XCode won't run my application on a device/simulator anymore - ios

I am kind of stuck with my XCode problem. First of all: I have a project that contains 5 different targets. Now something went wrong (I can't remember changing anything related to project settings).
If I want to run any target on device or simulator the build succeeds but then nothing happens. Neither the app is started in simulator nor on a device. So I checked the Scheme (-> "Edit scheme") and I could not select my app in the Executable menu. I think I can remember that the .app file was selected there before (as it is if i create any new project). Does anyone know why I can't select anything there?
What I am curious about, is the fact that choosing "Other" in the Executable menu brings me to my DerivedData directory that indeed contains the *.app file resulting from the build. That leads me to my next problem.
If I select this *.app file explicitly and try to run the app XCode gives me the error " does not have an architecture that can execute." But I checked my settings many times and I am definitly using $(ARCHS_STANDARD) in every target.
I am a little bit lost here ... does anyone has a hint, what could have messed up my project and how to fix it?

Might not work, but I've found a lot of bugs in xcode which simply require quitting it, and reopening.
You could also try clearing out the DerivedData directory. Do a full clean build (hold down option key when selecting clean build).
And lastly, reset the simulator via the menu iOS Simulator > Reset Content and Settings.

I got this when I changed the name of my App on one development machine and then tried to work on it a few months later on another machine. I fixed it by deleting the old scheme and Autocreating the new scheme. The settings are under Product - Scheme - Manage Schemes.

OK I solved the problem by myself. I was on the right track before. I did compare the project.pbxproj file again using FileMerge. I merged all lines related to an *.app file from the working version into my corrupt project file. After that my project was fixed. The *.app files showed up under the "Product" group in XCode and I could run the application on simulator/devices again. It seems that I forgot something while I was merging the files via copy & paste. ;)

Rather than cleaning out the DerivedData directory from Xcode, have you tried the "old fashioned" way from Finder? Try quitting Xcode, nuking ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache from Finder, and restarting Xcode.


Storyboard won't update in simulator

I have a working app in Xcode, however when I try to build and run it the simulator displays an older version of the storyboard I was working on. I had changed some of the design on the storyboard but this does not reflect in the simulator, nothing is updated.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Delete the App on the simulator.
List item
Build & Run
Use NSLog(#"") in your controller to check code execution.
I just spent at least 6 hours on this. I have a solution, but I also submitted a technical support ticket to apple to try to get more info on the cause and proper solution.
Simply remove the references to your storyboard files and add them back in the same file group.
This seems to include the storyboard files back into the app bundle generated during build(which can be seen in the
From here I can see my changes reflected from the storyboards as expected.
PS - Are you using localization at all? I was.
I lost 2 hours to this.
Solution was braindead simple: delete app, turn OFF the iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1), and turn it bavk on.
When you turn on localization,
xcode moves storyboard file in localization folder (ex. Base.lproj/name.storyboard). When you build and run project on simulator, xcode copy name.storyboard into "derivedData"/Base.lproj/name.storyboard, but previous, created before localization "derivedData"/name.storyboard still exists. In this case simulator uses the file which can be found easier, i.e simulator uses old file "derivedData"/name.storyboard to operate.
Solution: Just rename the storyboard file, in navigator and in targets/general.
This error happened to me for the first time when I had multiple copies of a project on my computer. For whatever reason, the fact that there were multiple copies were making it look as if the storyboard had not been updated between copies and in some cases the code was not updated. I thought I had forgotten to throw the right copy on my flash drive before going home, but it turned out it's an XCode error.
Delete any multiple copies using the same name, restart XCode and open your most recent copy. Extremely bizarre, but I will probably use BitBucket or GitHub from now on instead of throwing it on a flash drive.
worked for me!
I just have the same problem after localizationMy solution is clicking Product, Clean build folder. Then it will be fine
The storyboard on the simulator was what it should have been. The storyboard on the device would not update. I had to delete the application from the iPhone and then re-run it on the device in order to get the Storyboard to update on the device. Fortunately for me it was only test data, but I was using Auto-Layout on one view and went back to manual. I think that's what caused the issue for me.
I find that removing and adding storyboard file back doesn't work in my case, also it has side effects like it will automatically add a main nib entry into App's plist file (which subsequently makes the App fails to launch in iPhone simulator).
I don't want to try to delete the application from the simulator since I have many files under the Document directory of the App.
At last I find another way that works well: simply delete the "/Users/$username/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.1/Applications/$app/$yourapp.app" file. The files under Documents directory are untouched.
(I have localized my storyboard as well.)
I found this same thing happened with Xcode 6.1.1 if I happened to have copied a project; the new project run in the simulator was actually still reflecting the old, original project.
In my case the problem was with how the default area was set up for derived data (essentially the location where the binary files go for a build). Mine was set to legacy and the simulator was using the wrong project, even after a clean. The solution was to go to Preferences->Locations, press Advanced, and change the location from Legacy to Unique.
I get this too when using localized storyboards - Run in Xcode just refuses to install the latest version of the compiled storyboard. I think it is something to do with the way Run copies changed resources across to the device - it does it differently than other forms of on device app installation.
The quickest way to get past this without deleting the app and losing any data is to:
Generate an Archive build in Xcode
Export this for Adhoc deployment
Double-click on the generated IPA to add it to iTunes
From the device page in iTunes force an update to that app
In order for iTunes to see that you have a new version your app build number will need to be incremented (if you don't do that already), before generating the archive.
I find this method means you don't have to delete an app off the device, you're just forcing it to install the entire install package rather than a diff which is what I think Run is doing.
I'm not sure what causes this, if it is a localized resources bug or what, but this is still a problem in Xcode 7 for me.

