
This article did not help me: Archive does not appear in xcode4 organizer
Any suggestions?
This probably seems silly, but make sure the Reveal Archive in Organizer is checked in your scheme.
Ok, so I've resolved this issue, but I truly don't understand what happened. Xcode had asked me if I wanted to "upgrade to latest recommended settings and performing project clean up"; sounds great, right? Wrong.
After that is when my problems started. Thankfully it created a snapshot before it did this and I was able to restore back to it. I am now able to Archive just fine.
