Use certificates in Docker container of Jenkins - jenkins

I've started Jenkins in a Docker container by mounting the Docker sockets. So now I'm able to perform docker commands on my Jenkins. But the specific folders of Docker aren't in my container. (Just mounted the sockets).
Now I need to use certs to access my Docker registry. The path of the certs needs to be: /etc/docker/certs.d/
But this does not exist in my Jenkins which just contains the bin and run folders of Docker.
What's the best way to connect the certificates for my Jenkins?

The way I'm doing it (for my SSL web server, but I think the principle is the same) is simply mounting the cert directory with -v.
docker run -v /etc/pki:/etc/pki:ro -P 443:443 mycontainer
Seems to work quite nicely (although it helps loads if you can wildcard the hostname, so your container doesn't need to "know" which host it's running on)


How to access files in host from a Docker Container?

I have a Docker Ubuntu bionic container on A Ubuntu server host. From the container I can see the host drive is mounted as /etc/hosts which is not a directory. Tried unmounting and remounting on a different location but throws permission denied error, this happens when I am trying as root.
So How do you access the contents of your host system ?
Firstly, etc/hosts is a networking file present on all linux systems, it is not related to drives or docker.
Secondly, if you want to access part of the host filesystem inside a Docker container you need to use volumes. Using the -v flag in a docker run command you can specify a directory on the host to mount into the container, in the format:
-v /path/on/host:/path/inside/container
for example:
docker run -v /path/on/host:/path/inside/container <image_name>
container id: 32162f4ebeb0
docker cp 32162f4ebeb0:/dir_inside_container/image1.jpg /dir_inside_host/image1.jpg
docker cp /dir_inside_host/image1.jpg 32162f4ebeb0:/dir_inside_container/image1.jpg
Docker directly manages the /etc/hosts files in containers. You can't bind-mount a file there.
Hand-maintaining mappings of host names to IP addresses in multiple places can be tricky to keep up to date. Consider running a DNS server such as BIND or dnsmasq, or using a hosted service like Amazon's Route 53, or a service-discovery system like Consul (which incidentally provides a DNS interface).
If you really need to add entries to a container's /etc/hosts file, the docker run --add-host option or Docker Compose extra_hosts: setting will do it.
As a general rule, a container can't access the host's filesystem, except to the extent that the docker run -v option maps specific directories into a container. Also as a general rule you can't directly change mount points in a container; stop, delete, and recreate it with different -v options.
run this command for linking local folder to docker container
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/src centos
pwd: present working directroy(we can use any directory) and
src: we linking pwd with src

how to access a path of a container from `docker-machine `

how to access a path of a container from docker-machine? I have the ip docker-machine and I want to connect via remote in a docker image, e.g:
when I connect to ssh docker#, all file are docker-machine, but I wat to conect a docker image via ssh.
whe I use this comman docker exec -u 0 -it test bash all files from the imagen are ok, but I want to access with ssh using docker-machine.
How can I do it?
This is tricky as Docker is designed to run a single process in foreground and containers dies when the process completed. This means Docker containers don't run anything additional other than what you define in the Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml.
What you can try is using docker-compose.yml file, expose the port 22 to outside world (also can be done through command line with Dockerfile). This is NOT guaranteed to work as this require the image to run an SSH daemon and most cases it runs one process.
If you're looking to persist files that are used by containers, such as when a container is re-deployed it starts where it left off, you can mount a folder from host machine to the container as a volume.

Downloading/uploading a file/folder directly from/to a docker container running on a web host to/from a local machine using SCP

So far, I have always copied files from the docker container to my VM first (web host), and later, run scp command line from my local machine to download it from the VM. Similar scenario happening for uploading files/folders. Is there a direct way to do that using scp?
In order to directly copy from your container you need sshd installed on the container and expose an port for ssh to public when you run the container.
Take in count that if you do you have to make sure that ssh is properly configured and secured.
*We take in count that you already have ssh configured on the container
docker run -d -p 8000:22 --name docker image
scp -P 8000 ~/file.txt

