Script, app or utility to create google accounts for testing - google-account

I have a very frequent test scenario that requires a new Google account every run.
Is there anything that can automate Google account creation like a script or utility or perhaps even an Android app of some sort?

You can try with some automation tools to automate browsers and create new accounts. Some tools may be helpful:
Microsoft Excel (Automate browser using VBA)
A lot more tools are available on the web. Test few tools to find the one that fits your needs.


Cloud testing services for Appium / Python?

We need a cloud service to run automated tests written in Python on top of Behave BDD / Appium environment.
1 - What are some good options in the market for cloud automated tests and reporting?
2 - We used App Center with Xamarin.UITests before but I believe they support only Java Appium clients, is that correct?
We use Browserstack for Python+Appium automation, you can test on real devices or on emulators/simulators.
Currently we are on App Automate - 1 parallel test (1 user) plan. This is testing on real Android and iOS devices (either manual or automated) and there is no limit on the number of testing minutes per month. It seems like a good option for now.
Setup is pretty easy, you need to upload .apk or .ipa file to their server with REST command and response will be used for 'app' capability. For starting test you only need to provide username and access key, you use this as server URL when starting Webdriver.
They have around 40 Android devices and most of them are either Samsung or Google devices, for iOS they have all devices.
Reporting could be a bit better, although you can see text and Appium logs along with videos of recorded sessions, you will see each session on it's own in the dashboard, there is currently no option to see how whole test suite performed, so we use nose-html-reporting for test suite reports.
You can test against your dev/internal environments, just need to download their binary file and run it with your access key and you can start testing against local env.
CS replies pretty quick on queries.
Hope that helps, if you've any questions about it let me know.
P.s. I haven't tried other cloud options like Sauce labs or Perfecto so can't say much about it.
There are many options available in market for Cloud Automation namely Xamarin, Perfecto, Testdroid, Saucelabs. Most of these offer paid solutions for automation and most support Python. There is open stf ( for open source options.
Xamarin supports C#, Ruby with Cucumber as well, alongwith Java with appium

List & Label web report designer cross browser compatibility

I'm planning to use list & label as a reporting tool for my MVC Web Application, I downloaded the trial version and the sample code was really helpful.
I'm almost settled on using this as my app's reporting tool but I'm thinking twice on their web app report designer tool, because I needed to install the chrome extension before I can use it.
I'm using version LL v.20
So my questions are:
Is the chrome extension really needed for the designer to work? I'm thinking that if my app goes live, will I require my clients to install this plugin first?
Will the designer have issues on other browser? So far I haven't seen extensions/plugins for IE (only Fireforx, Safari, Opera, Chrome).
PS. If all else fail, can you suggest an alternative for this? The reporting tool that I need is web-based and allows end-users to edit the reports. Thanks!
1) Yes, you need to install the plugin on the client side.
2) For IE, there's a Designer ActiveX. Simply open your existing app in IE, you should be offered to install the OCX right away.
As to your general concerns:
We plan to replace the plugins with a client-side application that can be one-time installed with a couple of clicks in LL21. The reasoning is the step-by-step deprecation of plugins by most browser vendors. Changing between the plugins and the new designer app will be quite easy. The new designer will also support previewing at design time. Depending on when you plan to ship your application it may well be worth the wait till October.
I have tried List and Label Web Designer and found that installing additional application for all users is not a good idea. Will look for another solutions, may be FastReport.Net. That online designer is realy online and can work not only on Windows.

How can I activate Xamarin.Android for use on a CI server?

