Where do I start to make a Golf Course GPS App [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to make a golf GPS app for my local golf course. I want it to show from tee box to green and have distances to front middle and back of green and also to hazards such as water and sand traps. I want to make it so it only show images of each hole similar to the sonocaddie app. I am unsure how to start to build this app and I am hoping someone here has made one before and lead me on the right path. I have been searching for a long tin but I cannot find any information. If you have any information for me please help. Thank you.

The base of this app would be the map, the problem I see here is to combine your live geo-localization with a custom view/map.
I found something that might be helpful.
As the answer suggets, MapBox would be a good option to start with.
Thats all what I can help with, remember here you need to ask specific programming questions to be specific answered.
Hope it helps.


How may I customize app suggestions in iOS [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to customise App Suggestions in iOS programatically.
It usually says Good Morning and my app name.
Is it possible that I configure it to say something other than "good morning"?
Can I control when and where it appears?
I couldn't find much information in this regard.
You can't modify App Suggestions from an application, as that content is outside of the scope of an app's sandbox.
"Good Morning" appears there because the App Suggestion feature detected that you usually use a particular app in the morning and greets you with an according message. Those strings come directly from this feature and are not app-dependent; therefore, they can't be changed as of now.

Visualize travelling salesman solution graphically using ruby [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wrote a ruby script that finds a solution to the Bays29 travelling salesman problem. The bays29 data set is found here:
Now say my solution is in an array that says go to city 1, then 4, then 9 etc..
I want to show this visually being solved somehow. For e.g. I would like to have it in a browser showing all the cities connected together and then the solution gets highlighted after it is generated.
How can I go about doing this?
What kind of gems should I use?
Thanks a lot!
You could write a small Rails app with the algorithm in a model and some javascript (with either OpenLayers or Leaflet) for map visualization.
The traveling salesman is a hard problem, so it might take a while to calculate a result. You could use AJAX or Server Side Events to update the map when the server has found a better soluton.

iOS in App user assistance screens [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Our app involves the use of techniques that have not been used within the target profession before, and as a result, end users will have no comprehension of how to use it. We will be doing webinars to help them get started with it; however, there is a concern that they may need some immediate assistance from the time they download it.
So, we're trying to figure out how best to present this information. While the app itself is mostly self-explanatory, the underlying techniques on how it is to be used require some explanation.
I'm thinking of adding a "help button" on the nav bar at the top of screens where it will be relevant, which would then open a webview to load html containing the necessary help screens.
My questions are:
a) Would this generally be acceptable in terms of the UI?
b) Is there a better way than what I'm suggesting?
A: No. I think a help button is the wrong way to go about it.
B: Why not display a screen onto of the UI that gives info on how to use the app. This screen only shows the first time the user opens the app. Like a short tutorial?

How can you automatically translate a page on load? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Google Translate. Bing Translate. You can add a widget. You can select "Spanish" and the page will translate to Spanish.
I do not want to user to have to select "Spanish". I want the page to load in Spanish automatically. Never mind why I want these things. They are necessary parameters.
You could start by looking at navigator.UserLanguage in javascript. It's not entirely foolproof, but it's a good starting point, and provided the users aren't messing with what the navigator object actually pulls (fairly easy to fake) it should give you a reasonably good start.....you don't really have what language(s) you're using on your page tagged, so it's sorta hard to provide specific help.
Reading the documentation might help http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn341982.aspx#feedback

IPhone / IPad development : possible to code "outside the app"? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Sorry in advance for those who find that my title is not precise enough. If someone finds a better way of titling the post, be my guest:) The idea is that I am someone that learns through ideas and projects. Not through books. I learned PHP,HTML,CSS,JQuery... by myself through things I wanted to realize... Whatever... So now I have an idea for an IPhone/Ipad app. I know I have to dig into Objective-C. But before doing this I wanted to know if it is possible to build "outside the app". What I mean by that is for instance when you highlight text from safari in the iphone you get a bubble with "copy" written. Is it possible to have for instance a second choice called "whatever" that will send the highlighted text to the app I developped. I don't want to know how to do it. If it is possible i will figure out by myself. I just want to know if it is possible? Thank you in advance. Cheers. Marc
What you want sounds like system-wide plugins and is possible by jailbreaking the device and using MobileSubstrate. AppStore apps, however, cannot benefit from this.