PhoneGap Xcode Missing Header files on Build 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found

I am using PhoneGap 2.2.0 and XCode 4.5.2.
I can test my programs in the simulators, and I can put them on my devices to test them.
But I simply cannot build for distribution. It always fails with the following error:
my-projevt-path/Classes/AppDelegate.h:30:9: 'Cordova/CDVViewController.h' file not found
I've seen this problem around the web and still can't make it work, given whatever solutions have been posted.
I've changed things in Build Settings, I've reinstalled PhoneGap, I've run new lines in terminal, I've done my app over starting a new PhoneGap project from scratch, I've checked preferences in the build location in Xcode... I can't figure this out AT ALL.
Please, can anyone help? I've been working on this for days.
Problems in Xcode
If you have compilation problems related to missing headers, the build products should build into the same build directory. You may need to set the preference "Xcode Preferences -> Locations -> Derived Data -> Advanced…" to "Unique". This is the default setting for Xcode on a fresh new install, if you upgraded from older versions of Xcode, you might have a legacy preference in there that you need to update.
Found the answer!!!
Yes I am getting the same problem yeah and some help could be great.....
I followed all the instructions even with the ./update_cordova_subproject path as well it does not work. Also I solved the locking problem but I could not find the solution to this problem
The answer, in my case, had seemingly nothing to do with the error message that was being sent. Missing header files? That didn't seem to be the issue. Or, at least, not the direct cause of the issue.
This was an issue with my provisioning/certificates being somehow not right. I had re-created them several times, but it continued to be an issue.
I sent the job to another developer, who opened it on his machine, revoked my certificates and created new ones, and built it without changing anything else. He forwarded me the certificate, the provisioning, and an archive of the job. I opened the archive in xCode and validated it and uploaded it. And it was fine.
If you have got this problem, be certain your certificate/provisioning is set up right. I thought mine was, but apparently it wasn't? The "Apple Process" is definitely weird, and when certificates / profiles gets messed up, problems arise.
I was having the same problem and just solved it! First of the problem may very well be because of your distribution provisioning files... but when you look at the Project Navigator in xCode at the top level you have your Project and inside you have the CordovaLib.xcodeproj click on this file and you will see the iOS Deployment target. Make sure the proper IOS version is selected there. This is 1/2.
2) Then you need to duplicate the Release configuration and rename it Distribution. While the CordovaLib.xcodeproj is selected make a build and then build the actual project. This worked smoothly for me.
Add this line to your Build Settings -> Header Search Paths:
Don't replace the existing line that looks similar, that is still needed to be backwards compatible with Xcode 7 and Xcode 6.4.

