Text Classification: Multilable Text Classification vs Multiclass Text Classification - machine-learning

I have a question about the approach to deal with a multilabel classification problem.
Based on literature review, I found one most commonly-used approach is Problem Transformation Approach. It transformed the multilabel problem to a number of single label problems, and the classification result is just the simple union of each single label classifier, using the binary relevant approach.
Since a single label problem can be catergorized as either binary classification (if there are two labels) or multiclass classification problem (if there are multiple labels i.e., labels>2), the current transformation approach seems all transform the multilabel problem to a number of binary problems. But this would be cause the data imbalance issue, because of the negative class may have much more documents than the positive class.
So my question, why not transform to a number of multiclass problems, and then apply the direct multiclass classification algorithms to avoid the data imbalance problem. In this case, for one testing document, each trained single label multiclass classifier would predict whether to assign the label, and the union of all such single label multiclass classifier prediction results would be the final set of labels for that testing documents.
In summary, compared to transform a multilabel classification problem to a number of binary classification problems, transform a multilabel classification problem to a number of multiclass classification problems could avoid the data imbalance problem. Other than this, everything stays the same for the above two methods: you need to construct |L|(|L| means the total number of different labels in the classification problem) single label (either binary or multiclass) classifier, you need to prepare |L| sets of training data and testing data, you need to test each single label classifier on the testing document and the union of prediction results of each single label classifier is the final label set for the testing document.
Hope anyone could help clarify my confusion, thanks very much!

what you describe is a known transformation strategy to multi-class problems called Label Power Set Transformation Strategy.
Drawbacks of this method:
The LP transformation may lead to up to 2^|L| transformed
Class imbalance problem.
Refer to:
Cherman, Everton Alvares, Maria Carolina Monard, and Jean Metz. "Multi-label problem transformation methods: a case study." CLEI Electronic Journal 14.1 (2011): 4-4.


Is it possible to have a class feature with several values?

I have a dataset in which the class has several values. For example, a dataset of face recognition where the class could be a tuple (man, old, Chinese).
Is it possible to have such data, if yes what ML classifier should I use?
I beleive this questions must be moved to another paltform like the https://datascience.stackexchange.com/
What you ask for is called Mutli-label Classification
In multiple label classification tasks, the model is trained to provide the probabilities or likelihood of more than one label for a given sample.
You can wether use the Multi-lable classification, or you can use multiple binary classifiers for the prediction of each feature. Like one binary classification for predicting Man or Woman, the other for Old or Young and etc. But you must be cautious that yoru labels be semantically mutual exclusive. I mean if you have labels like "sky" and "outdoor", the binary classification might be noisy if your labels are not carefully made. i.e if for a sample you have "sky" label, but no "outdoor" label, that will cause some noises during your training

Text Classification Technique for this scenario

I am completely new to Machine Learning algorithms and I have a quick question with respect to Classification of a dataset.
Currently there is a training data that consists of two columns Message and Identifier.
Message - Typical message extracted from Log containing timestamp and some text
Identifier - Should classify the category based on the message content.
The training data was prepared by extracting a particular category from the tool and labelling it accordingly.
Now the test data contains just the message and I am trying to obtain the Category accordingly.
Which approach is most helpful in this scenario ? Is it the Supervised or Unsupervised Learning ?
I have a trained dataset and I am trying to predict the Category for the Test Data.
Thanks in advance,
If your labels are exact then you can classify using ANN, SVM etc. But labels are not exact you have to cluster data with respect to the features you have in data. K-means or nearest neighbour can be the starting point for clustering.
It is supervised learning, and a classification problem.
However, obviously you do not have the label column (the to-be-predicted value) for your testset. Thus, you cannot calculate error measures (such as False Positive Rate, Accuracy etc) for that test set.
You could, however, split the set of labeled training data that you do have into a smaller training set and a validation set. Split it 70%/30%, perhaps. Then build a prediction model from your smaller 70% training dataset. Then tune it on your 30% validation set. When accuracy is good enough, then apply it on your testset to obtain/predict the missing values.
Which techniques / algorithms to use is a different question. You do not give enough information to answer that. And even if you did you still need to tune the model yourself.
You have labels to predict, and training data.
So by definition it is a supervised problem.
Try any classifier for text, such as NB, kNN, SVM, ANN, RF, ...
It's hard to predict which will work best on your data. You willhave to try and evaluate several.

Input matches no features in training set; how much more training data do I need?

