iOS - Keyboard suggestions bubble is wrongly hidden behind keyboard - ios

In our iOS App the suggestions bubbles get hidden behind the keyboard. How can I prevent that from happening?

This appears to be an Apple bug in iOS 9 for iPhone 6/6+ class phones running under iPhone 5 compatibility mode, i.e., there are no launch images or other indicators to iOS that the app supports the larger screens of the iPhone 6/6+ class of phones, so it runs the screen as if it were an iPhone 5 class phone, with main view 568 high. The fix or workaround is to add native iPhone 6/6+ support to your app by adding in launch images for each of those phone sizes. The problem will go away. At least it has in my cases.


iPad app is not utilising the full screen

I have an iPad application on App Store. App is only supported for iPad. App is not a universal App. I am using launch screen storyboard.
App is working fine on 12.5, 10.5 inch iPad devices. But for 11.0 inch iPad device app (iOS 12.1) is not utilising full screen. App is behaving as iPhone app running on iPad without 2x button.
I know this issue comes when you run iPhone app on iPad. But as my app is iPad only. So not getting what causing this issue.
Is anyone faced similar issue? Please let me know how you fixed it.
Thanks in advance.
1 - iPad only build created on environment Xcode 10.0 and iOS 12.0
2 - Just review Optimizing Your UI Section.
I don't have 11 inch/pro iPad device. So will iPad app build created on Xcode 10.1 resolved this issue?
If you didn't create a view for "that size" then it'll be displayed for the size you created it for. If you created a universal app it would automatically resize itself for the appropriate iOS device. If you create a view for the largest iPad size then it should automatically scale itself down for smaller screens. From the sound of it you created the app for a specific size iPad ignoring the other bit depths available on various models. Even if you want your app for "iPad only" you can do that while still controlling how it scales itself down to say an iPad Air vs iPad Pro.

Cordova icon / splashscreen issue

For the life of me I can't figure out why the icon is all huge and not disappearing when the splash screen on my Cordova iPhone app shows up. Here is it shown on the iPhone 6. It also happens when tested on an iPhone 6 Plus. For some reason it doesn't have this effect on the iPhone X.
Is there some sort of config.xml preference or some undocumented change that I'm not making?

Keyboard is scaled on iphone 7+

I have ported an old app and now using Xcode 8 to compile / run on iphone 7+. Everything is working fine except the keyboard looks scaled up (Larger than standard keyboard as seen in iMessages).
Attached is the image on iPhone 7+, first one is iMessages screen with its standard keyboard and second screen is my app with scaled up keyboard.
On capturing UIKeyboardDidShowNotification, I see that keyboard size returned is 320x253 on iphone 7+ which is what I also get while running app on iphone 5. Another test app developed in XCode 8 gives keyboard size of 414x226 on iphone 7+ and 320x216 on iphone 5.
It seems somehow the OS is treating my app as iphone 5 compatible only and display keyboard size that's supported by iphone 5.
iMessages and my app on iphone 7+
You need to add a properly sized launch images for all compatible devices. This is a tedious task. Since iOS 8, Apple supports proving a launch interface in the form of a storyboard or a XIB file, which the system uses to generate a launch image. This is the preferred method of supplying a launch image in modern iOS development, unless this pattern specifically does not fit your requirements (a custom launch image that is very specific to the size of the device).

How to know an iOS apps COMPATIBILITY status using Xcode

As of know my app's compatibility status in AppStore is
"Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5."
I want to make it compatible with iPhone 6 & 6+. So, i provided all the requirements for making my iOS app to compatible with iPhone 6 & 6+.
My question is:
I want to know my apps compatibility status before sending to AppStore Review process. So, is it possible using Xcode ?
first, you can run it in iPhone 6 Plus simulator, if the state bar is very fine, not to become big, then your app is optimized for iPhone 6+.
if your app doesn't optimize for iPhone 6, the screen you see is very terrible, just like small screen was dragged to 2x, like mosaic.
if you have friend who have iPhone 6 Plus, you can run it on the device.
for my app, I just delete the launch screen, and add a new one, then Xcode want me to add the launch image of iPhone 6 size, I did this, and run it on simulator, I found the screen didn't mosaic, the control recover the original size, not mosaic, what's more, it become chaos, because the size become small, screen have some blank areas.
then I use auto layout, restrain the control, make them fill all screen, now finish
my english is not very good, you can ask me if you don't understand it

iOS 7 black splash bug and app launch size

Currently I am having troubles with a project I am working on.
First of I have this bug. Where the splash screen on iOS 7 is black when I set a splash screen for iOS 7 devices. The tip which I found there (and which works) is to only set splash screens voor iOS 6 and it will fetch those for iOS 7.
However, when doing this the app launches as an 3.5" app on an 4" device on iOS7. (The splash screen is full size).
I have tried using the old methods to have splash screens (e.g with correct naming conventions) and not using the Image Catalogs, but this doesn't change anything.
What can I do to have and a working splash screen on iOS 7 devices and the correct launch size for those devices?
It might be worth noting that this is a Universal app.
Have you tried to use a new project and set all image sizes?
There could be a problem with your Info.plist after changing the splash images many times.