armv6 and armv7

I've got an app that I created that I'm trying to test on an older iphone 3g. I've used this phone many times for testing but this new app for some reason will not accept the build.
I've done some searching and found that I need to charge the architecture from "armv7" to "armv6", I did this in both the project and target. After doing that I get the following error when trying to build to the device (construction is the name of the app)
Could not launch "construction"
No such file or directory (/Users/Matthew/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Construction-cqtujdbjhpvbkrehtfzwvuhvxdrs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Construction.app/Construction)
But I can build in the simulator at it works fine... any idea?
thank you so much - clearing UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in Info.plist would have never appeared to me.
None of these solutions worked for me. I'm using XCode 4.5 and ML. What I ended up doing (and still need to test thoroughly), was to re-create my project, started clean and then moved all sources and libraries to the new project and chose my provisioning profile for this new project. In the copy, I also manually copied the contents of the old Info.plist file and pasted them onto the newly Info.plist replacing them all.
In my case, I'm using CorePlot and that library needs armv7 (according to linker), so I can't just go armv6.
What I'm trying to figure out is when (cheap) XCode changed some settings to not run as a debugger on the device. I'm guessing something in the 'project.pbxproj' file. Otherwise I can't explain why the newly created project works and the old one doesn't.
I know this solution might not work for everyone, as in my case, as would lose all svn changes.
I'll post any progress on this.
My next step is to add CorePlot and let the project build it and not use the prebuilt one.
None of these worked for me either. But this DID work...
I cleared the build directory (cmd-k),
cleared the DerivedData (see prefs|Locations),
deleted the app from my iPhone 5,
unplugged the iPhone, and
restarted Xcode.
Open Xcode Organizer. Click on Devices | (your device name) | Applications. And finally, delete your application from here (aka. delete the app from your device, AGAIN).
Build and run...
Sorry I answered my own question! I figure I should leave this up in case anyone else has the same problem... I didn't update the plist setting to armv6 before... I did have to delete the armv7 in the plist to make it work

Xcode suddenly stopped running project on hardware: "Could not launch xxx.app: .. No such file.." [closed]

