Android ESC/POS protocol printing in Cyrillic - escpos

I bought a no-name Android ESC/POS printer, it support Bluetooth. I need help in printing Cyrillic symbols in Windows-1251 charset. What I do first:
\x1B\x40 (ESC # to initialize printer)
\xD5\xD3\xC9\n (the text that I need to print, standard Windows-1251 symbols, but it shows me some abracadabra :))
I should say, that the charset is set to Windows-1251 on the printer (by the exe tool that comes with it)
Also I tried command \x1B\x74\x49 (it sets the Windows-1251 manually, but there is no effect). Any ideas what we can do with it? Thank you all.

You can try my app that print cyrillic text:
Configure your ESC/POS printers on 'Quick Printer' and print from your app.

I tried many variants and after this manual end up with this character code page settings { 27, 116, 9 }
outputStream.write(new byte [] { 27, 116, 9 });
outputStream.write("Привет Мир".getBytes("cp866"));

Try to convert your text to cp866.
And set code page in printer via ESC/POS command into 17.

With Universal Cyriclic decoder you can find your source encoding/decoding.
Enter in decoded field your output text. For example 袩褉懈胁械褌.
Select source encoding UTF-8.
Then find your wanted decoding charset by selecting field "display as".


How do I send output from the terminal to a text file in Visual Studio Code with the proper encoding?

I'm having issues sending output containing Unicode box-drawing characters to a text file.
The string ┌───top───┐ prints to the terminal fine using the print command. It also renders properly if I open and write directly to a file in my code.
However, if I pipe the terminal output into a text file using
<run command> > out.txt, I get the result
Everything else prints fine, but why doesn't it handle certain Unicode characters?
Is there a quick fix for this?

Zebra Printer - Cut on last page

I've a Zebra ZT610 and I want to print a label, in pdf format, containing multiple pages and then have it cut on the last page. I've tried using the delayed cut mode and sending the ~JK command but I'm using a self written java application to do the invocation of printing. I've also tried to add the string "${^XB}$" into the PDF document before each page break, except the last, and used the pass-through setting in the driver to inhibit the cut command but that seems to not work either as the java print job is rendering such text as an image.
I've tried the official Zebra driver as well as using the NiceLabel zebra driver too in the hope that they may have more "Custom Commands" options in the settings but nothing has yet come to light.
After we had the same issues for several weeks and neither the vendor nor google nor Zebra's own support came up with a FULL working solution, we've worked out the following EASY 5 step solution for this (apparently pretty common) Zebra Cutter issue/problem:
Step 1:
Set Cutter-Mode to Tear-Off in the settings.
This will disable the auto-cutting after every single page.
Step 2: Go to Customer-Commands in the settings dialog (Allows ZPL coding).
Step 3: Set the first drop-down to "DOCUMENT".
Step 4: Set the Start-Section to "TEXT" and paste in
MMD enables PAUSE-Mode. The JK command is only available in Pause-Mode and many Zebra printers do not support the much easier command CN (Cut-Now).
JUS saves the setting to the printer.
Step 5: Set the End-Section to "ANALYZED TEXT" and paste in
JK sets the cut command to the end of the document, PS disables the pause mode (and thus starts printing immediately). When everything looks as described above, hit "APPLY" and your Zebra printer will automatically cut after the end of each document you send to it. You just send your PDF using sumatra or whatever you prefer. The cutter handling is now automatically done by the printer settings.
Alternatively, if you want to do this programmaticaly, use the START and END codes at the corresponding positions in your ZPL code instead. Note that ˜CMDs cannot be send in combination with ^CMDs, thats why there's no XA...XZ block to reset any settings (which is not necessary in this scenario as it only affects the print session and PS turns the pause mode back to OFF).
I had similar concern but as the print server was CUPS, I wasn't able to use Windows drivers and utilities (settings dialog). So basically, I did the following:
On the printer, set Cutter mode. This will cut after each printed label.
In my Java code, thanks to Apache PDFBox lib, open the PDF and for each page, render it as a monochrome BufferedImage, get bytes array from it, and get its hex representation.
Write a few ZPL commands to download hex as graphic data, and add the ^XB command before the ^XZ one, in order to prevent a cut here, except for the last page, so that there is a cut only at the end of the document.
Send the generated ZPL code to the printer. In my case, I send it as a raw document through IPP, using application/vnd.cups-raw as mime-type, thanks to the great lib ipp-client-kotlin, but it is also possible to use Java native printing API with bytes.
Below in a snippet of Java code, for demo purpose:
public void printPdfStream(InputStream pdfStream) throws IOException {
try (PDDocument pdDocument = PDDocument.load(pdfStream)) {
PDFRenderer pdfRenderer = new PDFRenderer(pdDocument);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pdDocument.getNumberOfPages(); pageIndex++) {
boolean isLastPage = pageIndex == pdDocument.getNumberOfPages() - 1;
BufferedImage bufferedImage = pdfRenderer.renderImageWithDPI(pageIndex, 300, ImageType.BINARY);
byte[] data = ((DataBufferByte) bufferedImage.getData().getDataBuffer()).getData();
int length = data.length;
// Invert bytes
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
data[i] ^= 0xFF;
builder.append("~DGR:label,").append(length).append(",").append(length / bufferedImage.getHeight())
if (!isLastPage) {
IppPrinter ippPrinter = new IppPrinter("ipp://printserver/printers/myprinter");
ippPrinter.printJob(new ByteArrayInputStream(builder.toString().getBytes()),
Important: hex data can (and should) be compressed, as mentioned in ZPL Programming Guide, section Alternative Data Compression Scheme for ~DG and ~DB Commands. Depending on the PDF content, it may drastically reduce the data size (by a factor 10 in my case!).
Note that Zebra's support provides a few more alternatives in order to controller the cutter, but this one worked immediately.
Zebra Automatic Cut - Found another solution.
Create a file with the name: Delayed Cut Settings.txt
Insert the following code: ^XA^MMC,N^XZ
Send it to the printer
After you do the 3 steps above, all the documents you send to the printer will be cut automatically.
(To disable that function send again the 'Delayed Cut Setting.txt' with the following code:^XA^MMD^XZ )
The first document you send to the printer, you need to ADD (just once) the command ^MMC,N before the ^XZ
^FX Top section with logo, name and address.
^FO220,50^FDIntershipping, Inc.^FS
^FO220,115^FD1000 Shipping Lane^FS
^FO220,155^FDShelbyville TN 38102^FS
^FO220,195^FDUnited States (USA)^FS
^FX Second section with recipient address and permit information.
^FO50,300^FDJohn Doe^FS
^FO50,340^FD100 Main Street^FS
^FO50,380^FDSpringfield TN 39021^FS
^FO50,420^FDUnited States (USA)^FS
^FX Third section with bar code.
^FX Fourth section (the two boxes on the bottom).
^FO100,960^FDCtr. X34B-1^FS
^FO100,1010^FDREF1 F00B47^FS
^FO100,1060^FDREF2 BL4H8^FS

