Flipswitch in lightswitch is going in an infinite loop - jquery-mobile

I got this piece of code for rendering and using Flipswitch as a custom control in lightswitch application.
function createBooleanSwitch(element, contentItem, trueText, falseText, optionalWidth) {
var $defaultWidth = '5.4em';
var $defaultFalseText = 'False';
var $defaultTrueText = 'False';
var $selectElement = $('<select data-role="slider"></select>').appendTo($(element));
if (falseText != null) {
$('<option value="false">' + falseText + '</option>').appendTo($selectElement);
else {
$('<option value="false">' + $defaultFalseText + '</option>').appendTo($selectElement);
if (trueText != null) {
$('<option value="true">' + trueText + '</option>').appendTo($selectElement);
else {
$('<option value="true">' + $defaultTrueText + '</option>').appendTo($selectElement);
// Now, after jQueryMobile has had a chance to process the
// new DOM addition, perform our own post-processing:
$(element).one('slideinit', function () {
var $flipSwitch = $('select', $(element));
// Set the initial value (using helper function below):
// If the content item changes (perhaps due to another control being
// bound to the same content item, or if a change occurs programmatically),
// update the visual representation of the control:
contentItem.dataBind('value', setFlipSwitchValue);
// Conversely, whenver the user adjusts the flip-switch visually,
// update the underlying content item:
$flipSwitch.change(function () {
contentItem.value = ($flipSwitch.val() === 'true');
// To set the width of the slider to something different than the default,
// need to adjust the *generated* div that gets created right next to
// the original select element. DOM Explorer (F12 tools) is a big help here.
if (optionalWidth != null) {
$('.ui-slider-switch', $(element)).css('width', optionalWidth);
else {
$('.ui-slider-switch', $(element)).css('width', defaultWidth);
// Helper function to set the value of the flip-switch
// (used both during initialization, and for data-binding)
function setFlipSwitchValue(value) {
$flipSwitch.val((value) ? 'true' : 'false');
// Having updated the DOM value, refresh the visual representation as well
// (required for a slider control, as per jQueryMobile's documentation)
$flipSwitch.slider(); // Initializes the slider
// Because the flip switch has no concept of a "null" value
// (or anything other than true/false), ensure that the
// contentItem's value is in sync with the visual representation
contentItem.value = ($flipSwitch.val() === 'true');
This piece of code works fine. It renders the flipswitch on the screen. I am showing the data in an Edit screen, which is coming in a popup. Problem arises when I open that popup which contains the flipswitch and without changing any data on UI, I just try to close that popup screen. The IE hangs and it gives error saying that long script is running. When I debug the createBoolenaSwitch function, I came to know that it is going in infinite loop inside the function called setFlipSwitchValue(value){}
Why is this function getting called and this is going in an infinite loop?


Can you "end" a reveal.js presentation?

I'm looking for the counterpart/opposite of Reveal.initialize(). A way to programmatically end a reveal.js presentation.
Reveal.js did not implement a method which programmatically ends the presentation. Here is the list of methods available.
If you are looking for destroy the instance of Reveal.js, that is not possible unless Reveal.js team implements it. What you can do is, you can remove the DOM elements on which Reveal event is initialized.
Here is the code using which you can destroy all/any instance(s) of Reveal.js presentation.
Element.prototype.remove = function() {
NodeList.prototype.remove = HTMLCollection.prototype.remove = function() {
for(var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(this[i] && this[i].parentElement) {
//To remove all containers created by Math Plugin
var mathPluginContainers = document.querySelectorAll("[id^='MathJax']");
mathPluginContainers = Array.prototype.slice.call(mathPluginContainers);
var mathPluginParents = mathPluginContainers.map(function(container) {
return container.parentElement;
mathPluginParents.forEach(function (container, index) {
if (container.tagName === 'DIV') {
} else {
Before starting the presentation you can create the DOM tree copy (1) and then, when needed, you can restore it (2).
// (1) create DOM copy
window.saved = document.body.cloneNode(true);
// initialisation parameters
// (2) restore DOM to previous state
document.body.parentNode.replaceChild(window.saved, document.body)
It is stopping the presentation and not making any errors. The only problem might be is that something extra has to be done to be able to start the presentation again.