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Xcode has stopped being able to run my app, it started directly after I deleted it from the device and attempted to re-install by rerunning it in Xcode (something I've done hundreds of times before).
It says
"Could not launch XXX.app"
"No such file or directory (/Users/Mylaptop/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-ekxcbebfpzkahtfkujyqkcwprzia/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyApps.app/MyApp)."
I've rebooted the phone, relaunched Xcode, cleaned everything, rebuilt everything. This error message won't go away.
This is with Xcode 4.5 which I've been using since it became available, if I revert to 4.3.2 then Xcode says "Finished running app" but it doesn't actually do anything - the app is neither installed nor run.
I'm completely stuck - unable to run anything on the device anymore.
Any suggestions?
That is really annoying. This error happens in a number of different situations. Sometimes restarting the Xcode, fixes the problem. If not, follow these steps:
Disconnect your device.
Delete the app from your device.
Quit Xcode (Do not just simply close the window, quit it)
Delete derived data folder (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/-gbrvhlvwmpiobxdujegtghggrffp - or something like that)
Now start Xcode once again, connect device and run the project. It should work fine.
from DhilipSiva blog
Try deleting "Required device capabilities" in the -Info.plist file.
You can't require armv7 on a 3G, and you can't require armv6 on any newer device, so just delete this attribute entirely.
I found the answer. The iOS deployment target's version was not the same as my device's OS version.
First tried some of the above with info.plists and deleting derived data, clean, etc.
My solution: quit XCode, reopen project. Go to derived data in Finder. Deleted data for all projects (was all trashable, but I would try deleting your troubled projectdata first). And then it worked again. Deleting derived data from XCode didn't work.
The following resolved my problem... my app worked for me in debug/release, then I built a few ad-hoc archives and debug/release builds stopped working.
invalid entitlements errors when launching from Xcode to device (play with entitlements...)
immediate abort with no error (finished running ) when running simulator
could not launch ... directory blabla.../build/product/debug-iphoneos/... not found when launching from Xcode to device.
Eventually after trying to benefit from everyone else's pain I found in Targets [AppName]:
Build Settings
Build Locations
Build Products Path build
should be
Build Products Path build/Products
No idea how this got set incorrectly.
This must be hard-coded somewhere in Xcode/Springboard because 'Products' appears in both Xcode and in the Device console.
This is Xcode 4.5.1.
I solved this problem by
renaming a directory above my XCode project
Changing the name of the project in XCode fixed it for me.
In XCode, under the Project Navigator, click the project name, and it should let you rename it just like a file in Finder. Deleting derived data did not help.
I built my XCode Project with CMake and somehow it (or my stupid self) deleted or emptied the property "Executable file" in the info.plist. I set it back to ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} and it worked again.
Took me really alot of time working through all the suggestions and fixes until I finally found that problem.
Hope this will help some one struggling with the same problem
It was in some way CMake messing up my plist file. I created my own Info.plist and used it the following way:
Inside my plist I had this entry:
<key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>${EXECUTABLE_NAME}</string>
Unfortunately CMake still seems to parse that file and replaced ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} with an empty string since its the CMake variable syntax. My quick work around is the following:
Now it works like a charm.
I am probably alone with exactly this problem, but who knows.
I had the same problem, but in my case I had a wrong requirement in my info.plist (require gyroscope for an iPhone 3Gs)
I tried to run my project on a different system other than that on which it was developed. I was getting “Could not launch xxx.app: .. No such file..”.
Removed the app from the device and then deleted the derived data from organizer in xcode for the app.
Organizer-->Projects-->Derived DAta-->Delete
My problem was resolved.
You need to set the deployment target LOWER than your device's version
For me, the solution was just to use the correct (non-distribution) provisioning profile.
I was defaulting to always using my ad hoc provisioning profile, but then I changed to using my developer profile (team profile) and that solved things. I went ahead and cleaned out the Derived Data directory to be safe but I don't know for certain if it is required.
XCode used to have a warning that told you to use the correct provisioning profile but that error message seems to have gone away in XCode 4.5.
I've had this problem by a very strange solution.
My problem was slightly different as I have 2 Developer certificates in Keychain. We have two developer accounts (lets say AD and BD).
1) I did change Bundle identifier from com.BD.game to com.AD.game
2) Device on which I had problems was only signed in AD provisioning profiles.
3) I was unable to debug the game on iPad - although the device had valid provisioning profiles, I had valid certificates, I restarted Mac, device, reinstalled Xcode ... nothing helped.
Do what i did today was examining the project.pbxproj file for any strange entries.
What I found was that Xcode was using proper provisioning profile, but signed the ipa/app with wrong certificate.
"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer: **BD** (XX******)";
After I manualy corrected the name and id; everything works like charm.
I got the same error. In my case I was set deployment target as 6.1 and trying to run an iOS 5.1 iPad. When I changed my deployment target to 4.3, issue solved.
Still having the problem . Try this
Disconnect your device.
Delete the app from your device.
Quit xcode.
Now start Xcode, connect device and run the project. It should work fine.
For me (using IOS 7 and Xcode 5), the error went away right after I did "Add to Member Center" with my device in the Organizer.
I would like to mention that the easiest way to open the DerivedData folder in Finder is the following:
Open the Organizer.
Click on "Projects".
Select your problematic project.
Next to the path of the DerivedData, click on the little right-arrow button.
Deleting the contents of the DerivedData folder worked for me. Instead of using the "Delete..." button, you should have more success deleting the files manually through Finder.
Go to: your project Target - > Info and from CustoM iOS Target Properties remove the Required Device Capabilities.
In my case that were armv7 and armv7s.
After that the app was built successfully on my iPhone 4.
This is how it looks after i removed both of requirements
For me, I forgot that I had "telephony" in the "Required device capabilities" in the info.plist. Removed that, and it finally worked on my iPad.
For me restarting of Xcode, cleaning DerivedData and restaring device wasn't enough in most cases, until I had figured out that iTunes was also running, and after quitting iTunes everything worked fine!
So my steps now are simple:
1. Quit Xcode.
2. If iTunes is running, quit iTunes.
3. Reopen project.
No need to remove app from the device, clean project or restart/disconnect device.
I think that's because Xcode and iTunes use some common libraries (as you know, Xcode Installer always asks to quit iTunes on installing iOS SDK).
I had this problem and tried a number of the suggestions which didn't work for me - then I found the one about removing the "Required device capabilities" in the -Info.plist file (which for me included location-services & gps)
That worked!
I then re-added them and it still worked.. go figure.
This was xCode 4.6.1 & my app is developer with Phonegap/Cordova
I tried all the above and yet it still wouldn't run. I fixed the problem by changing the derived build location. File>Project settings>"derived data location" change to project-relative. Or you could just make sure the default path has permission to read/write.
My issue seemed to be picking picking Portrait (top home button) as Item 0 in Supported Interface orientations in my plist. Removing that or moving it down seemed to fix my problem. Go figure.
I had this problem too for a Universal app with Xcode 4.5 on my iPhone ONLY, where I had two debug devices:
iPhone 4 iOS 5.1.1
iPad 1 iOS 5.1.1
The Info.plist had an empty entry under "Required device capabilities"
I know that I did not enter this empty 'Item 0'. The app loads on the iPhone
since I removed the empty item. I did not encounter
this problem on any of several earlier versions of Xcode,
This means that Xcode 4.5 handles this 'inserted' item differently
for the two devices I use. I have been wrong before, but this does seem
like a bug in Xcode 4.5.
This may seem obvious but you must also set your deployment target to the operating system that your device is running.
So if you upgrade to iOS 6, it will set your deployment target to iOS 6. You'll need to deploy to 5.1 if the device you are testing on still runs 5.1.
My issue finally got resolved by checking to make sure that the productName attribute in the /* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ section of my project.pbxproj file matched the name attribute.
Once editing it so that they were the same, Xcode finally runs the app on my device correctly!
Thanks to Max Weisel for helping me! :D
Deleting the derived data folder did not help for me.
Using Xcode 4.4.2 the only solution was to open Organizer and delete old expired and extraneous provisioning profiles on the iDevice. Then everything worked perfectly again.
This may be a red herring, but I experienced these problems when I added custom launch images before deleting the default ones. Deleting the default launch and custom images and then adding back in the custom ones fixed it for me. I'm working with iOS 6 and Xcode 4.5.2
There seems to be a few different things that can cause this very helpful error message.
For me, it was down to an incorrect "Required device capabilities" in the Info.plist. I had added a blank array item by mistake (on top of the the architecture, armv7).
Deleted the blank array item and now everything is fine!
I had this problem and nothing really helped except:
My problem started after changing the contents of my info.plist and no reverting had helped.
What solved it for me was:
Create a vanilla info.plist in a brand new project
replace the old info.plist with the new
renaming it (like app_info.plist)
Set Build Settings/Packaging/INFOPLIST_FILE to be the new one.
Make all the changes you need for your project
Hope that helps. I tried everything else suggested here and this was the only solution for me.
Facing same problem but now problem is solved, i deleted Executable file info.plist. I set it back to ${EXECUTABLE_NAME} and it worked again.. :)
In my case i just set 777 permission directly to xxx.app folder to all files and work!

