Offline Google Maps in iOS - ios

I am looking for Offline Google Maps in iOS (Objective c).
Is there any way to download the Map into the App when user is connected to internet, and show the downloaded map when user is offline and using the App ?
Any help will be highly appreciated.

I don't know much about it but I have heard some once talking about the same thing and using openstreetmaps instead of Google Maps.

As far as I know Google Maps doesn't implement that feature on its iOS Framework yet. But there are other Frameworks, such as Skobbler or Nutiteq that provide what you need.

It is quite easy to use Google maps as the offline mode you just need to download the map for the particular location you need to visit offline, later you can access that map anytime. I recommend you to see complete tutorial with screenshots here.
Follow some below steps:
1: Open google maps.
2: Navigate to the menu, and select offline area.
3: Select the area you want to use as area as an offline map.
4: Now tap download.
You can access this map in future for one month after which it will ask for updates.


Is it possible to get turn by turn directions using Google Maps Api in iOS?

I am looking for a way to get or make turn by turn navigation using Google Maps Api in swift. I've done drawing polylines from source to destination using GoogleMaps Api but still couldn't find a way to do turn by turn navigation. Is it possible?
Yes. It is possible.
Please refer following link which is using turn by turn directions using google API.
(see last two screen shot of iPad from itunes link)
To achieve it, you have to use Google Direction API which allows us to use upto 8 way points.
After that you will get an array of route including all turn by turn message and lat/long.
Just create a CLRegion of 100 meters (or as per your requirement.) around your current location in locationDidUpdate method. If next point of route array falls within CLRegion, just show a message received in routes array by google API.
I have made above application but it was not updated after uploading to store so it is having old UI and it is not having iPhone 5+ support. Sorry for that but you will find feature you require in this app...

iOS: How do I use Google Maps to get directions based on user input?

I am building an application that must take user's input of a start location, and two destinations and show the route between the three. I have used google maps api in my project to add a map view, but the google directions API is not meant for user input. Should I use the google maps javascript API or add a web view. How would I go about using either?
Google Maps Javascript API:
What about the option of having the user launch either google maps or maps with the direction? To do that there's a pretty good answer here: How to Open Google Map Navigation Url with Direction and Voice in iOS?
Multitasking on the phone is pretty good these days so it shouldn't cause too much user annoyance to have another app (built to directions) take over that job. The only reason I'd see to not do it that way is if your app is something like Uber, but if that's the case then there's a few other things you could do.

Redirect to my app after user reaches destination using Apple maps or Google maps

Hey Guys I was wondering if there is a way to redirect the user back to my iOS app after they've reached their destination on Apple maps or Google maps. Thanks!
This could be possible if the app you open, is yours as well, then you could add some code there that does that. However, if you are talking about google maps / Apple maps, then that is not the case.
As far as I know, there is no api for that... iOS 9 brought the "back to..." button exactly for these situations which gives the user an easier way of switching back to the opening app.
Question, why to open another app if maps is all you need? You can always implement a map in your app and save the switching...

Google maps on site connected to map in iOS app

I have a site with google map. I want to create an iOS app that can add markers on map and this markers should be on my site. How to do it, it will help my sister alot in her life. Thanks for answers!
Fetch the coordinates from database, present them using iOS google maps SDK, add new markers, upload them back to database.

iOS driving directions in iOS6

I have been searching all around about how to integrate driving directions into MKMapView within my application. Is the only way to open the Apple Maps program and go from there, or is their a way of integrating within your own app. If not, I will probably go with google maps as soon as I can get an API key.
If you mean getting the same views for driving direction (a.k.a. turn-by-turn navigation) as the Apple Maps application, then no... as far as I know, there is no library for that (if not 3rd party).
However, as you mentioned, you can open apple maps or google maps giving the directions to the application and initiate such a function.
Also, good to know: If there would be such a build-in functionality in iOS6 (which, again I don't believe there is) its good to know it doesn't exist in pre-iOS6. Meaning it won't work on earlier devices. (hence you need to build a fall-back solution if you want to support those devices as well).
More information on iOS turn-by-turn:
Quote from that page (which makes me believe turn-by-turn is not supported in the API's):
... Apps that offer routing information, such as turn-by-turn navigation services, can now register as a routing app and make those services available to the entire system.
The documentation search page doesn't give much more info either:
For more information on how to open the maps app, check the answer here:
So bottom line, you need to either create your own turn-by-turn navigation... or link to an existing application giving such support.
I hope that answered your question.