Zebra ZQ520 printer, download and use new .CPF font with ZPL language

problems to print with different fonts on my Zebra ZQ520:
as described in documentation, I've downloaded some new font through the official Zebra Font Downloader program, comic and verdana. After this, I found the new fonts in E: storage area. So the script:
give me:
- DIR E:.
* E:COMIC_02.CPF 7359
* E:VERDAN02.CPF 163 ....
- 66589184 bytes free E: ONBOARD FLASH
and trying to print example string from font downloader program, it print with the installed font with success.
The problem appens if I try to print a label. The printer seems not consider the .CPF files in ZPL commands.
My tests, without success, are:
1) following the procedure indicated in , assigning a designator to new font, with the script:
and trying to print something as:
seems not working (is it not possible to assign a designator on .CPF files??)
2) (not working too) test, I tryed to print something with the ^A# command, also without success. Example:
Where is the problem? with printer (updated with the last firmware, V76.19.15Z)?
or ZPL can't print font stored in .CPF files?
or ..??
The ZQ500 supports multiple printing languages. It ships with the PnP string stating that it is a CPCL printer. This tells the Zebra Setup Utility to generate a CPCL compatible font (.CPF). Since you are looking to print using ZPL you need to generate a font compatible with ZPL.
This will use a different program to package a .ttf font for the printer. ZPL has support for truetype fonts so you will have better scaling of the font.
The ^CW and ^A# commands will both work with the ttf font.

Print special characters in console

In my console (XP), the following line echo "áéíóú" in a utf-8 encoded file prints this:
Im not sure if this is something i have to handle in nim.
I am not sure if it works on Windows XP, but if you have Windows 8.1 your Nim code should be fine provided that in your console you change code page to UTF-8 with the following command:
chcp 65001
You need Lucida Console font too.
Keep in mind that in the Output window of Aporia editor you don't need to change anything in order to see the correct characters.

Printing Arabic text using ZPL (from iOS)

I am trying to print to Zebra iMZ320
This one prints when saved to a file as UTF 8 encoded and send to the printer using Zebra Utilities
^XA^LRN^CI0^XZ ^XA^CWZ,E:TT0003M_.TTF^FS^XZ ^XA ^PA1,1,1,1^FS ^FO010,610^CI28^AZN,50,40^FD*Arabic: زيبرة^FS ^PQ1 ^XZ
But does not fire from iOS source code directly.
Do I need to do anything else?