My company owns several business licenses for Xamarin.Android, and we'd like to use this on our CI server. However, it seems that I'd need to install the full Xamarin suite on my CI server including Visual Studio Pro to make this work. My question is, using the vanilla Xamarin.Android package, how can I activate it?
It seems that installing this on its own adds the Xamarin.Android tools and libraries to build with but there is no way to activate it that I can find, so when I attempt to build using MSBuild, the build fails with this error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(299,2): error XA9008: Building from the command-line requires aÿBusinessÿLicense.
Now, after some googling, I have found that the activation tool is called "mandroid.exe", which can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android - although I have found references to this being in the 64-bit program files too.
Unfortunately, I can't find any suitable documentation on this tool. Every time I find a thread where someone discusses this, someone from Xamarin jumps in and says "contact". After a while I did that but two business days later there still is no response and I've got deadlines to meet so I thought it might be helpful for everyone involved for us to publicly document this process.
The best thing I've found comes from a thread on the Xamarin mailing list which references this invocation:
mandroid.exe --activate --name "NAME" --company "COMPANY" --email "EMAIL" --phone "PHONE" --code "ACTIVATION CODE"
I have also discovered another variant of this invocation that looks like this:
.\mandroid.exe –activate –activation-name="NAME" –activation-phone="PHONE" –activation-company="COMPANY" –activation-code="CODE" –activation-email="EMAIL"
I've tried many permutations of my account data here using both invocations - using the activation code from the products page on the Xamarin store. No matter what though, this error occurs:
\mandroid.exe : monodroid: error XA9997: Incomplete data provided to complete activation
In the "problems activating?" section of the products page, it says this:
In Mono for Android 1.0.21316 and later, if activation within Visual Studio fails then a MfaActivation.dat file will be created within the Documents folder. Select this file below.
Perhaps there's some way to force this file to be created by mandroid.exe? That would be very helpful. While I imagine that offline activation is the only way to make this work, I would accept any answer that involves uploading MfaActivation.dat or otherwise invoking the online activation machinery as well.
Update - I'm afraid that the below steps no longer work. Xamarin has updated their activation system to activate by a different method for newer versions.
In the end I had to install Xamarin Studio as part of the Chef configuration and just instruct administrators to manually activate the software as part of creating a new build node. I had no luck trying to reverse engineer a fix, and if I did, it would probably just break again.
It turns out that I almost had it correct. The second invocation I specified is actually the correct way to call this command but the -- part was apparently converted to a – token by some blog software somehow.
The --activate verb will perform an online activation with Xamarin's servers, so I'm still not sure how you'd do it without an internet connection.
For reference, here is how I did it:
mandroid.exe -v --activate --activation-name "(NAME)" --activation-phone "(PHONE_" --activation-email "(EMAIL)" --activation-company "(COMPANY)" --activation-code "(CODE)"
I'm not sure about the significance of the -v switch, but perhaps that would make it output debugging info if there was a problem.
You must enter all the information exactly as specified on your products page - select one of your licenses and select "problems activating?". However, you will need to enter the licensee name - i.e. the user who owns the license in the --activation-name parameter which must correspond to the --activation-code parameter.
After doing this you can call mandroid with the --activated switch which returns an exit code:
PS> & .\mandroid.exe --activated
PS> $LastExitCode
You will also be able to reload the products page and you should see that your license for the chosen user has a new computer registered to it.
This does use up another activation but if you e-mail the support team you can sign the build server agreement and then I assume they can set you up with additional activations for your build nodes.
It's a shame that this wasn't documented better because this has wasted my time for several days. Hopefully this will be helpful to someone else with the same situation.
From Xamarin documentation, we can see
"Visual Studio Professional (or greater) must be installed on the Team
Foundation Server along with licensed copies of Xamarin.Android and
Xamarin.iOS to support development of Android and iOS mobile
applications via the Team Foundation Server."
So I assume that in all cases you need to have VS + Xamarin products installed and activated.
I might be wrong, so the best way is to contact Xamarin support,

