6 separate UIViewControllers or just one with different data sources decided at segue? - ios

I'm building an iOS app in Swift which has a start page with 6 buttons. Each of those buttons will segue to a table view controller whose data is managed with an NSFetchedResultsController (application uses core data). Now, I can see it being easy to create 6 UITableViewControllers however I'm wondering if it would be more sensible to send each button to the same UITableViewController and just change the data loaded/managed by setting some kind of flag in the prepareForSegue method?
What's the best practice here? It seems crazy to have 6 tableViewControllers each backed by it's own NSFetchedResultsController when big portions of the required code for each are reusable and could be subclassed out and used multiple times.

If you can code a single view controller in a way that supports all six with a single code base, reusing a single UITableViewController makes perfect sense. Other approaches include
Composition - make a class for the data source, configure it before opening the table view, and pass it to the table view on segue
Subclassing - make an abstract base view controller, and extend it six times. Override an abstract method or two to reduce the amount of repetition
Helper - make a class that holds all reusable logic shared across the six view controllers, and call its methods from six very slip controllers.
One thing you want to avoid is code like this:
if (viewControllerType == ViewControllerOne) {
} else if (viewControllerType == ViewControllerTwo) {
} ... // and so on
When you have a chain like this, you know that you've missed an opportunity to subcllass.

I don't know if this question will be closed as opinion-based, but here's my thoughts:
Definitely use only one view controller and changed the data source in prepareforsegue()
Imagine having 6 different controllers and then deciding in 6 months that you want to change the entire UI!!! I did that. Wasn't pretty. And that was the point when I reconfigured everything and scaled down my total number of view controllers.
And don't even get me started on the pains of having to do auto layout on multiple screens. You see where I'm going with this.


Storyboard design pattern (to share or not to share)

This is probably largely preferential but I'd like to know if there are any reasons to decide one way or another on this.
When designing with storyboards you invariably end up with a number of view controllers. I'm looking at the overhead of a strict MVC approach where each controller is implemented in its own UIViewController subclass with corresponding UIView subclass (and even view model class for MVVM), and that seems to get out of hand quickly – it takes no time to add dozens of files to the project (many with little function). An alternative approach would be to link all the views to a common controller representative of all of the storyboard functionality.
My inclination is that if you don't have substantial controller code for any individual view controller, then the combination of all of them into one shouldn't be of harm to the readability of the code (and may enhance it over adding a large number of source files). On the other hand, if you have significant functionality to implement for any particular view controller, then it should be encapsulated within it's own controller.
In most situations I'd build all controllers to be as reusable as possible (encapsulated in their own custom UIViewController subclasses). Storyboards put this in an interesting light though since they seem to be geared towards sequences of views that typically have few entry points.
Your thinking is correct
If you don't have much functionality in each VC (ViewController) them combine all your code into one VC. The only drawback to this approach is that you won't be able to implement view specific code and every view where you will use this common VC will execute the same code whether its needed there or not. e.g. code in viewWillAppear etc.
Similarly if you have a lot of functionality for a particular view then its better to put it under its own VC
This is just a suggestion, if you need to use some common code logic between multiple VCs then instead of doing copy and paste in each VC of the same code, make it into a method of type Category and then call it where ever its needed. So change the code only at 1 place.
More VCs doesn't necessarily mean bad design. In my opinion its easier to maintain that way. My two cents. :-)
Each scene in your storyboard should have its own UIViewController subclass. Even doing it like this it's way too easy to get huge unmaintainable view controllers (MVC = Massive View Controller). Putting all the code for multiple scenes in the same view controller would create even bigger ones and also violate the Single Responsibility Principle. Each class should do only a single thing.
That also means you shouldn't duplicate the common functionality into all your UIViewController subclasses. Then they again would do multiple things - the common stuff and their actual purpose. Instead you can put your common code in other controller objects (which are not descendants of UIViewController) and use them in your view controllers.
Depending on the usecase a common base class would work as well, but it's always preferable to use composition instead of inheritance.
Another nice thing about other controller objects is that you also can add them directly in Interface Builder and connect actions and outlets to them. Your main view controller class often doesn't even have to know they exist.

