MonoGame/XNA Texture2D best practise - xna

For a huge map I have to render many different Textures. Currently I am unsure about the best performance aproached to solve that problem. In my optinion there are two options. Render the whole tilemap (tile per tile) every draw cycle or create RenderTargets for a tile collection (render a specific amount of tiles into one texture) to reduce the tile amount.
I do know there is a 10MB RenderTarget cache limit and I also know that huge textures could leed to a performance issue. (VRAM limitations and texture swaping)
Is there a magic texture size which I should stick to? (Besides the hint: power of two)


What is the fastest way to render subsets of a single texture onto a WebGL canvas?

If you have a single power-of-two width/height texture (say 2048) and you want to blit out scaled and translated subsets of it (say 64x92-sized tiles scaled down) as quickly as possible onto another texture (as a buffer so it can be cached when not dirty), then draw that texture onto a webgl canvas, and you have no more requirements - what is the fastest strategy?
Is it first loading the source texture, binding an empty texture to a framebuffer, rendering the source with drawElementsInstancedANGLE to the framebuffer, then unbinding the framebuffer and rendering to the canvas?
I don't know much about WebGL and I'm trying to write a non-stateful version of (that just uses draw() calls instead of sprites that maintain state, since I would have millions of sprites). Before I get too far into the weeds, I'm hoping for some feedback.
There is no generic fastest way. The fastest way is different by GPU and also different by specifics.
Are you drawing lots of things the same size?
Are the parts of the texture atlas the same size?
Will you be rotating or scaling each instance?
Can their movement be based on time alone?
Will their drawing order change?
Do the textures have transparency?
Is that transparency 100% or not (0 or 1) or is it various values in between?
I'm sure there's tons of other considerations. For every consideration I might choose a different approach.
In general your idea if using drawElementsAngleInstanced seems fine but without knowing exactly what you're trying to do and on which device it's hard to know.
Here's some tests of drawing lots of stuff.

XNA problem when draw many different batches

I have a 2D game in 4 directions, and I'm having problems with FPS (or GPU) because I have to draw a lot of textures.
I've read a lot about techniques to optimize performance, but I don't know what I can do anymore.
The main problem is that in some occasions I have about 200 creatures, where I have to draw his body (it is a single sprite) but also draw spells and other animations on his body. So, I think that is when it starts to give conflicts because the loop where I draw each creature, must change the textures for each creature, that is body>animation1>animation2>animation3 and this about 200 (creatures) times at 60 fps. Which lowers the fps to about 40-50.
Any suggestions?
This is how it looks:
The issue is probably - as you have already suggested - the constant switching between different textures. This is much slower than drawing the same number of sprites with the same texture.
To change this, consider putting all your textures into a single big texture. You then always draw that texture. This obviously would look quite wrong, so you also have to tell XNA which part of the texture you want to draw. For that, you can use the SourceRectangle parameter that can be passed to SpriteBatch.Draw(...). That way, you can always render the same texture but can still have different images on screen.
See also this answer about texture atlasses for more details.

iOS OpenGL ES 2.0 VBO confusion

I'm attempting to render a large number of textured quads on the iPhone. To improve render speeds I've created a VBO that I leverage to render my objects in a single draw call. This seems to work well, but I'm new to OpenGL and have run into issues when it comes to providing a unique transform for each of my quads (ultimately I'm looking for each quad to have a custom scale, position and rotation).
After a decent amount of Googling, it appears that the standard means of handling this situation is to pass a uniform matrix to the vertex shader and to have each quad take care of rendering itself. But this approach seems to negate the purpose of the VBO, by ultimately requiring a draw call per object.
In my mind, it makes sense that each object should keep it's own model view matrix, using it to transform, scale and rotate the object as necessary. But applying separate matrices to objects in a VBO has me lost. I've considered two approaches:
Send the model view matrix to the vertex shader as a non-uniform attribute and apply it within the shader.
Or transform the vertex data before it's stored in the VBO and sent to the GPU
But the fact that I'm finding it difficult to find information on how best to handle this leads me to believe I'm confusing the issue. What's the best way of handling this?
This is the "evergreen" question (a good one) on how to optimize the rendering of many simple geometries (a quad is in fact 2 triangles, 6 vertices most of the time unless we use a strip).
Anyway, the use of VBO vs VAO in this case should not mean a significant advantage since the size of the data to be transferred on the memory buffer is rather low (32 bytes per vertex, 96 bytes per triangle, 192 per quad) which is not a big effort for nowadays memory bandwidth (yet it depends on How many quads you mean. If you have 20.000 quads per frame then it would be a problem anyway).
A possible approach could be to batch the drawing of the quads by building a new VAO at each frame with the different quads positioned in your own coordinate system. Something like shifting the quads vertices to the correct position in a "virtual" mesh origin. Then you just perform a single draw of the newly creates mesh in your VAO.
In this way, you could batch the drawing of multiple objects in fewer calls.
The problem would be if your quads need to "scale" and "rotate" and not just translate, you can compute it with CPU the actual vertices position but it would be way to costly in terms of computing power.
A simple suggestion on top of the way you transfer the meshes is to use a texture atlas for all the textures of your quads, in this way you will need a much lower (if not needed at all) texture bind operation which might be costly in rendering operations.

