Splitting up an each block, into blocks depending on content - ruby-on-rails

This is a tricky one to express, I'll give it a shot though:
I have defined #model = Model.all which includes both depart_at and arrive_at. I now need to run through these, in groups of date. (Each is a datetime in the database).
I've tried a few things, but I can't seem to get anything to work here.
<% #departure_times.each do |departure_time| %>
<% end %>
is the current code. I can't seem to find anything in the Rails API about, what I can do to chunk up by the date of depart_at.
The expected outcome is something alike:
**date** - 10:15, 11:15, 20:30
**date** - 11:15, 12:30, 14:15
etc - The meaning for this, is to group the output by the date of the timestamp.

One might prepare the chunked array in the controller:
#dt_grouped = #departure_times.group_by do |departure_time|
This will produce a Hash instance like:
{ '2016-03-08' => [dt1, dt2, dt3,...], ...}
and then in view:
<% #dt_grouped.each do |date, times| %>
<%= date %> — <%= times.join ', ' %>
<% end %>


How to select 6 random records from table

My portfolio_controller.rb has an index method like this:
def index
#portfolio = PortfolioItem.all
How can I specify in the condition that the code in this block should be executed 6 times? In other words, how can I access exactly 6 values from the #portfolio object in my view, using a loop? This is what I have so far:
<% #portfolio.shuffle.each do |portfo| %>
Using all, followed by shuffle, is a bad solution for two reasons.
A slight improvement would be to use sample(6) instead of shuffle.first(6), as this removes a step from the process.
However, the bigger issue here is that Portfolio.all.<something> (where the <something> method requires converting the data into a ruby Array) will fetch all of the data into memory - which is a bad idea. As the table grows, this will become a bigger performance issue.
A better idea is to perform the "random selection" in SQL (with the order and limit methods), rather than in ruby. This avoids the need to fetch other data into memory.
The exact solution is database-specific, unfortunately. For PostgreSQL and SQLite, use:
Portfolio.order('RANDOM()').limit(6).each do |portfolio|
Or for MySQL, use:
Portfolio.order('RAND()').limit(6).each do |portfolio|
You could define this as a helper in the Portfolio model - for example:
class Portfolio < ApplicationRecord
# ...
scope :random_sample, ->(n) { order('RANDOM()').limit(n) }
# ...
And then in your view:
#portfolio.random_sample(6).each do |portfolio|
You can something like this :
<%(1..6).each do |i| %>
<% #your statements %>
<% #portfolio.shuffle.each_with_index do |portfo, index| %>
<%if index <= 6%>
<p><%= portfo.title %></p>
<% end %>
Or You can do it as
<% #portfolio.shuffle.take(6).each do |portfo| %>
<p><%= portfo.title %></p>
<% end %>

How do I group objects returned by a REST API based on a value inside that object?

I'm pretty new to ruby/rails so bear with me.
I'm attempting to take the results returned by the JIRA rest API and render them in a view. I can do that pretty easily using the jira-ruby gem. The problem I'm having is grouping the results by a specific object inside the object returned by the API (in this case, a "components" field object inside of a "issue" object). I've attempted to use group_by and chunk for this but I'm basically getting the inverse of what I want. Both methods return the same result.
In my controller I have:
#issues = #jira_client.Issue.all
In my view I have:
<% #issues.chunk {|issue_comp| issue_comp.fields["components"]}.each do |comps, issues| %>
<% comps.each do |comp| %>
<%= comp["name"] %>
<% end %>
<% issues.each do |issue| %>
<li><p><%= link_to issue.key, "http://localhost:2990/jira/browse/#{issue.key}" %> - <%= issue.summary %></p></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
What I end up with is:
CompA CompB
CompC CompD
CompA CompC CompD
What I want is:
The object returned by the API is a pretty convoluted object (i.e. giant array of hashes inside arrays inside of hashes). So, I have to dig pretty deep to get at the component name.
I get the feeling that this shouldn't be as complicated as it seems but I have a terrible habit of making things more complicated than they need to be. What am I doing wrong here?
EDIT: I created a gist of the full dump that is returned with the above call. Notice the "components" array:
jira-ruby gem dump for all issues
I took a look at the data you're getting back from Jira. This is how it looks to me:
There is an outer array of Jira Issues.
Each issue has an "attrs" hash
Each "attrs" hash contains components.
If this understanding is correct, I think you are attempting to invert that structure so that you can get a complete list of components, then iterate over each of them, and show the Issues that belong to that component.
If that understanding is correct, you have two basic choices:
Check if you can ask Jira for that information (so you don't have to generate it yourself), or
Build your own data structure (in memory on in a local DB as you prefer):
Some sample code for building a useful structure in-memory:
# in a controller, model, or service class (as you wish)
#components = {}
#jira_issues_array.each do |jira_issue| # from your API call
jira_issues[:components].each do |jira_component|
#components[jira_component[:key]] ||= { name: jira_component[:name], issue_keys: [] }
#components[jira_component[:key]][:issue_keys] << jira_issue[:key]
In your view, you could iterate over #components like this:
# some html.erb file:
<h1>Components and Issues</h1>
<% #components.keys.each do |component_key, component| %>
<li><%= component[:name] %>
<ul> <!-- nested -->
<% component[:issue_keys].each do |issue_key| %>
<%= #jira_issues_array.find { |issue| issue[:key] == issue_key }[:name] %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Note: Like a typical lazy programmer, I haven't tried this out, but it's really intended to show how you might go about it. For example, each issue's name is embedded in the attrs section, so you'll need to dig that out a bit.
Finally, if anyone would find this useful, I use this to analyse and reformat JSON.
HTH - any questions or problems, post a comment.