How to use the new Code Manager in the new Omniture Interface

I am confused within the new Omniture Interface for a small thing. I am trying to Generate SiteCatalyst JavaScript Code for my site.
Here is what I did.
Created Report Suites from Report Suite Manager.
and got confused how to generate code for my site.
See the old interface made it very clear to create code for my site by selecting a Report Suite as explained here.
But how to generate code by selecting a Report Suite in the new interface?
I don't know where the code generation is or if it even exists any longer. Have you considered using the tag manager?
It's in the Admin home under "Tag Management". You can download the site snippet from there. You will see all the code in your container at that point. You have to set variables a little differently when you use the tag manager at that point but there is plenty of documentation around it.
Code Manager
Code manager lets you download data collection code for web and mobile platforms.
Admin tools > Code Manager.
After you download the library, you must configure the code to send data to the correct tracking server and report suite.
Tag Manager
TagManager is the standard method for deployment of Adobe Marketing Cloud tags.Tag Manager 2.0 is the latest one available.
TagManager lets you:
Deploy Marketing Cloud products and Genesis integrations though a single hosted JavaScript file.
Manage tags and configuration in a secure administrative interface.
Test changes and quickly roll back to previous versions.
Use existing SiteCatalyst tags to implement TagManager without a complex deployment process.
Deploy third-party tags.
Dynamic Tag Manager
Adobe acquire Satellite and it is now DTM.It is the future of implementation.
Visit the link DTM
The old Code Manager is still there, just a bit hidden. If you go into the interface for Code Manager, just under that table is this text. It brings you to the old Code Manager:
To view the legacy code manager or download AppMeasurement libraries for BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7, or Symbian click here.
In future the world is expected to go with Tag Management and when you have time it is recommended that you implement that.
Thanks C.

Is there a way to update a cloud app instead of redeployed?

I was starting Windows Azure using WebSites, now I'm facing with the situation where I need Crystal Reports in my site, so I'm looking for a way to install the Redistribute Files to use it in my web page to generate reports.
I follow this page:
So instead of having a simple website, I'm gonna use a cloud app. Unfortunately, I'm updating frequently my website (role in Windows Azure project).
Do I need to redeploy all the time my cloud app each time I update my MVC project? Because it takes so long (like an hour, because I included a msi installer)
Thank you
Unless you build some custom extensibility into your application with some very robust dependency injection, yes, you have to redeploy.
EDIT: After re-reading your question again, I realised that you're using Windows Azure Websites.
The correct way to accomplish this is to use a webrole rather than the Websites
What you need to do is to store the installer as a blob in Cloud Storage.
Then part of a Azure Startup Task you can download from the blob and execute the installer.
If possible, you can also use the WebPICmdline (i.e the Web Platform Installer Commandline) to download and install for you from the Startup Task.
Steve Marx has done a few posts on using Azure Startup tasks. Here is one of them
Adding a bit to #Robert's answer: If the actual execution of the MSI is taking an hour, then this is not a very good use case for web/worker roles. Anything that takes more than a few minutes doesn't really fit well with the stateless scalable model. If that's the case, you should consider running a Virtual Machine for running Crystal Reports. Then you can use your web role for everything else.
If, on the other hand, the one-hour time is mostly consumed by the uploading of the MSI, then I'm completely in alignment with Robert: Store the MSI in a blob, and then download it to your role instances upon startup.
I would suggest to split your single Cloud project into two - one for Crystal Reports only. This way you can deploy it separately from MVC site. You could also build extra smarts into start up task, maybe checking if Crystal is already installed. However, I think splitting them up should be good enough for you
Normally the update process does not lead to an complete re-image of your webrole, only the approot gets destroyed! Here you can find a very detailed information about what is happening on update and deployment:
What does that mean to your problem? Code deployment is an "in-place update" process. If you install Crystal Reports in Drive C: or D: it wont get destroyed on each deployment.
In your Start-Up Task you have to check, whether the software is already installed, or not. In case it is not installed, just install it, as mentioned above on Drive C: or D:
Edit: I got the Point: Does your update Process takes so long, because of the file-size of your MSI? If so, i also suggest to upload the MSI into Blob-Storage.