Can't open Telerik Kendo window twice

I have a Kendo window which is defined as follows:
With Html.Kendo().Window().Name("tranferwindow")
.Title("Select Transfer Destination")
.Events(Function(events) events.Open("WindowToCenter"))
.Events(Function(events) events.Refresh("transferopen"))
End With
The window is opened each time by using the refresh and passing a new URL.This is to allow dynamic data to be displayed dependent on what the user clicked on a grid.
function transferitem(e) {
var dataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
wwindow.data("kendoWindow").open(); //Display waiting window while refresh happens
var twindow = $("#tranferwindow")
twindow.data("kendoWindow").refresh('/Home/TransferList?agentid=' + agentid + '&tenantid=' + tenantid + '&SessionID=' + dataItem.MediaID);
The Window is opened at the end of the refresh event to make sure the user doesn't see the previous content.
function transferopen() {
wwindow.data("kendoWindow").close(); //Close the 'wait' window
var twindow = $("#tranferwindow")
This all works well and the window can be closed and reopened as often as I like.
However I needed to access the resize event of the window from within the Partial View to resize the Grid which is inside the window. To achieve this I added the following to the partial view that is returned from the url.
resize: function (e) {
// resizeGrid();
Adding this event mapping causes the issue where I cannot open the Window more than once.
I assume I need to 'unregister' for the event somehow before closing?
Found a solution: much cleaner and no VB Razor needed :)
I changed the approach to create a new window each time I wanted to display one.
I created a div to hold the Window.
<div id="windowcontainer"></div>
Then when the user selected a command on the grid , I create the whole window appending it to the div. The key here is the this.destroy in the deactivate event.
function transferitem(e) {
var dataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
$("#windowcontainer").append("<div id='tranferwindow'></div>");
var mywindow = $("#tranferwindow")
width: "400px",
title: "Select Transfer Destination",
visible: false,
content: '/Home/TransferList?agentid=' + agentid + '&tenantid=' + tenantid + '&SessionID=' + dataItem.MediaID,
deactivate: function () {
open: WindowToCenter,
Then on the refresh function
function transferopen() {
var twindow = $("#tranferwindow")
Now I can have the event binding inside the Partial View which works fine and the window can be re opened as many times as I want. :)
Update: Adding the event binding inside the Partial View stops 'Modal' from working. Working on trying to fix this...

caret position in an editable div (dartlang)

I try to find the caret position in an editable div.
Also it should be nice to get the selected text in this div.
I try to assimilate this:
Editable Div Caret Position
But it dosen’t work.
I'll be happy to give any Idea.
Thanks in advance
Some code snippet
<a on-click="{{chooseMenu}}" which-menu="1">Menu 1</a>
void chooseMenu(Event event, var detail, var target) {
Selection sel;
Range range;
sel = window.getSelection();
if(sel != null) {
range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
currentSubMenu = int.parse(target.attributes['which-menu']);
This worked for me in Dartium.
The other code from the referenced SO question is probably to support other browsers.
Dart usually generates JS code that works in all supported browsers.
You have to test yourself if the generated JS really works in the browsers you want to support.
We store the selection whenever it changes. Maybe there are better events but I couldn't find one.
But it worked fine for me.
We insert the new node at the previously stored selection.
// must be accessible by getRange, insertNodeAfterSelection
DivElement editable;
Range range;
// store reference to our contenteditable element
editable = (document.querySelector('#editable') as DivElement);
// subscribe selection change events
void insertNodeAfterSelection(Node node) {
void getRange(Event e) {
if(document.activeElement != editable) { // save only selection changes on our contenteditable
Selection sel;
sel = window.getSelection();
if(sel != null) {
range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
You have to decide yourself where you put those code parts. I added some comments as support.
using the mousedown event instead of click should help around this issue
Preserve text selection in contenteditable while interacting with jQuery UI Dialog and text input

jQuery UI Accordion - does refresh method overwrites initialisation settings?