Rails output polymorphic associations

I want to implement a search functionality in my Rails app by using the pg_search gem. I've set up everything like it says in the documentation. Then I've set up a search controller with a show action:
def show
#pg_search_documents = PgSearch.multisearch(search_params)
The search itself works but I have a really annoying problem in my view. Whatever I do, it always outputs an array of PgSearch::Document objects. Even when I only write this in my view:
<%= #pg_search_documents.each do |document| %>
<% end %>
I get this (I've shortened it):
[#<PgSearch::Document id: 2, content: "…", searchable_id: 28, searchable_type: "Vessel">, #<PgSearch::Document id: 3, content: "…", searchable_id: 27, searchable_type: "Vessel">]
I know that pg_search sets up a polymorphic association which I've never dealt with before — could that be the problem?
Thanks in advance
<%= #pg_search_documents.each do |document| %>
<% end %>
This is a classic error, one I remember being puzzled over when I first started learning Rails. The mistake is using <%= %> with each. The return value of each is the array that you're iterating over (in this case, #pg_search_documents), and by using <%=, you're telling Rails to create a string from that array and insert it into your view. That generally isn't what you want: you want the view to be generated by the code inside the block you're passing to each.
Use <% #pg_search_documents.each do |document| %> instead (omitting the =) and you'll avoid the dump of the array's content.
You may also need to use .searchable as #blelump suggests, but I wanted to answer the other half of your question, as it's a common pitfall.
To get back to the original source model, searchable call is needed on these search result records, e.g:
<% #pg_search_documents.each do |document| %>
<%= document.searchable %>
<% end %>
You can also switch back to the source model within your controller, e.g:
#pg_search_documents = PgSearch.multisearch(search_params).collect(&:searchable)
Then, the #pg_search_documents will contain Vessel elements.

Exception Handling: "undefined method `____' for nil:NilClass"

One of the most common reasons my web application fails is because a user sometimes lacks a certain attribute that a view expects it to have. For instance, most users in my application have an education (school, degree, etc.) entry in our system, but some users do not. Assuming my view looks something like this:
<% #educations.each do |education| %>
<%= education.school %>
<%= education.degree %>
<% end %>
I want to avoid "Pokemon" exception handling and feel that there has to be a better way around dealing with a "undefined method `degree' for nil:NilClass" error in the case that a user does not have an education entry in our database. This just seems like an ugly/tedious fix:
<% #educations.each do |education| %>
<% if education.school %>
<%= education.school %>
<% end %>
<% if education.degree %>
<%= education.degree %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Any input is appreciated. Thank you!
As long as you know the first object you're working on won't be nil, the easiest way is to just do this:
- #educations.each do |education|
= education.try :school
= education.try :degree
The #try method is pretty handy. You can also call .to_s on anything you think might be nil, Ie:
- #educations.each do |education|
= education.school.to_s
= education.degree.to_s
This will convert nils to an empty string. This isn't as useful in the view IMO, but comes in handy a lot of times if you have input that is expecting to be a string and might be empty. Ie a method like:
def put_in_parenthesis(string)
"(" + string.to_s + ")"
You have a couple of options here.
The easiest to implement is the try method. It is used like so:
<%= education.try( :degree ) %>
The problem is that try() is viewed as a bit of an anti-pattern. As the reference indicates, you can achieve similar functionality with something like:
<%= education && education.degree %>
This isn't really a lot different, intellectually, in my opinion. A popular way of handling this a little more cleanly is the Null Object pattern, which is basically an object with defined neutral ("null") behavior.

How to add "0," after each loop in Ruby

How to add "0," after each loop in Ruby (At the data: part of the series)
So first loop would
show only the value
next loop 0,value
next loop 0,0,value
next loop 0,0,0,value
series: [
<% #prot = ProjectTask.where("project_id = ? AND taskType = ?" ,#project.id, "Pre-Sales")%>
<% #prot.each do |prt| %>
<% hoursSum = 0 %>
name: '<%= prt.task_name%>',
data: [(here after each loop of #prot i want to add "0," here)<% #taskHours = Effort.where(:project_task_id => prt.id) %>
<% #taskHours.each do |th| %>
<% hoursSum = hoursSum + th.hours %>
<% end %>
<%= hoursSum%>
},<% end %>
<% #prot.each_with_index do |index, prt| %>
<%= "0," * index %>
<% end %>
This logic seems too complex to be in a view - I would migrate it to a helper function that builds up the data array and call that instead.
I think you'll find it a lot easier to do what you want then without having to deal with all the clutter of the erb tags etc. There's lots of ways you could do it - Yossi's suggestion of using each_with_index is a perfectly good one.
Two little things though - I would advise against shortened names for stuff like #prot - just call it #project_task. It's more readable and you can guarantee you call it the same thing throughout your code (instead of having some places where you call it #prot, others where it's #ptask etc) which will save you more time than you lose typing a longer name, I promise you.
Also - you use camelCase for some of your variables - I would advise sticking with the Ruby convention of snake_case.
