How to integrate .proto files in Xcode compilation? - ios

I am trying to port an android app to ios and new to mac/xcode ecosystem. My app uses Google proto buffs and using instructions at I am able to build protobuf for swift and add ProtocolBuffers.xcodeproj to my project. I was even able to generate .swift files for my proto files outside of xcode using protoc directly. However, my question is how do I integrate .proto files in Xcode so xcode can find/compile them? Do I need to copy my .proto files manually in my project? I am using Xcode 7.2.1 and protoc version is 3.0.0. Thanks in advance.

Create a build rule for *.proto files, something like this:
Add your .proto file to "Compile Sources" build phase list.


Automate the process of including generated proto files into an Xcode project

Our iOS app currently is using Google protobuffer gRPC as our API layer to communicate between App and backend. And so we have these .proto files in our backend directory which will be converting to .grpc.swift and .pb.swift files by gRPC-Swift-Plugins and then consumed by the App.
This works okay, but the process of converting is very tedious, and we would like to automate the whole process.
Below is how we're doing it:
Delete previously copied directory, and copy all .proto files from backend (.proto files are maintained by backend devs) to App directory named "Protos" via a shell script
We already set up Build rules and include .proto files in Compile Sources. Following the steps from an answer here on SO
Screenshot of the current setup in Xcode Build Rules:
Whenever we build the project, .pb.swift and .grpc.swift are generated and putting into a directory named "generated" under the "Protos" folder.
Here are the problems:
If the backend added a new .proto files into the source directory, my script will only copy the files into the Protos directory but not included news files in the Compile Sources list.
Similar to the first problem, we need to manually set up Compile Sources in Xcode and that means if a new dev joins our team, he/she also needs to do the same setup again.
We sometimes need to refer to the .grpc.swift and .ph.swift files while coding. But If we add these files into Xcode and build the project again, Xcode will complain that these generated files are there like (Sorry, we're working on a private repo, so the project name and file names are replaced):
Multiple commands produce '${user_path}/${proto_name}.pb.o':
Target '${my_project_name}' (project '${my_project_name}') has compile command for Swift source files
Target '${my_project_name}' (project '${my_project_name}') has compile command for Swift source files
Any answers or comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
It's interesting I didn't have those problems with Swift if I use the $DERIVED_FILE_DIR
protoc "$INPUT_FILE_NAME" --swift_out="$DERIVED_FILE_DIR" --proto_path="Your/proto/path"
I don't use the plugin because I've got the plugin installed in my /usr/local/bin
But I have exactly those problems when we use the output for cpp files.

Module 'Swift' was created for incompatible target x86_64-apple-ios13.0

I'm creating an iOS framework and I want to copy some Xcode templates from my framework directory (that are not included in my .xcproject, but are in the folder that contains the project), when my framework is installed trought Cocoapods. In other words, when a developer installs my framework with Cocoapods or manually, I want to copy the templates into his Xcode Template Files folder.
I'm trying to execute a swift script file from the build phase of Xcode like this:
swift "${SRCROOT}/Folder/Folder/installer.swift"
But I get this error when I try to build it:
/<unknown>:1:1: module 'Swift' was created for incompatible target x86_64-apple-ios13.0: /Applications/
If I execute swift installer.swift from the terminal, the script works. So, I think there is a problem with my Xcode.
My installer.swift file copies the template files to the Xcode Template Files folder.
I don't know if this way is the correct one, but I didn't find any other solution so far.
When I tried something similar I had to tell swift to compile for macOS by adding the following "shebang" comment as the first line of the swift script:
#!/usr/bin/env xcrun --sdk macosx swift

How to import external iOS framework in flutter plugin?

I'm doing a flutter plugin for stream video by using RTSP protocol. I had no problem develop it for Android, but in iOS things are more complex. I have to use an external library (SGPlayer) for getting the player work. I also downloaded the demo that uses this library and seems to work. This library is NOT on Cocoapods and I need to import it directly into the plugin project from my file system. the downloaded and compiled file structure of the plugin that I would like to use looks like this:
My problem is adding the ".framework" extension file correctly to the iOS project in a way that I can use it to develop the flutter plugin (iOS part).
I built the project with the framework by using instructions at this link:
The problem now is that while compiling the framework it change the umbrella header because, I think, it's not using the framework module.modulemap but another one. The result is that is importing just some header and implementations, and not all.
1.Place myFramework.framework to iOS plugin folder /ios ex: myPlugin/ios
2.Update iOS plugin file: myPlugin/ios/myPlugin.podspec
Adding the below line at the bottom of the file, above 'end'
s.vendored_frameworks = 'myFramework.framework'
In Terminal : cd to myPlugin/example/ios
run command
pod install
pod update
Now we can find the iOS plugin code by open iOS project (example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace) in XCode and go to
#Lorenzo you can pack your plugin and make private CocoaPod or Carthage repo.
Here is a good article howtos

SocketIO manual installation for iOS app swift 4 xcode 9

I am having difficulty installing SocketIO for my Swift 4/Xcode 9 app. I have tried Swift Package Manager and Carthage and both did not work. Separate threads for those issues. I do not want to use Cocoapods.
Is there a way to manually install the libraries? I can drag and drop the Source files successfully however I don't know how to add the SocketIO and Starscream frameworks from the Git downloaded files. I can figure out how to link the binaries and that stuff myself, just want to know where I can physically extract the two frameworks from in the downloaded file.
Did you check in your project folder, the Carthage folder then Build folder then iOS folder and same with the Checkout folder?

add new plugin to phonegap 3.4

I'm trying to add new plugin ( to my phonegap project. but I get stuck on the installation number 1.
For number 1, they said Add wechat lib to your project. Don't forget to add the "URL Type". but I don't know where should I put library files to? which folder? because I know that every time I use cordova build ios command, it will generate new project files in platforms/ios. Should I put library files after generated?
Thank you.
Make sure you have install the required SDK. use command $ cordova platform add ios. Now add the generated files in the project folder. See if this works. Add Cordova command script file if required.