I am new to Text Mining. I am working on Spam filter. I did text cleaning, removed stop words. n-grams are my features. So I build a frequency matrix and build model using Naive Bayes. I have very limited set of training data, so I am facing the following problem.
When a sentence comes to me for classification and if none of its features match with the existing features in training then my frequency vector has only zeros.
When I send this vector for classification, I obviously get a useless result.
What can be ideal size of training data to expect better results?
Generally, the more data you have, the better. You will get diminishing returns at some point. It is often a good idea to see if your training set size is a problem by plotting the cross validation performance while varying the size of the training set. In scikit-learn has an example of this type of "learning curve."
Scikit-learn Learning Curve Example
You may consider bringing in outside sample posts to increase the size of your training set.
As you grow your training set, you may want to try reducing the bias of your classifier. This could be done by adding n-gram features, or switching to a logistic regression or SVM model.
When a sentence comes to me for classification and if none of its features match with the existing features in training then my frequency vector has only zeros.
You should normalize your input so that it forms some kind of rough distribution around 0. A common method is to do this tranformation:
input_signal = (feature - feature_mean) / feature_stddev
Then all zeroes would only happen if all features were exactly at the mean.

How to do text classification with label probabilities?

I'm trying to solve a text classification problem for academic purpose. I need to classify the tweets into labels like "cloud" ,"cold", "dry", "hot", "humid", "hurricane", "ice", "rain", "snow", "storms", "wind" and "other". Each tweet in training data has probabilities against all the label. Say the message "Can already tell it's going to be a tough scoring day. It's as windy right now as it was yesterday afternoon." has 21% chance for being hot and 79% chance for wind. I have worked on the classification problems which predicts whether its wind or hot or others. But in this problem, each training data has probabilities against all the labels. I have previously used mahout naive bayes classifier which take a specific label for a given text to build model. How to convert these input probabilities for various labels as input to any classifier?
In a probabilistic setting, these probabilities reflect uncertainty about the class label of your training instance. This affects parameter learning in your classifier.
There's a natural way to incorporate this: in Naive Bayes, for instance, when estimating parameters in your models, instead of each word getting a count of one for the class to which the document belongs, it gets a count of probability. Thus documents with high probability of belonging to a class contribute more to that class's parameters. The situation is exactly equivalent to when learning a mixture of multinomials model using EM, where the probabilities you have are identical to the membership/indicator variables for your instances.
Alternatively, if your classifier were a neural net with softmax output, instead of the target output being a vector with a single [1] and lots of zeros, the target output becomes the probability vector you're supplied with.
I don't, unfortunately, know of any standard implementations that would allow you to incorporate these ideas.
If you want an off the shelf solution, you could use a learner the supports multiclass classification and instance weights. Let's say you have k classes with probabilities p_1, ..., p_k. For each input instance, create k new training instances with identical features, and with label 1, ..., k, and assign weights p_1, ..., p_k respectively.
Vowpal Wabbit is one such learner that supports multiclass classification with instance weights.

What's the meaning of logistic regression dataset labels?

I've learned the Logistic Regression for some days, and i think the logistic regression's dataset's labels needs to be 1 or 0, is it right ?
But when i lookup the libSVM library's regression dataset, i see the label values are continues number(e.g. 1.0086,1.0089 ...), did i miss something ?
Note that the libSVM library could be used for regression problem.
Thanks so much !
Contrary to its name, logistic regression is a classification algorithm and it outputs class probability conditioned on the data point. Therefore the training set labels need to be either 0 or 1. For the dataset you mentioned, logistic regression is not a suitable algorithm.
SVM is a classification algorithm and it uses the input labels -1 or 1. It is not a probabilistic algorithm and it doesn't output class probabilities. It also can be adapted to regression.
Are you using a 3rd party library or programming this yourself? Generally the labels are used as ground truth so you can see how effective your approach was.
For example if your algo is trying to predict what a particular instance is it might output -1, the ground truth label will be +1 which means you did not successfully classify that particular instance.
Note that "regression" is a general term. To say someone will perform regression analysis doesn't necessarily tell you what algorithm they will be using, nor all of the nature of the data sets. All it really tells you is that you have a set of samples with features which you want to use to predict a single outcome value (a model for conditional probability).
One major difference between logistic regression and linear regression is that the former is usually trained on categorical, binary-labeled sample sets; while the latter is trained on real-labeled (ℝ) sample sets.
Any time your labels are real valued, it means you're probably going to use linear regression or similar, or else convert those real valued labels to categorical labels (e.g. via thresholds or bins) if you want to in fact use logistic regression. There is potentially a big difference in the quality and interpretation of your results though, if you try to convert from one such problem setup to another.
See also Regression Analysis.
