iOS thumbnail issue with saved video to camera roll - ios

We have an issue where video generated by our application and saved to camera roll (from user action) will show as black thumbnail on the iOS Photo Gallery instead of a thumbnail of a frame. Once you select the video it will play without any issues on the iOS device or any other device (export to your mac or pc...).
The issue does not occur on the iPhone simulator, only on iOS devices..
We generate the video using AVFoundation (very similiar to this How do I export UIImage array as a movie?)
We then combine the video with an mp3 file using AVMutableVideoComposition. If I extract all frame of video, first frame is not black.
The thumbnail in the Photo Gallery will show as a black square, no time span (on iOS4) shown on the thumbnail. We save the video to camera roll using UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum ...
We have changed the video compression type and settings multiple times with no luck. The output is a H264 QuickTimeMovie.
Any ideas ?
Thank you.


AVAssetExportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler: Source frame unsupported format

I am using AVAssetExportSession to export a video selected from library. It works great for all videos of all types except landscape-recorded screen recordings (using the screen recording feature in iOS 11). Weird enough, it works perfectly for other landscape videos, and it also works perfectly for portrait videos of the same screen recording feature. But I've tried two videos that are landscape screen recordings, and they both failed with the error Source frame unsupported format.
How can I fix this problem?
UPDATE: Videos play just fine both in Photos and in my app before exporting.
The video size may not be standard like 1920 X 1080 , The screen recording produce non standard video resolutions in some devices.
You need to write the videos in standard resolution while recording

Plupload with iOS only works for new photos, not for camera roll

I am using plupload 1.5.8 in order to upload image files which works great except for iOS.
On iOS 9.2.x it is not possible to upload from the camera roll, but only from the camera with a fresh picture. I do get the message that the file format is not supported.
Files taken directly with the camera can be uploaded
Screenshots can be uploaded as well from the camera roll, but not images taken with the camera.
The same image that can not be uploaded from the camera roll, can be uploaded from Google Drive
What could be the cause of this?
Finaly fixed: the media type filter contained the "jpeg" format, but the white space between the comma and the format might have caused this problem.

Difference in quality when video is uploaded directly from camera and when it is selected from gallery

I am currently developing an iPhone app, where I need to upload a video with a multipart post request.
I am using AfNetworking and UIImagePickerController.
I set the quality of the UIImagePickerController to high.
When I try to upload a video that has just been recorded in the app, the quality is significantly lower, than when I choose a previously recorded video from the gallery.
Does anybody have experience like this one ?

How to record the video with overlay images using Avfoundation framework

Using AVFoundation I need to capture or record the video where not only camera output but also overlay images and text also should be recorded. I have seen lots of example to add the image to camera preview but what i want is not only overlay image or text preview but actual recording of the overlay in the final video output.

Compress video like iOS's camera roll

I am recording a video and then uploading it.
I compressed the video using this solution (medium quality) but it doesn't:
keep the original dimensions of the video
have as good a compression ratio as camera roll's.
I need similar compression (size and dimensions) like camera roll.
If it's not possible, do we have a workaround, say, automatically select the file from the iOS video picker (for upload)?
You can use AVAssetWriter and set custom compression settings. You can even compress the video while you're recording so you don't have to re-process the video before upload. Search around, there's tons of examples.
