Is there anyway to email me when someone access my shorten link? -

I have a shortened link and I want to be warned when someone access it.
I searched over the internet but cannot found anything.


When I copy and paste my post URL on any place around social media, it changes its structure

So, no one wants to click and open it. Because it looks like a virus or spam. So, how can I get rid of this horrible and long thing from my web post link, please?
You can use short links. There are several websites which provide short links instead of long URLs and make redirect to your URL when somebody clicks on a short link.
For example service

Twitter find referal tweet

This is nuts.
I have quite some traffic coming on my site and it apparently comes from one tweet:<HASH>
But after searching for quite some time, I can't find a way to reach back the tweet.
Tried to google tweeter backlink and co, tried the twitter advanced search with my domain name, etc. but nothing works... All I find are obscure marketing website I really don't want to visit...
Can't twitter tell me which tweet does it originates from? Or any other clean-ish tool?
Found the solution. I googled the"<HASH>" URL with quotes and suddenly it appeared.
Power to google once again...

How to get redirector.googlevideo link

i have a problem, becouse i want to use JWplay including a redirector.googlevideo link, but i cant do that.
i need to know how to get a video link like redirector.googlevideo for put in JWplayer. I have a google drive account, but i don't know how to create a link like:
I already upload a video in google drive but i don't know how can i resolve this problem
Thanks !
I don't think this is supported by the Drive API per se, as I used Files.get to retrieve all the drive metadata but this link could not be found.
However, I found this Google-Drive-Player-Script which might help you as it
"Grabs google drive streaming links
Check it out.

user post has an external link. how do i create an href out of that link?

I'm working with rails at the moment and Ive come across the problem of my users having posts with external links, I would like the link to be automatically generated. I have no idea of where to even start, I have googled, and searched on stackoverflow but I cant seem to find anything. It may be that I just don't know how to search this specific topic.
Use auto_link or Rinku gems. They can scan string and replace urls with <a></a> block

Does the Twitter API auto shorten URLs

I know this question has been asked before however the answers I found where a little old and I know that twitter has now made the service manditory on all posts recently. I'm just wondering if when using the oAuth API service it will automatically shorten any url? Anyone know what the current process in play is? Do I still need to shorten the url pre posting?
Thanks very much
Yes. Even when using OAuth, all links will be wrapped in short URLs. Even if the link is shorter than 20 characters!
See the post in the discussion groups.
There is also some documentation about recent and upcoming changes to shortening (2012-04-12).
You can shorten the URL yourself if you want, but it will still get wrapped.
