ios9 custom action on nav back button - uinavigationbar

From my understanding in order to follow apples standard nav design there cannot be custom actions performed when the back button is pressed since the back button is no longer configured by the programer. However there are several cases where i would like to invoke some actions when the back button is pressed. For example send out network requests & setup some globals. What is a reliable means of executing code only when the back button is pressed?


Custom back button is tons slower than native back button

Why is there a pregnant pause between custom back button touch up
and an action delivered?
back button was setup using abbood recipe here
How can I have a UIBarButtonItem with both image and text?
but it's not specific to this method of back button setup.
I remember it was always slow.
The problem is probably that when you put a custom button inside a UIBarButtonItem you have a button within a button. So the runtime has to figure out what exactly the tap belongs to and what kind of tap it is.

iOS, leftButtonItem 'are you sure?' approach to confirming exit from screen approach?

I'm trying to figure out the standard approach or the best approach.
I don't want my users (children) to accidentally tap the back button and lose what they have entered into a view.
1) In a very old implementation, there's a leftBarButtonItem with an action which shows an alert asking are you sure. But I can't do this without losing the arrow provided by the back button and I don't want to add my own < image.
I've looked into the back button solution of a variable where you keep track of other routes out of the view, then do something in viewDidDisappear, but I won't be able to show an alert and cancel here.
2) I could have my own buttons and not have a navigation bar at all, but the buttons aren't going to look normal.
What;s the standard approach to solve this?
It is not recommended to change the action of the back button. This does include presenting alerts and other UI elements that delay or cancel the back action.
What you can do, is present the controller modally and instead of a back button use a different glyph, such as a cross. Then present an alert when the user taps the button (eg snapchat on creating a snapsterpieces)

How to handle menu calls

I have been working on an app for a while and I designed a menu that when you press the 'menu' button in the navigation controller, it brings up the menu over top of whatever view you are currently on. When you press outside the menu it makes the menu dismiss itself and returns to just the view you were on previously. My problem is that when you press on the cells in the menu, I want it to dismiss the menu and then have the navigation controller on the super view pop to the new view (depending on which cell was pressed). Now I don't know if that is a really bad design or not. If this is possible I would love some feedback on where to get some more information on how to put that into action.
Here is an image of the menu in action running in the app:
If this design for the menu is super complicated or not practical, a push in the right direction on how to implement one would be great. Have tried finding some resources but they are mostly pre-built menu's that you implement and I am not looking to use something like that. That is why I built my own!

iOS navigation views with both "back" and "save" buttons?

I am new to iOS programming and need some help on creating navigation. I have a top-level view, shown on the left. When the user presses the "Create New" button, the app should bring up the "One Journal Entry" view, shown on the right.
I currently have implemented the two views with navigation using a Navigation Controller. The problem I'm finding is that there are now two ways to navigate back: (1) Using the back button in the upper-left and (2) using the "Save" button, which saves to file. I think the back button should go back without saving, or perhaps that should be a "Cancel" button instead, in which case I should not use a Navigation Controller.
What is the standard UI approach for this type of problem?
I think you shouldn't change your views' architecture, it is pretty standard and handy with going back to previous view controller by upper-left button and going back also by save button, which IBAction can look like
-(IBAction)doSaveStuff:(UIButton *)sender
// saving stuff
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

Make an iOS "forward" button

This is kind of a tough thing to search for because of how general the words are. I would like to make a "forward" button for my app, much like the standard iOS navigation "back" button, but obviously pointing the other direction.
So my question is simple: Is there a standard way of adopting the "back" button style, and simply flipping it to make it point to the right? Or do I have to make a custom button background?
Here is a quick 'shopped screenshot of what I would like.
The back button has a set functionality, it pops the current view controller in the navigation controller and returns to the previous one. A forward button does not have a clear semantic as you can push any view controller onto your navigation controller, which is why UIKit doesn't offer it. You'll probably have to emulate it (copying and flipping the graphics), then systematically push a given view controller when the user presses it.
