Should I use Quartz2D to create a mind map interface? [closed] - ios

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Like this:
Can anybody give a hint? What are the APIs I need to use?

In terms of an interface, I'd suggest looking at a few things there:
1) Being (i you're acquainted to it) the Cocoa / UIKit interface
I know it sounds like an obvious place to refer to, but tire's a load of info here on the apple site that helps.
2) Look at the "Core Animation" side of things i.e. CALayer, CAShapeLayer (for shapes like squares etc..) and CATextLayer (for text). They deal directly with proper layer "laying out" of shapes, layers, animations and text.
3) In terms of a simper one (like one that appears like a "filesystem" structure or if you're a windows user a "windows folder structure), then I'd suggest NSSourceView or etc...
The options are pretty pretty much all over the place so the way you want to do it is all there, how you want it don't is all there, etc...
Hav you got any examples of what you've seem and need more clarification on?


How can I re-create this customized Action Sheet with text field? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to figure out how I can re-create what I believe to be a customized Action Sheet (see photo link below) with a text field and two buttons. I'm relatively new to Swift, so I don't know whether an Action Sheet can be customized to this degree.
It would be helpful if someone could point me to any resources that could help me re-create this. Or if you believe this was created using a framework/library, which specific Cocoapod would be useful for my project. (Note: I am not using SwiftUI, so please exclude that in your recommendations.) Thanks.
Welcome to Stackoverflow. You can literally "re-create" that UI in your storyboard or do it in code. No need for fancy libraries that might get you stuck.
It does not matter if you're new to Swift or not. What you need to have a good grasp of is UIKit.
Here's the only material you need to learn, in my opinion. Autolayout
Hope this helps.

Where do I start to make a Golf Course GPS App [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to make a golf GPS app for my local golf course. I want it to show from tee box to green and have distances to front middle and back of green and also to hazards such as water and sand traps. I want to make it so it only show images of each hole similar to the sonocaddie app. I am unsure how to start to build this app and I am hoping someone here has made one before and lead me on the right path. I have been searching for a long tin but I cannot find any information. If you have any information for me please help. Thank you.
The base of this app would be the map, the problem I see here is to combine your live geo-localization with a custom view/map.
I found something that might be helpful.
As the answer suggets, MapBox would be a good option to start with.
Thats all what I can help with, remember here you need to ask specific programming questions to be specific answered.
Hope it helps.

design pattern to use utility app connecting to internet [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This may be a generic question but still i need suggestion/guidance on which design pattern or architecture to follow for developing this app.
The app is for premium users(for iPhone) on airport and will be able to access the internet at higher speed and on multiple devices simultaneously.
I'm planning to go for Singleton,Factory,MVC patterns and client-server architecture for the app.
What-all things do i need to re-think and then design the app or are above patterns sufficient to go ahead ?
It seems bizarre to come up with a list of patterns to use before you look at what your app is actually going to do. This is not how you use design patterns.
The way to use patterns: When you have a problem, and you think about how to solve it, you try to find out whether your problem fits a well-known pattern and adapt that pattern to your problem. Or you figure out that it doesn't fit any well-known pattern, and then you solve the problem without using any pattern.
This is like going to a shop buying blue and yellow paint, and then deciding what parts of your home you want to paint. You do it the other way round. You decide what needs painting, then you decide what would be a nice colour, then you buy the colour. You don't buy the paint first. You don't decide on design patterns first.

What are the key moments if create iOS project when we say about clear and clean architecture [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The question is about structuring in iOS
So I receive a message from a company where I passed a test and they say:
"First of all I want to highlight that they said (developers who took my test) that they really liked how clean your code was. One thing where you could improve is the structuring of classes which wasn't ideal."
I asked about what actually I did wrong or what should I improve. I am not sure that this is the stack question, but maybe some one can point me or suggest some thing how for example you structure you code.
I am asking because clean and structure and what about I care every time, but right now I hear that is not ideal.
So usually I write code with the count of lines no more then 250 - 300. I care about pragma marks that separate code into lifecycle blocks, i care about spaces and etc.
So my code is separated also into "folders" where I store appropriate logic elements like:
View Controllers
XIBs (if any)
Storyboards (if any)
Each of these folders have subfolders that is not a group as well but real folder on hard drive and each folder contain some classes which named with appropriate name the class does.
I understand there are no rights or examples how to structures project, because it depend on the tasks and developers or company style. But if I receive some message like above, so then maybe can someone suggest something where I can read about or what I miss maybe.

Delphi - how to skin a form [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I just finish reading delphi-skinning-libraries and sptbxtoolbar-skin-change but this is not what I wanted. I'm interested in how to apply a skin on a form, just like the classic WinAmp windows :)
Any aricle or code or ideea is welcomed.
I just found Windows XP Theme Manager, i'm at work now, so i'll study it at home (I hope this is wahat I need)
Actually the former question (with a nudge at VCLSkin) is exactly what you need -- don't get suggested too much by the fact that all the examples look like MSWindows -- the skinning behind them allows for any image-based GUI.
The only alternative is ditching the Forms altogether and building your skin from ground up using WinAPI. An example can be seen on flipcode (C++, but WinAPI's the same).
