Xcode Swift Pass TextField content to website textField - ios

Lets say I have a social network (example: http://www.icloud.com/ ). There are 2 textfields on that website: E-mail, password.
I want to make an app for the website where you can login directly from the app. On the app i have 2 text fields and a button (email, password, login). How can i pass the app's email textfield content to the email textfield of the website? Same goes for the password textfield.
You could even take FaceBook as an example. They have a website (ofc), but how does the app on the iPhone work? Is it something similar to what i said, or does it work in a completely different way?

I used parse in the end:
Now parse decided it's going to stop being active from 2017.
Alternatively you can use Firebase:
If you know any alternative services to parse, you're welcome to write them down as a comment. ;)


Automatically enter name/phone/email etc

I may be searching for the wrong thing, which might explain why I can only find information on setting up password autofills.
I'm looking for the ability to for a user to enter email, phone, first + last names in an app, the same way some websites are able to do it, the options appearing above the keyboard.
I have the fields content type set in the storyboard (Name, Telephone Number, Email Address)
Can anyone advise if this is possible and how I go about doing this.
Password Autofill is the only feature that automatically does that on IOS Apps.
The other feature you are talking of "Contact Auto Fill" that you say happens on some websites on your mobile is a feature implemented in the Safari App.
If you go to your IOS settings and open Safari Settings, you'll see you can select a contact to use for contact and credit card autofill.
Safari Settings Screenshot Safari Settings Screenshot2
To get such a feature, you would have to manually implement.
Automatic availability of such feature would probably have privacy concerns to user (meaning you can auto extract true user contact information by just making such a form in your app).

How to send user input to designated e-mail?

I am developing an iOS app targeting iOS 9 and above using Swift 3 and xCode 8.
I have a "Contact ViewController" which contains multiple forms where user enters its data to submit. Collected data also contains users' e-mail address. I am validating all the information that entered by the user correctly.
So, what I would like to do is my "send" button to send the user's all data to an e-mail address.
Is this possible without using Mail App or its interface? Do I need additional framework for such functionality?
I appreciate your time and sharing your thoughts.
This is not possible secretly. You can't send an email from the users device via the Apple Mail app because the system will not allow that. You can prepare an email with all the data that opens and let the user send it to you by tapping "Send" in the NavigationBar. So yes, you would need another framework to do that.
But I would not use emails to do that. Just use a server you send the data to or a service like Firebase.
If you really have to send E-mails, and just pushing the data to a backend API is not enough:
This is not possible using built-in functionality, but you could leverage an external mail delivery service like Mailgun to send your mails. (From a security standpoint, this should be handled by a server and not by the app itself however.)

Link static cell to function in swift

In my account view scene I want to able the users the capability to send us an email, and, is it a good approach to fire directly to the email app when the users tap the cell? otherwise to include a button with an IBfunction.
You can use the MessageUI framework to send an email straight from your app.
This gives you the ability to pre-populate content and what you want to send. Documentation for the framework is here and you can find an example in the documentation here.

Send an email using text fields for the subject and body instead of MFMailComposeViewController

I want to send an email within my app, but without the standard email layout from apple's mail app, which could be obtained through MFMailComposeViewController. I would like to have two text fields, one for the users email, one for the body, and a button to send the email. Thanks!
The whole point of MFMailComposeViewController is that it looks and acts the same as the system standard e-mail application, also after iOS itself changes (think iOS 6 --> iOS 7). This is primarily for user convenience, so you're supposed to use it. AFAIK, you don't get direct access to the e-mail protocol stack anyway, but then again, you don't need to worry about it.
Of course, you can set the subject and body programmatically, so if you really wanted to, you could have those two text fields, and then copy whatever the user has entered, to use it with MFMailComposeViewController, but why bother? It makes the user experience worse, and it's extra work for you.

Sharing to both Facebook and Twitter at same time

Is there a way to share to both Facebook and Twitter at the same time? It seems like bad form to display the facebook popup, have the user write their text, then after they submit open the Twitter popup.
edit: I am asking if this is possible using iOS 6 sharing framework, and if so how.
No, it is not possible to share to Facebook and Twitter at the same time. You have to first write text in the Facebook screen and then in the Twitter screen, or vice versa.
Maybe it is possible to write something in the Facebook screen, store it in a variable and use it with SLComposeViewControllers' setInitialText method.