What is best practice when it comes to reusable UITableViewCell's and delegates?

I'm building an app that presents table views in a majority of the screens. They present a handful of different table view cells, but there is one that is presented in 3/5 of the table views. This cell, which displays a video and provides an interface for users to interact with the video (like, comment, flag, delete, play/pause, etc), has a fairly large delegate with seven methods/functions.
My question is:
Would it be a best practice to set up a separate controller that would be a property of my view controller to be assigned as the delegate to the cell, or to subclass a UITableViewController with the methods already implemented?
The problems I see with the latter is that I would then have to implement a weird way to handle the data source (set up methods to return the models, always ensure that videos are stored in that array) and the former just seems a little odd to the standard MVC practice. Any advice?
I began factoring out a data source to use that implements the cell's protocol. Another issue that I seem to be running into is displaying multiple cells, i.e.:
I have a searchDisplayController that displays UserCell's and VideoCell's, based on the selectedScopeIndex of the search bar. One way I could handle this is to create a dataSource for this tableView that handles both cases, or swap out data sources based on changes to the selectedScopeIndex. Are either of the two options looked down upon? Is swapping a table view's data source valid?
I solved this issue by implementing a UITableViewDataSource controller that would also handle the cell's delegates. I was able to shorten the 7 method delegate to a 3 method delegate on the data source, used to push new controllers, remove objects from the data model, and handle fading/updates.
Granted, I needed to pass reference to the UITableView, the UIView, and the UIStoryboard of the source UIViewController, but the code is much more readable and manageable.

iOS -- When to create a child ViewController vs. a UIView Subclass?

Maybe this is a silly question, but I've bumped into it a number of times during iOS Development.
Sometimes I'll develop a view component that I want to use on multiple screens, so I'll decide to subclass UIView and make it something I can use in multiple places.
Then, I start adding functionality to it. Maybe it needs to respond to an NSNotification, or it is supposed to respond to user touches.
At a certain point, I start wondering if I should really be making a UIViewController subclass, and add it to my UI as a child ViewController.
Is there any consensus on where to draw the line between adding some behaviors to a UIView, and when to create a full UIViewController?
I can't tell you about the consensus, but here's my opinion:
Subclass UIView only when...
You want to do custom drawing
You need to customize some behaviour of an already existing UIView subclass
You have special needs for layouting subviews. Most layouting can be done by UIViewController, though.
Maybe for special touch handling that you can't be done with gesture recognizers
Subclass UIViewController in all other cases. You almost always need a controller anyway, for writing glue code that ties together views and models, or for handling user interaction. Consequently, Apple has made it easy in UIKit to let controllers do all the work and to keep views as "stupid" as possible. For instance, it is very simple to nest controllers to create complex view hierarchies, without the need to have a single view subclass.
An indicator that subclassing UIView is not the first thing one should do is the section titled "Alternatives to Subclassing" in the UIView class reference. An indicator that subclassing UIViewController is the preferred thing to do is that there is no such section in the UIViewController class reference :-)
You should use a controller anytime that you need to handle or control data. Views are supposed to be as stupid as possible, not knowing what they are displaying but rather where. You can easily subclass and reuse ViewControllers. A good example, say you need to retrieve a string (or text) from the user throughout your app via a popover controller and a modal. Create a generic subclass of UIViewController that has a view with a textfield and a button. You can then use this view and it's controller in any capacity you need. Reusing it in the popover, modal or anywhere else (and generally passing the data back through delegation). Since you are dealing with data you should not being using a sole subclass of UIView.
From my experience I subclass UIViewControllers more often then UIViews. It is a little difficult for me to understand if you are solely talking about Containers or reuse of views in general application workflow. Either way though it should be the same.
I've used the embedded view controllers to load reusable table views from time to time. I've found that it's useful sometimes but not always. Communication between the two can be cumbersome, like if you want the embedded controller to communicate back up to the container. Delegation makes it easier but still cumbersome. It also limits you to iOS 6, if I remember right iOS 5 and lower don't support embedded controllers.
If it's just adding methods you can use a category to store some extra methods. I do that a lot on NSManagedObjects that I don't want to subclass and if I regenerate the NSManagedObject from the datamodel I don't lose the code in my categories. Gives me added functionality like calculated fields or conversion methods without having to subclass. If you don't need those methods for a particular instance just exclude the reference to the category.
Subclassing never is bad though IMO.