Currently I am working on a project for which I use the jQuery UI Accordion.
Therefore I initialise the accordion on an element by doing
<div id="accordion"></div>
collapsible: true,
active: false,
heightStyle: "content"
After init the accordion I append some data coming from an AJAX request. (depends on user interaction)
In a simplified jsfiddle - which does exact the same thing as the ajax call - you can see how this looks like.
So far it seems to be working quite well but there is one problem I face.
In my initialisation I say that I want all panels to be closed but after calling refresh on the accordion everything of those settings seems to be gone and one panel opens.
Note that I implemented jQuery UI v1.10.2 in my fiddle. Update notes say
The refresh method will now recognize panels that have been added or removed. This brings accordion in line with tabs and other widgets that parse the markup to find changes.
Well it does but why has it to "overwrite" the settings I defined for this accordion?
I also thought about the possibility that it might be wrong to create the accordion on an empty <div> so I tested it with a given entry and added some elements afterwards.
But the jsfiddle shows exactly the same results.
In a recent SO thread I found someone who basically does the same thing as I do but in his jsfiddle he faces the same "issue".
He adds a new panel and the first panel opens after the refresh.
My current solution for this issue is to destroy the accordion and recreate it each time there's new content for it.
But this seems quite rough to me and I thought the refresh method solves the need to destroy the accordion each time new content gets applied.
See the last jsfiddle
$(document).ready(function () {
//variable to show "new" content gets appended correctly
var foo = 1;
$('#clickMe').on('click', function () {
var data = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
data += '<h3>title' + foo + '</h3><div>content</div>';
if ($('#accordion').hasClass('ui-accordion')) {
collapsible: true,
active: false,
heightStyle: "content"
Unfortunately it is not an option for me to change the content of the given 3 entries because the amount of panels varies.
So my questions are the one in the title and if this behaviour is wanted like that or if anybody faces the same problem?
For the explanation of this behaviour, have a look in the refresh() method of the jquery-ui accordion widget, the problem you are facing is at line 10 :
refresh: function() {
var options = this.options;
// was collapsed or no panel
if ((options.active === false && options.collapsible === true) || !this.headers.length) {
options.active = false;
this.active = $();
// active false only when collapsible is true
} if (options.active === false) {
this._activate(0); // <-- YOUR PROBLEM IS HERE
// was active, but active panel is gone
} else if (this.active.length && !$.contains(this.element[0], this.active[0])) {
// all remaining panel are disabled
if (this.headers.length === this.headers.find(".ui-state-disabled").length) {
options.active = false;
this.active = $();
// activate previous panel
} else {
this._activate(Math.max(0, options.active - 1));
// was active, active panel still exists
} else {
// make sure active index is correct
options.active = this.headers.index(this.active);

Is there an event delegation in dart SDK?

Imagine, you want to listen to all clicks made to any anchor element on page. The anchors on page can be dynamically added/removed during the page lifetime and you want to register all of the click events, even on newly added.
Is there any way how to attach delegated event (like in jQuery) in Dart using its standard libraries?
In jQuery you can achieve this with element.on('click', '.selector', handler);.
You can now do that with ElementStream.matches like this :
document.body.onClick.matches('.selector').listen((Event event) {
print('Super cool!');
// The currently registered target for the event
// document.body
// The element whose CSS selector matched
// .selector
// The target to which the event was originally dispatched
// the real element clicked under .selector
Because I have found no viable solution, I have created package that enables delegation.
You can find it at
Code is simple:
delegate(parent, condition, handler) {
return (event) {
var element = event.target;
while (element != parent && element != null) {
if (condition(element)) {
handler(event, element);
element = element.parent;
delegateOn(parent, String eventType, condition, handler) {
parent.on[eventType].listen(delegate(parent, condition, handler));
