Link static cell to function in swift - ios

In my account view scene I want to able the users the capability to send us an email, and, is it a good approach to fire directly to the email app when the users tap the cell? otherwise to include a button with an IBfunction.

You can use the MessageUI framework to send an email straight from your app.
This gives you the ability to pre-populate content and what you want to send. Documentation for the framework is here and you can find an example in the documentation here.


Swift - How to set custom title in SKStoreReviewController?

I wonder that if i can set custom title in SKStoreReviewController?
I read the apple document and search a lot in google
But I didn't find solution
What can I do if I want to implement the pop view like image above
No, you can't do it with SKStoreReviewController. Some apps make a custom one but can't send the ratings to the App Store.
According to Apple Documentation:
The SKStoreReviewController API lets you give users an easy way to
provide feedback about your app. You can prompt for ratings up to
three times in a 365-day period. Users will submit a rating through
the standardized prompt, and can write and submit a review without
leaving the app.
It means you can only show a standardized prompt. However, you can create a custom prompt and redirect the user to your app in the app store.

Xcode Swift Pass TextField content to website textField

Lets say I have a social network (example: ). There are 2 textfields on that website: E-mail, password.
I want to make an app for the website where you can login directly from the app. On the app i have 2 text fields and a button (email, password, login). How can i pass the app's email textfield content to the email textfield of the website? Same goes for the password textfield.
You could even take FaceBook as an example. They have a website (ofc), but how does the app on the iPhone work? Is it something similar to what i said, or does it work in a completely different way?
I used parse in the end:
Now parse decided it's going to stop being active from 2017.
Alternatively you can use Firebase:
If you know any alternative services to parse, you're welcome to write them down as a comment. ;)

How to store my app each interaction in database in IOS?

I want to push my app each activity into server.
If any button is pressed, it should be save as user pressed that
If any alert came also, it should save the activity.
When any error came inside the app, we should be able to save.
This question is raised because, if user struck on any activity I want to track how the user is using the app step by step.
Can any one please help me to reach the need.
Sounds like you want something like Flurry? They are now owned by Yahoo but you can probably find some competitors that provide what you need. Or, use Yahoo's stuff.
You can use some open source library. XCGLogger is your friend.
Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog or println, but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
You can use Google Analytics it is free and easy to implement.
Here is iOS document: Document & Guides

Is it possible to send mails periodically from iOS app

I'm developing an app that creates a simple document with basic information created by the app. It won't contain any personal information, but it will contain data created and requested by the user. I want the user to be able to send this to themselves via email. I would also like to add the option for the user to have this file (which updates daily) to be able to send to them automatically every week/month, so they won't have to think about it. The user can set the intervals themselves.
Is this possible? The user will set up this option themselves from a menu, so it's not like they won't know it's happening. Every automatic mail will also contain information on how to turn the option back off again.
Is this possible and is it allowed by Apple?
Thanks for your reply
It is not possible from within the app. A user has to explicitly send the email through the MFMailComposeViewController.
If you want this functionality, you should build a backend for your app.
To clarify, if you want to use the users configured accounts; i.e. the account they use with Mail, then no you cannot do this automatically. The other answers rely on the fact a user enters their POP/IMAP settings, which personally I would never do.
You could use an email service as mandril or mailgun, to send emails "from your app".
Take a look at this:
There's a library called MailCore that's incredibly powerful. You can use it to send mail in the background of your app without needing to present the built in mail composer view

Send an email using text fields for the subject and body instead of MFMailComposeViewController

I want to send an email within my app, but without the standard email layout from apple's mail app, which could be obtained through MFMailComposeViewController. I would like to have two text fields, one for the users email, one for the body, and a button to send the email. Thanks!
The whole point of MFMailComposeViewController is that it looks and acts the same as the system standard e-mail application, also after iOS itself changes (think iOS 6 --> iOS 7). This is primarily for user convenience, so you're supposed to use it. AFAIK, you don't get direct access to the e-mail protocol stack anyway, but then again, you don't need to worry about it.
Of course, you can set the subject and body programmatically, so if you really wanted to, you could have those two text fields, and then copy whatever the user has entered, to use it with MFMailComposeViewController, but why bother? It makes the user experience worse, and it's extra work for you.