iOS - dealing with large and growing UIViewController classes

I have a UIViewController that over time has had a lot of delegate events added to it which has made the controller class quite large. The UIViewController class contains quite a few view-management methods that are called from the event-delegate methods to manage the UIView that the controller is managing.
I am now adding further UIActionSheet delegate events to the class. My controller class is getting large and I'm thinking that I should break out the UIActionSheet delegate events and place them in a separate delegate class. This separate delegate class will then have to call back into the view controller class to get the view controller to adjust the view accordingly, using the view-management methods within the view controller. (The view controller accesses a separate model object that the view is representing).
I can see pros and cons to adopting this break-out approach. It feels wrong to be adding more and more delegate events to the controller, but creating separate classes for different categories of events that then need to call back into the controller also seems to introduce an unnecessary layer of complexity and obfuscation. The large controller class is 'simple and straightforward' but feels wrong, whilst using numerous different delegate classes will be somewhat more complex and involved but will result in smaller classes.
Can anyone provide some words of wisdom on this topic, and perhaps point me towards some iOS-specific reading on the matter?
Many thanks.
My approach to this matter is:
Make it work
Make it cleaver
Back to 1.
(Or 1 and 2 both in same turn if you are experienced in a field)
So if code works app looks good but you find that ups some class has 100 methods in it so try different design patters (if you haven`t already) and use those cleaver ideas to make code separation into different classes, delegates, encapsulate them if necessary et.
Just in case link to Cocoa Design pattern suggestions and i am from time to time looking into Pro objective c design patterns for ios. Might be not the best book out there but it is based on "Gang of four" design patterns book in ios context.
Hope this helps at least somehow,
In the end I created quite a few additional classes for dealing with specific UIActionSheet instances. I created a base class and then subclassed this for each UIActionSheet requirement within the main controller.
The end result looks tidy, and doesn't add too much complexity.