XNA best way to load 2d textures; monogame

I am making a test xna game as a learning exercise and I have a small question about using 2d textures. Basically the game is a grid of different 'tiles' which are taken from a text map file. I basically just parse through the file when initializing a level and create a matrix of the different tile types. The level is essentially a tub of wall tiles and spikes. So essentially, there are lots of wall tiles and multiple spike tiles and then lots of empty tiles. However, there are four types of wall tile and spike textures to cover different directions.
My question is what is the best way to load the textures for each of the tile? Do I load individual textures for each tile? i.e when I create a tile, pass it a texture2d which I can draw and load the texture at the same time. This seems like a good way, but then I have to load each tiles texture individually and this seems wasteful.
The other option I can think of is to use a static texture in the tile struct an then simple load this texture as a tile atlas with the different walls and spikes. This way I am only loading a single texture, and then when drawing I just move a rectangle to the area of the appropriate tile within the sprite.
I am not sure which of these ways would be optimal from a performance perspective, or if there is an alternative approach?
Thanks in advanmce
The wonderful thing about the content pipeline is that when you do
It doesn't load the Texture2D everytime. The content pipeline is smart enough to load it once and send back the same Texture2D for that texture everytime. It would actually be worse if you made the static struct.

cocos2d flicker

I have a pool of CCSprites numbering 1200 in each of two arrays, displayGrid1 and displayGrid2. I turn them visible or invisible when showing walls or floors. Floors have a number of different textures and are not z-order dependent. Walls also have several textures and are z-order dependent.
I am getting about 6-7 frames when moving which is okay because its a turn based isometric rogue-like. However, I am also getting a small amount of flicker, which I think is performance related, because there is no flicker on the simulator.
I would like to improve performance. I am considering using an array CCSpriteBatchNodes for the floor which is not z-order dependent but am concerned with the cost of adding and removing sprites frequently between the elements of this array, which would be necessary I think.
Can anyone please advise as to how I can improve performance?
As mentioned in the comments, you're using multiple small sprite files loaded individually which can cause performance issues as there is wasted memory being used to store excess pixel data around each of the individual sprites. Each row of pixel data in an OpenGL texture must have a number of bytes totaling a power of 2 for performance reasons. Although I believe OpenGL ES under iOS does this automatically, it can come with a big performance hit. Grouping sprites together into a single texture that is correctly sized can be a tremendous boon to rendering performance.
You can use an App like Zwoptex to group all these smaller sprite files into a larger, more manageable sprite sheets/texture atlas and utilize one CCSpriteBatchNode for each sprite sheet/texture atlas.
Cocos2D has pretty good support for utilizing sprite sheets with texture atlases and converting your code to using these instead of individual files can be done with little effort. Creating individual sprites from a texture atlas is easy, you just call the sprite by name instead of from the file.
CCSpriteBatchNodes group OpenGL calls for their sprites together, a process known as batching, which causes the operating system and OpenGL to have to make less round trips to the GPU which greatly improves performance. Unfortunately, CCSpriteBatchNodes are limited to only being able to draw sprites for the texture that backs them (enter sprite sheets/texture atlases).