iPhone project has "My Mac 64-bit"

I'm working on an iPhone project and somehow the schema has "My Mac 64-bit" and "My Mac 32-bit" in addition to the normal "Simulator 4.3" and "IOS Device".
Is there anyway to remove the "My Mac..." options? It always wants to switch to these when I switch git branches and I end up building without realizing it and get an error. More of an annoyance than anything.
Could possibly be something with your xcuserdata folder.
Right-click on the xcodeproj file and select "show package contents."
Make a backup copy of the xcuserdata folder.
Now delete everything inside the xcuserdata folder, and restart xcode.
If causes a problem, then put backup folder back in.
This happens to me every time files get modified outside of Xcode, and Xcode needs to reload the project file. Closing the project and re-opening it always fixes the issue for me.
If you are porting your Xcode project from one mac to other then this issue happens most often. You can Try These two resolutions: First one only worked for me:
Open Your project folder > Right Click on Xcode and Select “Show Package Content” Inside there we will get one folder “XcuserData”.> Open the Xcuserdata folder and delete all its content. >Now Launch the Xcode project again, the problem should be fixed now.
if the above resolution is not working then try this one:
open Xcode > clicked on Manage Schemes and then Autocreate Schemes Now > Then select the new scheme in Xcode.
Hope either resolution should work for you.
This is a bug in the beta builds for Xcode 4.2, with regards to their handling of Git repos (confirmed at WWDC with Xcode devs). According to a friend of mine it's been fixed in Xcode 4.2 beta 5, but there are a bunch of issues with that build and you might want to hold off until beta 6.
Step 1: Right Click on Xcode project > Show Package contents > xcuserdata > Delete All content
Step 2: Open project > select target > (Project name)Tests > Host Application > select application > allow testing application APIs
Resolved :) Enjoy your Code
I always open my projects from within Finder to get around this problem. Browse to your project directory, eg /apps/iOS/iPhone/SingleViewApp. Double clicking the .xcodeproj file launches the project within Xcode. I see "Checking DDI Symbols" msg and soon after iPhone device name appears.