Trouble understanding viewControllers in iOS

I'm new to obj-c/iOS and I'm having trouble understanding conceptually at least viewControllers. I've read a lot of the Apple Doc's, I've even used viewControllers to some extent in xCode, but I still don't quite get what they are, or what are the best ways to use them.
I've been an AS3 dev for many years so my mind works in the context of MovieClips/Sprites and the Display list to get graphics on the screen.
Ok so from my understanding...
A viewController is a kind of class that handles graphics in some
fashion and then allows you to do something with them?? What is it in it's most basic sense?
You seem to add viewControllers to a Window class, which I guess is a bit like
adding a display Object to the Display list?
What is it that a viewController does for you in it's most basic sense?
Are there certain things you definitely can't do with them or shouldn't do
with them?
Do viewControllers need to be connected in some way to the rest of the iOS framework to function (apart from being added to a window).
How exactly do they use data? (I've read up on MVC, I understand that conceptually this is a slightly different question) as I understand it you don't hardcode data into a viewController, so how does a viewController access any static data?
Let's say I just wanted to throw an image up on the screen, exactly what part would the viewController play in that process? is it just something which handles only one small aspect of that process or is it the whole show and handles everything?
Does one viewController handle multiple images? is it like it's term, a "controller" for all the images presented on screen, or does it handle one image at a time?
What is a viewControllers connection to the image(s) it handles? it contains references to them?
I'm using the Sparrow framework which is helping but I would still like to be able to get my head around what viewControllers are so I know how to use them properly.
Ha, I apologise for the above I know it must look like I'm completely confused :) thanks for any advice.
Hope this helps you:
A viewController is a kind of class that handles graphics in some fashion and then allows you to do something with them??
It's the glue between a View (Xib File) and the Data (Could be
CoreData or whatever you're using in the backend). All the UI Elements
you are using in the View you normally define as properties in the
controller to get access to them.
What is it in it's most basic sense?
You seem to add viewControllers to a Window class, which I guess is a bit like adding a display Object to the Display list?
I don't really know AS3 so I cannot compare Display lists with ViewControllers. But basically ViewControllers are there to handle
different types of transitions between the views and accessing
(setting/reading) the data which is displayed in the view.
What is it that a viewController does for you in it's most basic sense?
Like I've written above. Most basic sense they interpret what the user
does on the view and depending on the action of the user changes the
Are there certain things you definitely can't do with them or shouldn't do with them?
It is always hard to keep the border between model and controller.
They are pretty close to each other. So what I normally try is to
delocate all logic stuff (like calculations, database access and so
on) this does more belong into the model part. But of couse you're
using these external classes in the controller.
Do viewControllers need to be connected in some way to the rest of the iOS framework to function (apart from being added to a window).
Well like you already have written the ViewController needs to be
connected to a view. Otherwise it would not make much sense. There are
different subtypes of UIViewController such as UINavigationController
where you probably need to overwrite some other methods to provide the
whole functionality wanted by these special subtypes.
How exactly do they use data? (I've read up on MVC, I understand that conceptually this is a slightly different question) as I understand it you don't hardcode data into a viewController, so how does a viewController access any static data?
There could be different approaches to store the data. Simplest way
would be to have the data directly stored in the UIViewController.
This could be a custom class which is the container of the data. All
changes are directly written into this class and displayed by the
UIViewController. But in most of the cases it makes sense to use
CoreData (Which is responsible for reading/writing the data into a
sqlite database). You could look at CoreData as your model and the
UIViewController gets the data from there and passes the data which
the UIViewController has received from the View back to it.
Let's say I just wanted to throw an image up on the screen, exactly what part would the viewController play in that process? is it just something which handles only one small aspect of that process or is it the whole show and handles everything?
The UIViewController would store an internal Property (UIImageView *)
which is in the Interface Builder connected with the UIImageView you
have created in the Xib file. So over these property you can change
through your Controller the image.
Does one viewController handle multiple images? is it like it's term, a "controller" for all the images presented on screen, or does it handle one image at a time?
Yes, this isn't a big problem. You can have as many images you want.
You just need to have the properties defined in the UIViewController
and linked to the View.
What is a viewControllers connection to the image(s) it handles? it contains references to them?
Yeah, its like a reference to the UIElement. You can then change
whatever property of the UIImageView you want directly from the
Some useful links:
Apple Official ViewController Guide
Apple Official ViewController Basics
You should have a look at Storyboards (U can use them since IOS 5.0)
I recommend you to check:
Here are the answers to your questions:
No, it's doesn't handle graphics. It's the controller of the MVC design pattern. It handles the lifecycle of it's contents (for instance the views) and the data linked with.
A UIViewController is set as a root of an UIWindow. For instance, a UINavigationController is a subclass of UIViewController that stacks UIViewController in order to deal with the navigation.
Response in (1)
Try to be more specific with this question please.
As already commented, it's useful if you use the already built-in components like UINavigationController or UITabBarController.
For instance, you can have the data in instance variables and the display them in the contained UIView.
The UIView attached to your UIViewController will contain an UIImageView. Your UIViewController would have a connection with it in order to whatever changes you need, for instance, changing the image when the user press a button.
It can contain multiple UIViewsand therefore multiple UIImageViews (it's a subclass of UIView)
As commented, they would be contained on an UIImageView and would be linked programmatically or with an IBOutlet.
In a nutshell, a view controller is the controller in the MVC pattern. Please check this link before reading further so you're up to date with this pattern:
OK, basically a controller manages a collection of views. It also fetches data from your model and sets the state of the views. It's important to note that the views know nothing of your model (your data), and the model knows nothing about your views. A controller also receives events from the views and decides how to change your model accordingly. It is essentially managing the synchronisation between your views and model.
There are technologies that help automate this such as KVO and key value binding. A google search will help you there.
One more thing. No other part of your application should access your views except for the controller. So generally in an application controllers tend to communicate with each other, for example via transitions or the delegate patterns between controllers under a navigation controller. So your application backbone tends to be controllers talking to each other.