Build/push image from jenkins running in docker

I have two docker containers - one running jenkins and one running docker registry. I want to build/push images from jenkins to docker registry. How do I achieve this in an easy and secure way (meaning no hacks)?
The easiest would be to make sure the jenkins container and registry container are on the same host. Then you can mount the docker socket onto the jenkins container and use the dockerd from the host machine to push the image to the registry. /var/run/docker.sock is the unix socket the dockerd is listening to.
By mounting the docker socket any docker command you run from that container executes as if it was the host.
$ docker run -dti --name jenkins -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jenkins:latest
If you use pipelines, you can install this Docker Plugin,
create a credentials resource on Jenkins,to access the Docker registry, and do this in your pipeline:
stage("Build Docker image") {
steps {
script {
docker_image ="myregistry/mynode:latest")
stage("Push images") {
steps {
script {
withDockerRegistry(credentialsId: 'registrycredentials', url: "https://myregistry") {
Full example at:
I use this type of workflow in a Jenkins docker container, and the good news is that it doesn't require any hackery to accomplish. Some people use "docker in docker" to accomplish this, but I can't help you if that is the route you want to go as I don't have experience doing that. What I will outline here is how to use the existing docker service (the one that is running the jenkins container) to do the builds.
I will make some assumptions since you didn't specify what your setup looks like:
you are running both containers on the same host
you are not using docker-compose
you are not running docker swarm (or swarm mode)
you are using docker on Linux
This can easily be modified if any of the above conditions are not true, but I needed a baseline to start with.
You will need the following:
access from the Jenkins container to docker running on the host
access from the Jenkins container to the registry container
Setting that up is pretty straight forward. In the case of getting Jenkins access to the running docker service on the host, you can do it one of two ways. 1) over TCP and 2) via the docker unix socket. If you already have docker listening on TCP you would simply take note of the host's IP address and the default docker TCP port number (2375 or 2376 depending on whether or not you use TLS) along with and TLS configuration you may have.
If you prefer not to enable the docker TCP service it's slightly more involved, but you can use the UNIX socket at /var/run/docker.sock. This requires you to bind mount the socket to the Jenkins container. You do this by adding the following to your run command when you run jenkins:
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
You will also need to create a jenkins user on the host system with the same UID as the jenkins user in the container and then add that user to the docker group.
You'll now need a Docker build/publish plugin like the CloudBees Docker Build and Publish plugin or some other plugin depending on your needs. You'll want to note the following configuration items:
Docker URI/URL will be something like tcp://<HOST_IP>:2375 or unix:///var/run/docker.sock depending on how we did the above setup. If you use TCP and TLS for the docker service you will need to upload the TLS client certificates for your Jenkins instance as "Docker Host Certificate Authentication" to your usual credentials section in Jenkins.
Docker Registry URL will be the URL to the registry container, NOT localhost. It might be something like http://<HOST_IP>:32768 or similar depending on your configuration. You could also link the containers, but that doesn't easily scale if you move the containers to separate hosts later. You'll also want to add the credentials for logging in to your registry as a username/password pair in the appropriate credentials section.
I've done this exact setup so I'll give you a "tl;dr" version of it as getting into depth here is way outside of the scope of something for StackOVerflow:
Install PID1 handler files in container (i.e. tini). You need this to handle signaling and process reaping. This will be your entrypoint.
Install some process control service (i.e. supervisord) packages. Generally running multiple services in containers is not recommended but in this particular case, your options are very limited.
Install Java/Jenkins package or base your image from their DockerHub image.
Add a dind (Docker-in-Docker) wrapper script. This is the one I based my config on.
Create the configuration for the process control service to start Jenkins (as jenkins user) and the dind wrapper (as root).
Add jenkins user to docker group in Dockerfile
Run docker container with --privileged flag (DinD requires it).
You're done!
Thanks for your input! I came up with this after some experimentation.
docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 50000:50000 \
--name jenkins \
-v pwd/data/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home \
-v /Users/.../.docker/machine/machines/docker:/Users/.../.docker/machine/machines/docker \
-e DOCKER_HOST="tcp://" \
-e DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/.../.docker/machine/machines/docker" \

Access host docker-machine from within container

I have an image that I'm using to run my CI/CD builds (using GitLab CE). I'd like to deploy my app doing something like this from within the container:
eval "$(docker-machine env manager)"
sudo docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-stack.yml web
However, I'd like the docker-machine to access machines defined on the host system since the container will be destroyed and I don't want to include access details in the image.
I've tried a few things
Accessing the Remote Host via docker-machine
Create the docker-machine on the host and mount the MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH so that it is available to the container
Connect to the remote docker-machine manually from within the container and setting the MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH equal to a mounted volume
Mounting the docker socket
In both cases, I can see the machine storage is persisted, but whenever I create a new container and run docker-machine ls none of the machines are listed.
Accessing the Remote Host via DOCKER_HOST
Forward the remote machine docker port to the host docker port docker-machine ssh manager-1 -N -L 2376:localhost:2376
export DOCKER_HOST=:2376
Tell docker to use the same certs that are used by docker-machine: export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 and export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/me/.docker/machine/machines/manager-‌​1
Test with docker info
This gives me error during connect: Get https://localhost:2376/v1.26/info: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Any ideas on how I can perform a remote deployment from within a container?
Here is a diagram to try and help better communicate the scenario.
Don't use docker-machine for this.
Docker-machine stores files in $HOME/.docker/machine, so when you restart with a fresh copy of this folder, all previously defined machines will be removed. You could store this folder as a volume, but there's a much easier way for your purposes.
The solution is to mount the docker socket, and either as root or from a user with the same gid as the docker socket (note that group names themselves inside and outside the container may not match, so gid is important), run your docker ... commands as normal. You can skip the docker-machine eval completely since you are running the commands against the local docker socket.
If you need to run commands remotely, I find it easier to define the DOCKER_HOST and DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY variables manually rather than using docker-machine.
In case you want to communicate from your CI container to the Docker host you can simply mount the Docker socket when starting the CI container:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock <gitlab-image>
Now you can run docker commands on the host from within the CI container.
